The Digestive System Flashcards
What is the gastrointestinal system?
It is a continuous tube that extends from the mouth to the anus. It contains food from the time it is eaten to the time it is digest and absorbed or eliminated from the body
What organs are in the gastrointestinal system?
The mouth, the pharynx, the oesophagus, the stomach, the small and large intestine
What are the accessory digestive organs?
The teeth, the tongue, the salivary glands, the liver, the gallbladder and the pancreas
What are the 6 basic digestion processes?
Mixing and propulsion
What are the organs of the digestive system?
- the mouth
- the 3 salivary gland
- The oesophagus
- the pharynx
- the liver
- the stomach
- the pancreas
- the gallbladder
- the cecum
- the appendix
- the transverse, ascending and descending colon
- the rectum
- the anus
What is the mouth made up from?
Cheeks, hard and soft palates, lip and a tongue
What type of muscle is the tongue?
Skeletal muscle
What is on the surface of the tongue?
Papillae these contain some tastebuds
What do the glands in the tongue do?
They secrete lipase which digests triglycerides once it is in the stomach with acid
What are the 3 pairs of salivary glands?
The parotid, the submandibular and the sublingual salivary glands
What happens during mastication?
Food mixes with saliva and shaped into bolus
What starts the digestion of starches in the mouth?
The salivary amylase
What is the oesophagus?
It is a muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach
What does swallowing consist of?
It is moving a bolus from the mouth to the stomach by peristalsis. It is a voluntary stage from the mouth to the oropharynx and then the involuntary stage
What does the stomach connect?
The oesophagus to the duodenum.
What are the 4 main regions of the stomach?
The cardia, the fundus, the body and the pylorus
What is between the pylorus and the duodenum?
The pyloric sphincter
What are the 4 basic layers of the stomach wall?
The mucosa, the submucosa, the muscular is and the serosa
What is on the surface of the stomach?
It has glands that produces mucus, hydrochloride acid, a pepsin for protein, intrinsic factor and gastrin
What is mechanical digestion?
It consists of mixing waves that macerate food and mix it with gastric juice forming chyme