the ers in ders Flashcards
Non-enveloped, icosahedral, single stranded, (+ve) sense RNA
Group 4 replication
Hepatitis A
-a very stable virus(beats acid, detergent, saltwater) but can be killed by bleach
faecal oral
(transmitted easily bc there is sheding before sx. very high transmission in children)
-group 4s have RNA d RNA p
Complications are rare and include fulminant hepatitis
hepatitis A
99% recover
hepatits B 90% recovery
also hepatitis D (or acute liver failure)
hep A vaccine
when is first does
what type of vaccine
12 months
killed/ inactivated
recommended for children +1yr, travelers, gays. can give before or after exposure
Non-enveloped, icosahedral, single- stranded, (+ve) sense RNA
Hepatitis E
group 4 needs RNA p RNA d
➢ Higher mortality rate in pregnant
➢ No chronic infections and no____
HEV compared to HAV
-no lab tests, treatment, vaccine, Ig marker
Enveloped, icosahedral, single- stranded, (+ve) sense RNA
Family Flaviviridae
group 4 needs RNA d RNA p
human blood is resovior
spread by piercings, tattoos, unprotected sex. Mother to baby transmission
common in HIV pts
diagnosis for HCV
Detection of anti-HCV antibodies using ELISA
Recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA) also used for detection of
anti-HCV antibodies
RT-PCR used to detect viral genome in blood and liver tissue
Chronic infection is characterized by elevated liver enzymes and
detection of anti-HCV Abs and HCV RNA for at least 6 months
No vaccine
Enveloped, circular, partially dsDNA
Hepatitis B Virus
group 7: RNA d DNA p
-stable at low ph and in freezing temps
hepadna family
hbv vaccine
when is first dose
what kind of vaccine
at birth take first dose
subunit vaccine or immune globulin
Single stranded, (-ve) sense RNA, rod- shaped due to extensive base pairing
structure composition?
defective virus and needs HBV
-HDV envelope contains HBsAg derived from HBV
HDV capsid protein comprises of small (S-HDAg) and large (L-HDAg) delta antigens (HDAgs)
liver fluke or sheep liver fluke
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica - trematode parasite that is found in the liver and biliary tract of a human
from water or food
and has an intermediate host the fresh water fish with definitive host sheep, cattle, goat(herbovoirs)
fasciola life cycel
and phases of infection
immature eggs shed
eggs >miracidia
miracidia invades snails
snails made and released in cercaia. encysts on aquatic vegetation as metacercaia
-mamals injest the metacercaia**
-metacercaia become adult flukes in the mammal
acute phase: takes 2 -4 months for migration of larvae to liver with generalized flu sx
latent phase is asymptomatic while the parasite matures
chronic phase: biliary colic, no fatty foods, obstructive jaundice, pruitis
Chinese (Oriental) Liver fluke
Clonorchis sinensis (Opisthorchis sinensis)
Foodborne zoonosis associated with consumption of raw, pickled, smoked fish
first intermediate host is fresh water snail and second host is fresh water fish
Clonorchis sinensis life cycle
most common cause of hyperpituitaryism
benign adenoma arising in the antior lobe of pituitary
-most commonly a prolactinoma
what causes hyperprolactinemia
stress, antipsychotics, oral contrceptives, antidopamine
tumor, prolactinoma
-dopamine counters prolactin
how to diagnose acromegaly
measure Gh and IGF-1
-IGF-1 is more stable and more important for diagnosis
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test with GH measuremnt(should be no GH with glucose in the body to allow insulin to work, if there is GH detected then acromegaly)
diabetes inspidedus is almost always of _________ origin
hypothalamic origin
-posterior pituitary dysfunction
Postpartum necrosis of the anterior pituitary
sheehan syndrome- hypopituitarism
-during pregnancy the antior pituitary doubles in size but may not have an inc in blood supply…hypoxia
stimulation and supression test
for. hypopituitarism
-give insulin to make the body in a stressful hypoglycemia state. also gives TRH and GnRH…ant pituitary should stip out prolactin, cortosol, and GH
pattern of likelyhood for pititaryh hornome deficiencies
GH(children only) > LH/FSH > TSH > ACTH
most common cause of hyperthyroidism
graves disease - diffuse hyperplasia
AI dz with HLA association
second most common cause is toxic multinodular goiter
