The Pd unpredictable in detail before The Break Out is called Dog Fight.
Attkers will not only hold the Br H but attempt to enlarge it. En will make his every effort to seal off the penetration and eject it by employing his Reserve.
Estb of firm base in the Br H and the maint of constant pressure should keep the en of balance.
Enlargement of Br H
Main effort during Dog Fight will be aimed at widening and deepening the Br H made during The Break In Pd.
If the initial axis of attack proves unprofitable, the axis must be switched on a new axis. These attack will be aimed at captr imp tac grnd IOT open up an Axis Of Maint deep into the En’s Def Z and allow him no time to reorg and regp.
Dog Fight is the critical Pd in the attack and demands resolute and determined leadership at all levels.