The development of working memory Flashcards
What is working memory?
The small amount of info that can be held in the mind and used in the execution of task (Cowan, 2014)
The dedicated cognitive system responsible for processing, storing and retrieving info
Whats the difference between contemplation and memory?
Contemplation= holding an idea in the mind
Memory= power to revive an idea after it has disappeared from the mind
Locke 1690
Whats the difference between primary memory and secondary memory?
Primary= the items in consciousness & the trailing edge of what is perceived in the world
Secondary memory= the items in storage but not currently in consciousness
Who was one of the first to do experiments on memory, and use himself as the test subject?
Ebbinghaus 1885/1913
What did Ebbinghaus do?
Tried to memories list of nonsense syllables.
Easy recall 7 but 12 hard.
Tested effects of delays between memorising and recall, found forgot most of words in first 20 mins
What is the information processing approach to cognition?
- developed in 50s as alternative to behavioursm
- central idea: humans are processing systems (based on computer metaphor)
= we encode, store and retrieve info then produce behavioural output (an action) - has mem @ heart of cognitive development & specifically WM
What are the assumptions of the information processing approach to cognition?
1) info moves through a series of stoes
2) info moves serially= the product for one stage of processing is the input for the next stage
3) our cognitive system has a limited capacity
4) tasks that require mental processes can be placed on a continuum relative to how much capacity they require. varies from automatic process to effortful process
e. g. can talk and walk but when try to do a maths test the change in walking and talking will be noticeable
Where did the information processing approach to cognition start?
Atkinson & Schiffrin 68
- made one of first info processing models of mem
- they proposed have several stores of mem, not one system/process for storing info in mem
- thus mem made up of series of parts that work together as a process
Describe Atkinson and Schriffrin 68 model of info processing
1) sensory register processes info attended by our sense
2) provides its processed in the short period before decay/being overwritten by other info
3) if paid attention move to STM where stored, where info is placed when retrieved from LTM
- how efficient the process of storage and retrieval is depends on how proficient we’re at attending to the right info in the first place (what strategies we use to store info can depend on retrieval cues)
What is the current model of information processing ?
Baddeley and Hitch and Gatherole = added to the atkinson and schiffrin model
- based on current understandings
- WM replaced STM
(WM is a short term memory store where info is actively processed
- WM where we live mentally speaking
- stores info long enough for us to evaluate it
- where info is processed and transformed
- capacity limited
- if nothing done to info its losts
- if operation done e.g. verbal rehearsal, it will be transformed into LTM
What does cognitive development involve changes in?
= the capacity of mem & the speed info can be processed in different systems - SOFTWARE
= like childrens ability to use strategies
What are the processing limitations in childhood?
Brainerd 83
1) encoding limitations
2) retrieval limitations
3) storage/capacity limitations
4) metagcognitive limitations
What are the encoding limitations in the processing limitations in childhood?
Brainerd 83
- crucial part about a task/experience might not be encoded
- may be driven by failure to attend to the right info/failure to use an encoding strategy
1) ATTENTION! - young cs difficult attending only to most important parts of task - selective attention
2) ENCODING STRATEGIES - rehearsal = the repetition of info
- organisation
- elaboration
What experiment looks at attention as an encoding limitations in the processing limitations in childhood ?
- MILLER & SEIER 94 =young cs need to remember location of animals but task is harder as they look at location of task- irrelevant household items
- older cs look in correct place intially = do better
What is an example of rehearsal as an encoding strategy processing limitation in childhood?
Thought cs under 10 not use rehearsal = flavell 66, BUT NOW RECOGNISED THAT can use but in a more or less effective way than adults = hulme 84
EXAMPLE: Ellis & Hennelley 80
rehearsal can help some children when thinking about certain words in a partic language
- welsh speaking children
= better mem for nos in second language = english nos can be articulated more quickly