types of thyroiditis
causes hyperthyroidism
- DeQuervian-Subacute thyroiditis(thyroid painful, tenderness, fever)
- postpartum bc of natural immunosupression during pregnancy
- hashitoxicosis: hyperthryoid bc of hashimotio thyroiditis
Characterized by high TSH levels and normal FT4/FT3 levels in an asymptomatic individual
subclinical hypothyroidism
-Can convert to hypothyroidism, especially if anti-thyroid antibodies present
antibodies are present in high titres in Hashimoto’s disease vs graves dz
Antimicrosomal (antithyroid peroxidase), and antithyroglobulin antibodies
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) occur in Grave’s disease (is against TSH-R)
pretibial myxedema
graves disease
infiltrative dermopathy
Characterized by HLA-associated antibody-mediated immune destruction of
thyroid cells
hashimoto disease
-most common hypothyroid dz
congenital hypothyroidism
-causes multi system impared development
Psammoma bodies
dystrophic calcifications ( concentric
laminated) found in pappillary carcinoma of the thyroid
Nuclei have longitudinal grooves, intranuclear inclusions and appear optically clear due to finely dispersed chromatin
orphan annie nuclei seen in pappillary carcinoma of the thyroid
pappillary carcinoma mutations
Pathogenesis is related to several gene mutations like BRAF, and
rearrangements of RET proto-oncogene
Major risk factor predisposing to papillary carcinoma
exposure to radiation
More frequent in areas with dietary iodine deficiency
follicular carcinoma of thyroid
-follicules are well differentiated
common sites of metastisis for follicular carcinoma of thyroid
bones and lungs
follicular carcinoma of thyroid mutations
RAS and PIK3CA proto-oncogenes
Originate from the parafollicular cells (C-cells) of the thyroid and produce_________
medullary carcinoma of thyroid
-calcitonin which can be desposited as ACal amyloid
mutations for medullary carcinoma of thyroid
RET mutation
can be associated with MEN 1/2
Composed of chromaffin cells, which synthesize
adrenal medulla
synthesize and secrete catecholamines
primary vs secondary hyperaldosterism
primary is conns syndrome(idiopathic of neiplastic)
secondary is inc activity in RAAS system bc of alcohol cirrhosis or hypertensive renal problem
both causing sodium retention
hyperaldosterism clinical features
hypokalemia, metabolic alkolosis, hypertension
tests for hyperaldosterism
- Increased Aldosterone : Renin Ratio (inc ARR) (Screening test)
confirmatory test: oral sodium loading test
-Fludrocortisone suppression test (FST): Cause low urinary and plasma aldosterone levels in normal people
Primary acute adrenal crisis/insufficiency due to hemorrhagic necrosis due to______
leading to___
Waterhouse Friderichsen Syndrome
Due to overwhelming bacterial infection, classically Neisseria meningitidis septicemia which causes acute loss of adrenal cortical cells
leads to DIC and eventually hypotensive shock
Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency resulting from progressive destruction of the adrenal cortex(cortical cells)
addisons disease
-all secretions will be decreased
can be AI or can be from Tb infection
most common causes of addisons disease
infections from tuberculosis, AIDS, meningitis
from lung and breat metastisis
elevated levels of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)
causes hyperpigmentation in addisons disease
(which is derived from the anterior pituitary and is a precursor of both ACTH and melanocyte stimulating hormone)
Cosyntropin test
screening test for addisons
-invovles administration of ACTH and watching is any adrenal hormones get released
etiology of SIADH
small cell carcinoma of lung/paraneoplastic tumor that is releasing ADH, or local injury to hypothalamus or pituitary
Thyroid parenchyma contains a dense lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers. Residual thyroid follicles lined by deeply eosinophilic metaplastic
follicular cells called Hürthle cells
Neoplasms composed of chromaffin cells
Li Fraumeni syndrome
adrenal cortex carcinoma
?when the tumor metastasize to the veins
pheochromocytoma inherited mutation risks
MEN 2a and 2b,
Neurofibroma type 1,
Von Hipple Lindae
nests of cells in a pheochromocytoma in the chromaffin cells
