infectiont5 Flashcards
multi system infection, NS infections
akiThe primary target cells of the Flaviviruses are, where do they replicate
what happens after target is reached
monocyte-macrophages inc dendritic cells, esp suffer cells. will replicate in lymphnodes first and then infect macrophages to send virus into system/organs
induce INFa and cytokine production= prodromal sx
neutralizing vs non neutralizing antibodies
NON-NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES PROMOTE INFECTION.-Fc receptors on cell attach Flavivirdae and will enhance the infection(encourage macrophage uptake and induce more cytokine release and will recruit T lymphocytes
NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES CAN BLOCK DISEASE. -these will tag a micro for immune destruction
yellow fever endemic countries
vector and resovior
South America, Africa
vector is mosquito but the resovior is non human promates
what gets the most damage in yellow fever
hepatocellular apapotosis and necrotic cells make the councilman bodies
mucosa surfaces have massive hemmorages
jaundice hurts kidney-all scene in severe form
other notable sx: conjunctival injection, bradycardia
dengue endemic countries
asia, africa, South America, US
same for zika
positive torniquette test
rash on palms and soles
Zika, Ricketsia(both also have conjunctivitis)
The virus replicates in the fibroblasts of the dermis and disseminates through the bloodstream to several tissues.
saddleback fever
along with severe distal joint pain
obligate intracellular
ricketsia, chlamydia
protozoa: leishmania, brucella
(both for the reticuloendothelial system[MAC], toxoplasma
obligate, intracellular bacteria
Small, Gram –ve rod, non-motile, pleomorphic coccobacilli
Gems stain
ricketsia, borellia
target cells of ricketsia…who has similar target
what happens after the target is reached
Infect vascular endothelium (systemic and pulmonary circulation)…similar target is lepto
inc vascular permeability, T cell mediated immunity, INFg, TNFa, cytokines= edema, hypovolemia, vasculitis, digital necrosis
indirect FA (IFA) and enzyme immunoassays (EIA) used for
ricketskia testing and borellial
should follow with confirmatory western blot assay
borellia, lepto, trep palledum(syphillus)
adheres to integrins, proteoglycans, glycoproteins on host cells or tissue matrices
disseminated borellia
at first will multiply locally at bite sight and induce inflammation locally
protozoan from snad fly
endemic visceral leishmania
india, africa
promastigote injected into skin, pages by macrophages, transform to amastigote which will go infect other cells(which cells?). Vector takes in amastigote and will change back to promastigotes
likes to go for the reticuloendothelial system, sleen, liver, and bone marrow
parasitophorous vacuoles
helps leishmania survive intracellularly( blocks phase lysosomal formation in macrophages)
Leishmanolysin fuction
Facilitates complement and NATURAL KILLER CELL inactivation
Prevents antigen cross-presentation to T cells
G –ve, short rods “Coccobacilli”
* Aerobic, facultative, non-spore forming and catalase +ve
* Nutritionally fastidious: will not grow on blood or other common media; requires supplemental compounds (Fe2+, cysteine)
Francisella tularensis
tularemia sx
if via injection there will be an ulcer on the skin.
if via inhalation will present like pneumonia(like tb pneumonia- dry could, pleuritic chest pain)
if ingested-exudative tonsillitis, bloody diarrhea. of typhoidal fever sx
if inoculated into eyes -purulent conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, lymphadenopathy
intermittent fever, abdonimal enlargement, pancytopenia
if cutaneous form will present with huge lesion
intermittent fever also seen with brucella
development of depigmented, granulomatous eruptions on the skin (primarily on the face, arms and upper trunk)
post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
happens after successful tx
trypomastigotes enter (how), invades macrophages, fibroblasts, and muscle tissue, transforms to amastigots, once the cell is full will turn back to trypomastigo before the cell bursts
trypomastigotes enter when bug bites face and shits on you(actually comes from the shit)
s American
Shed in rodent’s urine and inject through
infect through skin abrasion or conjunctiva
chronic phase of chugs sx
cardiac sx bc of conduction abnormalities, can have sudden death
digestive sx: constipation, megacolon
esp happens if the
trypanosomes multiply in subcutaneous tissues, blood and lymph.
