Overall plan for the attack op will normally be made at corps or army level. This section only deals with planning for the Break in Period at Div Level
Sequence of Planning: [CC SP CI]
- Collection of Info
- Cdr’s recce and appreciation including the outline plan.
- Staff and advisors conference
- Preliminary orders
- Coordinating conference
- Issue of detailed orders
Cdr’s recce and appre including the outline plan
Based on all available info and personal recce, the Div Cdr will carry out his appre and evolve an outline plan in consultation with his sp arms cdrs. Div Cdr considers the following in his appreciation: [RASSATA CFT HF BE REAL]
1. Review of the sit [Air ROE]
2. Analysis of the task.
3. Selection of the br-H.
4. Selection of the Objs.
5. Assessment of tps to task.
6. Thrust lines.
7. Axis of attack.
8. Conc, Assy A, FUP and SL.
9. Flk protection.
10. Time of attack.
11. H-hr.
12. Fire plan.
13. Breaching of obstacless.
14. Electronic Warfare plan.
15. Reorg.
16. Expl.
17. Assistance to breakout force.
18. Lgs
Review of the Sit: [Air ROE]
- Air situation
- Review of Operational environment
- Own force
- En force [Nature of DLLS]
Review of own forces include: [SAS]
- State of trg & morale
- Avail of mech, armored, arty & combat engrs
- State of equipment
The fol pts should be incl in the evaluation of enemy forces: [Nature of DLLS] Review of the Sit
- Nature of the obst sys and layout of the obj
- Disposn and str of svl and delaying elements
- Likely pattern and concept of his def battle
- Loc of Res and CA forces
- State of trg and morale
Analysis of the Task:
Lower fmn and unit cdrs must understand the design and conops of the higher cdr so that their action are properly directed. Therefore the cdr should determine the fol aspects:
- What is expected of his fmn/unit?
- Why and with a view of what?
- Where, with what resources and in what time frame, the task is to be accomplished?
Selection of Br H
Tac Consideration: [BSF]
1. Best tactical obj.
2. Suit. Appchs for the asslt echelons.
3. Fire sp avail
Technical Consideration: [RS]
1. Routes and X country going up to, through and beyond the crossing
2. Suit. places to breach from the engr’s point of view
Points to borne in mind for Selection of the Obj: [WO COI IMF]
- Within the capability of assaulting tps
- Obj should be capable of being held
- Captr of the obj should assist the Cdr in achieving his aim
- Captr of the Obj which will compromise en def
- Initial obj must deny the effective SA fire on crossing of obstacles
- Intermediate obj should deny the use of his resources
- Must open up own axis of maintenance
Thrust Line
Main Thrust Line: This includes the bulk of the forces including Armr and will include imp objs
Subsidiary Thrust Line: The level of force emp will be slightly less than what has been on the MTL
Diversionary Thrust Line: The purpose of this Thrust Line is to divert the en’s attn and make him commit his res at wrong time and place. Keep him guessing about the place and dir of the main effort.
Fol are considered for selecting Axis of Attk: [POPS]
- Provide covered appch
- Open up a route for moving of sp wpn & reorg stores
- Provide conc of sp fire of All arms
- Shortest route to conserve amn
Assy A should be: [BNB]
- Be secured & under cover
- Not be an en’s tgt
- Be out of en’s mtr range & good entrance and exit for vehs
Time spent in FUP will be bare min (15-30 mins) rqr for dply. FUP must be secured and if possible should be: [SICO]
- Square and close to the SL
- In an area which is not a likely en DF tasks
- Concealed from the en
- Out of small arms fire if possible
Flk Protection
Flk protection can be provided by the emp of:
- Recce and Svl elm
- Attk heptrs
- Mobile obst dets
Time of Attack
Fol should be considered while deciding whether the attk is to be made by Day of Ni: [GRASS FEWS]
- Grnd which the asslt tps must cover up to and beyond the SL
- Relative air & tank str
- Availability of NVDs
- Str of the en’s defs
- Svl cap
- Fire sp avail
- En habits
- Weather conditions
- State of trg
Fire Plan in Attk.
- Prep bombardment for softening up the en’s def.
- Counter Bombardment
- Fire plan to sp the attk during:
a. Move from the Assy A to the SL
b. Asslt and fighting through the Obj
c. Reorg
d. Expl