sensory and motor development 1 Flashcards
what age is a foteus?
prior to birth
what age is a neonate?
first few days post birth
what age is an infant?
up to 2yrs
what age is a preschooler
what age is childhood?
5 years to adolesence
what age is adolescent?
12-18 years
do we need to use methods suitable for non-linguistic populations for infants?
along with help from parents
what can infants do?
- look
- grasp
- suck
- crawl, eventually walk
sucking more= ____ excited
no change in sucking rate =______
not noticed anything different
we measure how much babies look at the ____ picture as opposed to an _______ picture
the proportion of time babies spend looking at a picture can tell us
- if they can tell the things are different
- if they can remember the first picture
- what info they have encoded from the pic
= known as the visual paired comparison task (VPC)
what is the Visual paired comparison task? (VPC)
- babies shown pic until they habituate (bored of it)
- shown two pics at once- the old one and a new one
- we measure how much they look at the new one
what scale is used to check if newborns are okay to participate in studies?
what does APGAR stand for?
-appearance= pink-blue
-pulse = absent-100bpm
-grimace= no response-grimaces/cries
-activity - none- all limbs
-respiration= absent- robust cry
8 or above= okay
can newborns see well?
no, everything fuzzy
can 1-2mnts old see well?
can fixate on objects and distinguish high contrast colours
at ____ depth perception and improved colour vision are now apparent. can follow objects with eyes (without turning head)
at _______ visual range increases- can recognise people across a room
at _____ vision is similar to adults
do babies show a preferntial interest in face like stimuli?
- shown by fantz 61
are newborns capable of recognising individuals faces?
- can recognise mothers face when olfactory cues are removed and when inadvertent visual cues are controlled for
is visual recognition in newborns likely to be accompanied by any explicit cog insight?
what is perceptual narrowing?
infants visual perception becomes increasingly tailored to regular features of the childs environment
what is ‘the other race effect’?
-infants can discriminate well between faces they see
- get better at distinguishing between the kind of faces they see
while losing ability to discriminate between faces they dont see often