ders path Flashcards
guaiac test
tests for occult blood in stool(turns blue)
-ulcerative colitits, chrons, colorectal cancer
how to get leukoplakia
HPV, friction(ill fitting dentures), pipe smoking tobacco
-same risk factors for oral SCC, and erythroplakia
Red velvety eroded area
* Poorly circumscribed
* Typically marked dysplasia,
and intense inflammation
with vascular dilation
hairy oral leukoplakia microscopic features
Hyperkeratosis and acanthosis seen microscopically
plummer vinson syndrom sx
iron def anemia, esophageal webs, glossitits
plumber vinson syndrom ->
-partial obstruction causes progressive dysphagia
Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi)
* Diabetic autonomic neuropathy
* Infiltrative disorders: malignancy, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis
what conditions are associated with esophageal varicies
decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
-significant cuase of death in cirrhosis
via vericeal hemmorage
what changes morphologically under go with GERD
Hyperemia(so much blood flow), basal zone hyperplasia, and elongation of lamina propria all happen reactively
-will also see eosinophils NOT neutrophils
risk factors that cause scc of esophagus
achlasia, hot beverages/spicy foods, HPV, diet deficient in fruit and veggies, alochol and tobacco, plumber vinson
esophageal SCC metastisis
direct stread to mediastinal trachea and heart
lymphatic spread to Cervical, Mediastinal Paratracheal; Tracheobronchial; Gastric and celiac nodes
how to get congenital vs aquires pyloric stenosis
congential: trisomy 18, turner syndroms, esophageal atresia
aquired: peptic ulcer, chronic antral gastritis, malignency (inflammatoion and fibrosis cuases closing of opening)
acute erosive gastritis vs chronic non erosive gastritis
both non neoplastic, irritation to stomach from not enough protection to too much irritant
acute: NSAIDS, alcohol, iron, ulcers, AI
chronic: H pyloir, AI/pernicious anemia, systemic diseases
H Pylori associations
Diffuse antral gastritis(+- increase acid productin) and
Multifocal atrophic gastritis, both chronic gastritis(not neccesarily pernicious anemia).
Also Peptic Ulcers, Gastric carcinomas, and a MALToma/gastric lymphoma
-if inflammation is limited to antrium there will be inc gastrin. inc in parietal cells and inc acid
-if inflammation spreads to body, fundus will more likely be gastric carcinoma because will be gastric atrophy, dec parietal cells, dec acid
test to diagnose H Pylori
non invasive: urea breath, saliva or fecal PCR
invase: rapid urease test
AI gastritis complications
gastric carcinoma(gland destruction and atrophy, dec acid, dec intrinstic factor)
carcinoid tumor (causes endocrine hyperplasia)
what are risk factors that cause peptic ulcers
- Helicobacter pylori infection
- NSAIDs (potentiated by corticosteroids and inhibition of prostaglandins, besides that it is also a direct irritant!)
- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (PUD of stomach, duodenum, and jejunum bc of pancreatic tumor and too much gastric acid)
what are the differences between two types of gastric adenocarcinoma
intestinal: from chronic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia, H pylori, atrophy
diffuse:E-cadherin (CDH1) germline mutation. Signet ring cells, no gland formation, hard and plasticy = Linitis plastica
Krukenberg tumor
bilateral ovarian
spread of adenocarcinoma of stomach
Virchow node
active in adenocarcinoma of stomach
Blumer shelf
palpable mass on digital rectal exam suggesting stomach adenocardinoma metastasis to rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas)
Sister Mary Joseph nodule
subcutaneous periumbilical metastasis of stomach adenocarcinoma
Most common mesenchymal tumor of the abdomen
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), most commonly in the stomach
-arise from the interstitial cells of Cajal, or pacemaker cells, of the
gastrointestinal muscularis propria
-solitary, well-circumscribed, fleshy, submucosal mass composed of thin, elongated spindle cells or plumper epithelioid cells
-Ckit (tyrosine kinase) gain of function mutations
Congenital anomaly due to incomplete involution of vitelline duct
other features:
meckles diverticulum
-in the right lower quadrent
-rule of 2s
-true diverticulum
meckles diverticulum complications
hemmorage and peptic ulcer
intersusseption and internal blockage
diverticulitis and fistule
HLA DQ2 (majority) and HLA DQ8
also Anti gliadin antibodies
2. Antiendomysial antibodies(antibodies actually target tTG-2 enzyme
within endomysium).