Tumors of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla that are derived from primordial neural crest cells populating these sites
medullary adrenal tumors
Homer-Wright pseudorosettes
-cells will be dense, not active, not productive
complications of DM
end stage renal disease
ischemic heart disease
adult blindness
causes of secondary DM
Infection: CVM, Mumps, Coxasaxie B, rubella
drugs and toxins
pancreatic disease
hormonal antagonist secretion(cortisol, GH, catecholamines)
genetic: downs and turner
gestational DM
role of obesity in DM insulin resistance
induced by adipokines, free fatty acids, and chronic inflammation in adipose tissue
Pancreatic β cells compensate for insulin resistance by hypersecretion of insulin…until compensation mechanism fails
management of diabetic keto acidosis
-saline solution for rehydration,
-insulin IV
-potassium supplements
-bicarbonate sometimes
due to severe dehydration resulting from sustained osmotic diuresis
Hyperosmolar Hyperosmotic Syndrome
-you got diabetes and you dont drink water…in DN2 there is relative insulin insufficiency which will prevent ketoacidosis but will not prevent hyperglycemia and then the dehydration
parathyroid adenoma mutation
MEN1 mutation and Cyclin D1 gene rearrangement
Decreased responsiveness of target organs because of problems with PTH receptors
* Sex-linked; males affected twice as often as females
* Skeletal features : short stature, short metacarpals and short metatarsals
* Other features: cataracts, mental retardation and testicular atrophy
PTH in the blood but defective
protozoal agents that cause bloody diahrea
misc protozoal GI
Enteamobea histolytic
Balantidium coli
Misc: Giardia, Intestinal: Cystoispora belli, Cyclospora (immunocompromised will get chronic diahrea)
Motile protozoa
* Mature Cysts contain four nuclei, Trophozoites are motile
via pseudopodia
Entamoeba histolytica
irregular shaped trophozoites with 1 nucleus and may contain ingested RBCs, and/or spherical cysts with 1, 2 or 4 nuclei.
Entamoeba histolytica
anchovy sauce
Entamoeba histolytica
the reddish brown aspirate from a amebic extra intestinal disease
A flask shaped ulcer
in intestinal epithelium
Entameba histolytica
Ciliate protozoan (50-200 μm)
* Cyst and trophozoite stage
-primary resovior:
Balantidium coli
Balantidium coli complication
fuliment colitis which can lead to colonic ulcers or intestinal perforation
Flagellate protozoan
* Trophozoites have an unmistakable pear-shaped appearance with 2 nuclei and 4 pairs of flagell
Mature cysts are spherical with 4 nuclei and resistant to ________ and resovior_____
Giardia intestinalis
resistant to: chlorine and stomach acid
resovior: beavers, cats, dogs
After an incubation period of 1-2 weeks, (after ingestion of as few as 10 cysts) symptom onset may be gradual or dramatic, with diarrhea, foul smelling, greasy stools, bloating, nausea, and flatulence. Lactose intolerance, protein and fat malabsorption (steatorrhea) may result.
G. intestinalis
infection and diagnostic as a cyst
Fecal microscopy with Direct Fluorescence antibody (DFA) test kites
G. intestinalis
Non-motile coccidian parasite
(22-33 μm)
* Displays both sexual and asexual replication
-different infective and diagnostic stages?
clinical present?
Cystoisospora belli
I: mature oocyte
D: Immature Oocyte
presents: watery diahrea with ab cramps
Fecal O&P examination (wet mounts) for oocysts
Modified Ziehl-Neelsen (Acid-Fast) staining
Autofluorescence with UV fluorescence microscope
Cystoisospora belli and Cyclospora cayetanensis
diagnostic tests
Non-motile coccidian parasite
(8-10 μm)
* Displays both sexual and asexual reproduction
* Oocysts requires sporulation before becoming
clinical present?
Cyclospora cayetanensis
watery diahrea
helminths that primarily cause GI distress
vs helminths that are migratory and have GI distress
just GI: Enterbius vermis, trichurus trichuria, diphyllobothrium, hymenolpis nana
migratory too: Ascarias limbricodiosis, Acyclostoma duodenale/ neccator americanus, strongylodosis
Nematode, 6-13 mm
* Transparent, oval, planoconvex eggs
Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm) causes itchy butt
Cello-tape/Scotch tape for EGGS (diagnostic stage)
Nematode, 30-45 mm
* produces barrel-shaped, bi-
operculate or bi-polar eggs
Trichuris trichiura (Whipworm)
bi polar eggs are diagnostic