The Creature of Habit Flashcards
He had very big teeth
The Creature of Habit
On the island of Habit, there lived a creature
The Creature of Habit
Hello Fish!
The Creature of Habit
First, he ate three pineapples and two Bananas
The Creature of Habit
But he Kept only the very best ones
The Creature of Habit
After that, he went looking for the shells
The Creature of Habit
Hello, Trees!
The Creature of Habit
And the rocks.
The Creature of Habit
Hello, Crab!
The Creature of Habit
When it was time for dinner, he ate three more pineapples and two more bananas.
The Creature of Habit
Every day was exactly the same
The Creature of Habit
Then he brushed his teeth and went to bed
The Creature of Habit
Then one morning he spotted a boat
The Creature of Habit
He had a very small teeth and very small eyes.
The Creature of Habit
Nobody had ever visited the island before
The Creature of Habit
the very big creature couldn’t wait to show his new friend how everything worked
The Creature of Habit
Hello, Fish!
The Creature of Habit
He taught him now to collect pineapples and bananas and he to say hello to fish
The Creature of Habit
When to eat his dinner and brush his teeth and go to bed
The Creature of Habit
Just like he did every day
The Creature of Habit
Instead of saying hello to fish, he went for a swim with them
The Creature of Habit
He collected…well, everything else.
The Creature of Habit
When it got dark
The Creature of Habit
There was supposed to be a schedule. A routine. An order to things
The Creature of Habit
Some days he stood on his head before dinner
The Creature of Habit
Some days he slept in and some days he stayed up late
The Creature of Habit
Some days he did nothing at all
The Creature of Habit
It was absolute Madness
The Creature of Habit
It was small than a pineapple and rounder than a banana
The Creature of Habit
and it was… pretty good
The Creature of Habit
He thought about giving it a try. But he didn’t want to miss his appointment with the fish
The Creature of Habit
And even though he was meant to be looking for shells, the very big creature was secretly happy when he found a treasure, too
The Creature of Habit
The orange. And the clouds. And the treasures on the beach.
The Creature of Habit
Then he stood up again, his very big heart beating very, very fast.
The Creature of Habit
Everything looked different. The sky was full of color, and the sun- as round as an orange - was disappearing into the water.
The Creature of Habit
He knew this wasn’t where he was supposed to be right now.
The Creature of Habit
Later, they would eat dinner and brush their teeth and go to bed
The Creature of Habit
And tomorrow, there would be time to stick to the schedule..
The Creature of Habit
Hello, Stars!
The Creature of Habit