then what
african sleeping
parasite can cross the BB and that when will effect sleep
tularemia target cell and forms of inoculation
who has similar pattern of inoculation
inhalation, ingestion, or injection
will go for macrophaes to multiply then breaks out and goes to organs(spleen, liver BM) and can produce granulomas…this is similarly seen in brucella
resoviors in 2 different African sleepies
(East)T. b. rhodesiense → 1° reservoir: animals
(West)T. b. gambiense → 1° reservoir: humans,
lepto sx
-retroorbital pain
-Conjunctival suffusion (redness without exudate)
-intense muscle pain esp of back nd calves(NOT JOINT pain)
leads to weils dz(hemmorage, jaundice, acute kidney injury_
darkfield microscopy on urine and blood specimens to microscopic agglutination test (MAT)
possible injections from unpasteurized milk vs contaminated milk
unpasteurized: brucella and listeria
contaminated: echinococcus
- Small (0.5 x 0.6-1.5um)
- Nonmotile
- Non-encapsulated
- Gram-negative coccobacilli - Aerobic
-facaultative intracellular - Requires complex growth media: Cx
Bacterium can form smooth or rough colonies →
determined by the O antigen of the cell wall LPS…dont use same antibodies but O is used as virulence marker
brucella testing
A slow-growing, tumor-like, and space-
occupying structure enclosed by a
laminated germinative membrane.
headed cyst by echinococcus granulomatous
-tapeworm heads develop in the brood capsules in these membranes
a parasite than can induce anaphylaxis
echino granulomatous
definitive hosts of ecchino g. vs ecchino m
Echino g:dogs. intermediate hosts: intermediate hosts: sheep and herding animals. humans dead end after fecal oral injection
Echino m: foxes. intermediate hosts: small rodents
After ingestion, egg hatches insmall intestine & releases an oncosphere
2. Oncosphere penetrates intestinal wall,
migrates → circulatory system into various organs (liver & lungs)
3. Oncosphere develops into a cyst that enlarges producing protoscolices & daughter cysts that fill cyst interior
echino granulomatous
can make granulomas anywhere(liver, lungs, brain, heart)
cancer like growth in the liver
echino multiocularis
“rosette-like honeycomb” cyst
“CR2”/ “CD21” are The primary receptor
- goes for th B cells
replicates in epithelial cells of the oropharynx which causes and
bc in oropharynx will shed in saliva and cause exudative tonsils
will also inject the B cells which will cause mononucleosis, uncontrolled B cell proliferation(lymphoma) and T cell activation causing organomegaly and atypical lymphocytes (downey cells)]
can also somehow cause GBS
Heterophile AB
EBV diagnosis seen on mono spot test(positive)
if mono sx and negative heterophil AB on mono spot test = CMV
which pathogen causes rash after ampicillin Tx
Establishes latency in the bone marrow and monocytes.
Prevent expression of both MHC I and II. Blocks NK cell attach
Encodes an IL-10 analog that would inhibit TH1 protective
immune responses.
NK block also seen in leishmania
owl eye
Binding receptors are primarily ICAM-1 and CD55
Fetal alcohol synd vs nicotic exposure
alcohol: growth obstruction-microcephaly/short palpable tissue/maxillary hypoplasia,
nicotine: premature, placental abnormalities, spont abortion, low birth weight, sudden infant death syndrome
risk factor for trisomy 21 and what are features of baby
inc maternal age, disjunction happens in ovum
-flate face, epicentral folds, AV septal defect, duodenal/esophgeal atresia’s, leukemia, APP gene, umbilical hernia
turner syndrom sx
short and webbed neck, cubits valves, coarctation of aorta/ bicuspid aortic valve, horseshoe kidney, amenorrhea/streak ovaries
22q11 deletion
diagnose with FISH
Velocardiofacial (congenital heart disease, facial/palate abnormalities, developmental delay)
Di George-thymic hypoplasia- impaired T cell immunity, parathyroid hypoplasia - hypocalcemia
both have psychosis
malformation vs disruption vs deformities
dIsruption: formed normally then an outside factor deformed - amnIotIc band
malformation: never formed right for intrinsic/genetic reasons-trisomy, ASD
dEformity: never formed right for external reasons- uterus too small, twins(comprEssion issue)