3. Anti-tissue transglutaminase2 (tTG2)antibodies
Reduced villous : crypt ratio
* Villous blunting and crypt
* Crypt elongation
* Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in
lamina propria
* Increased intraepithelial
lymphocytes (CD8+)
celiac disease complications
t cell lymphoma, iga nephropathy, dermititis herpetiformis
Whipple Disease
Multi-visceral chronic disease involving the small intestine, joints, heart and CNS
> malabsorptive diarrhea due to impaired villous absorption and lymphatic drainage.
triad: diahreah, weight loss, and arthritis. extra intestinal sx continue years after malasbortive, also cardiac neurologic, adn pulmonary problmes
mucosa laden with distended macrophages in lamina propria- contain PAS positive granules; Partially digested bacilli. This infects the intestines absorptive ability
-mycobacterium can also present like this(both PAS posi) so use zeil nelson to differntiate
PAS positive a1AT def
what can cause intestinal obstructions
- Hernias
- Intestinal adhesions
- Intussusception(most common in young children- if they get rota there is a hypertrophy of peyer patches and then there is drag )
- Volvulus
or paryltyic mucosa like hirchspurg
acute appendicitis etiology
Stasis of luminal contents by a fecalith/fecal block→increase in intraluminal pressure→
impaired venous outflow plus bacterial proliferation → ischemia and inflammation.
Neutrophilic infiltration of the muscularis propria
acute appendicitos
complication include peritonitis, pyelephlebitis(infalmmed thrombosis of the portal vein), portal venous thrombosis, liver abscess, and bacteremia
acute appendicitis
tumors of the appendix
-carcinoid is most common and is begign
-begnin mucinous cystadenomas
-malignent mucin producing cystadenocarcinoma
both Characterized by mucinous epithelial proliferation, extracellular mucin (mucin can dissect through and cause rupture–> PSEUDOMYXOMA PERITONEI
from a ruptured appendix mucin neoplasm
-Tenacious, semisolid mucin fills the abdomen
- spreads to: Adenocarcinoma of ovary, colon, pancreas
Associated with RET mutation in most inherited cases
-causes failure of neuroblasts from the neural crest to migrate to the end of gastrointestinal tract causing a loss of smooth muscle relaxation(via NO) in the rectum and causes obstruction
Distal intestinal segment lacks both the Meissner submucosal plexus and the Auerbach myenteric plexus)Enteric Nervous System absent (no meissner or myenteric plexus of nerves)
seen in hirschpurng
complication of hirschpung dx
perforation and peritonitits
Acquired pseudo-diverticular (all layers not involved) flask-like outpouchings of the colonic mucosa and submucosa through the colonic wall
diverticular disease
-at the sight of the signoid colon
-form contispation
extraintestinal sx of IBD
more prevelant in UC
-migratory polyarthritis, alkylating spondylosis, erythma nodulosum, PSC, clubbing
intraintestinal = malabsorption more related to chrons
string sign
chrons strictures
backwash ileitis
aka toxic mega colon from ulcerative colitis
inflammatory infiltrates, crypt abscesses, crypt distortion, PSC
associatiations of both UC and Chrons
infective agents of infective enterocolytis
bacteria: *salmonella, *mycobacterium, shigella, ecoli, yersinia, campylobacter
viral: CMV
parasite: Entamoeba histolytica
infective form and tansmission of amebic colitis
cystic form
feacal oral transmission
mimics pancreatitis
Entamoeba histolytica, amebic colitis
moa of Entamoeba histolytica
- Attatch to colonic epithelium via adhesin
2 .Epithelial breakdown via protease*** - invade lamina propria into submucosa
- recuit neutrophils**
- lateral submucosal breakdown
- flash shaped ulcer
- bloody diahrea*
complication of Entamoeba histolytica
amebic liver abcess
erythrophagocytosis diagnostic for what
dignostic for active amebic enterocolitis
-Stool analysis shows presence of ingested red blood cells within
trophozoites which is pathognomonic
-Stool analysis can also show cysts with multiple nuclei, if seen alone it is
not specific for active disease (can be seen in carrier state)
what cuases typhoid fever
Salmonella enterica, and its two subtypes, typhi and paratyphi
-fecal oral, food, water
MOA of S. typhi
- Bacteria endocytized (brough in) by the endothelila cells and the Microfold M cells via T3SS to go into submucosa
- evade immune system via Capsular Vi antigen which inhibits phagocytosis and inflammation
- Engulfed in the submucosa by macrophages. can survive in macrophage and not phagocytize by T3SS.
- Macrophages take to other lymphoid tissue and causes enlargement of primary and secondary lymphnode tissues…Peyer patches enlarge into sharply delineated, longitudinal plateau-like elevations (may be longitdinal formation of ulcerations from inflammation above the peyer patch)
typhoid nodules (aggregates of macrophages) in liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly) as well as other tissue such as peyer patches and mesenteric lymph nodes
progression of typ[hoid fever> step ladder fever
-ulcer above the submucosa of peyer patch is oval shape in longitudinal orientation
typhoid fever diagnosis
culture from bone marrow!
Antibiotic-associated colitis/ diahreah
-predominently from clostridium diff
-also associated with PPI and immuno comprimose
Superficially damaged crypts distended by mucopurulent exudate which erupt in pseudomembranous colitis
mushroom cloud
sx for acute ischemic colitis vs chronic ischemic colitis
maybe from a thrombo embolysm
sudden onset pain, bloody diahreah, desire to deficate, coagulative necrosis of the musclar propia, exudate and fibrosis on serosa
-chronic from atherosclerosis or hypoperfusion(splenic flexture) cuases intestinal angina, strictures and can mimic inflammatory bowel disease
Mucosal epithelial hyperplasia projecting as a mass in the lumen in the left colon
Hyperplastic Polyps
-piling up of epithelium
non malignent polyps
Nodular protrusions of the mucosa with a serrated surface
Hyperplastic Polyps
-right side colon cancer (MSI,HPNCC, nonconventional)
Typically pedunculated, smooth-surfaced, reddish lesions
* Focal disorganization of the epithelium and lamina propria with cystically dilated
glands/ tubules filled with mucin and inflammatory infultrate in the lamina propria
juvinile polyp
-Large and pedunculated with a lobulated contour
-Arborizing (branch-like) network of smooth muscle in lamina propria.
-dark blue to brown macules on the lips, nostrils, buccal mucosa, palmar surfaces of the hands, genitalia, and perianal region
complications of peutz jegher
inc risk of malignencies(colonies, pancreatic, breast
convential vs non convential adenomas
- Conventional adenomas - tubular, villous, tubulovillous (
- Non-conventional - Sessile serrated adenomas. (right)
-Presence of epithelial dysplasia (risk of malignancy) with no invasion-tall, hyperchromatic crowded nuclei
clinical features of adenomas
asymtomatic, anemia from occult blood loss, intercusseption
villous adenoma can cause hypokalemia
APC tumor suppressor gene on chr. 5q
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
-needs two hits
-causes 1000+ polyps
Gardner Syndrome
FAP + osteomas of the mandible, skull, and long bones + epidermal cysts + desmoid and thyroid tumors + dental abnormalities
Turcot Syndrome
FAP + CNS tumors
mismatch repair mutation causes HNPCC
Mucinous and signet ring cell
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer
neoplasm that Usually arise at sites of chronic inflammation
MALT (b cell ) lymphoma
ex. peyers patch
from H pylori chronic gastritis
acute liver failure association
acetometaphen damage
heptitis virus infectin
autoimmune hepitits
Liver is small and shrunken due to loss of parenchyma → can lead to decline in
serum transaminases
acute liver failure
large zones of hepatocyte loss with areas flooded with RBCs
interspersed by occasional islands of surviving/ regenerating hepatocytes
acute liver failure
what causes cronic liver failure
hep b/c, NAFLD, AFLD, AI hepatitis
Condition marked by the diffuse transformation of the entire liver into regenerative
parenchymal nodules surrounded by fibrous bands with variable degrees of vascular shunting
cirrosis pathogenesis, what cells
Activation of Hepatic stellate cells (Ito) responsible for hepatic fibrosis
Pruritis due to persistent cholestasis
* Hyperestrogenemia due to impaired metabolism
➢ Palmar erythema, Spider Angioma
➢ Hypogonadism and Gynecomastia in males
* Hypogonadism in women can occur due to disruption of hypothalamic
pituitary axis function