Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose Flashcards
Did that publisher lady write back?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I know! Did she write back yet?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What’s taking her so LONG?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Yeah! Where’s my money at??
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Go check again!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I can’t! Daddy said quit pestering him!!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
How Rude!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I can’t wait to get my own office!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Ooh! That’s a good one!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What are you doing?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’m making a list of stuff I’m gonna buy…when I become a millionaire!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Petting zoo with two giraffes.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Trampoline (for petting giraffes).
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
10 robo-servants.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Ice cream machine.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Pizza machine.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
French Fry Machine.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Self-driving car with bunk Neds.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
New bedroom with water slides.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Office for Melvin.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Don’t forget…I’m your agent…so I get 10 percent of whatever you get!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
You can have one of my robot-servants!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What are you hiding?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
May I see it?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
How do you expect to pay for all of this stuff?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
When my book gets published…I’ll be a millionaire!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Well, first of all, your book might NOT get published.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
We just sent it to the publisher 15 minutes ago!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And even if it does get published…you probably won’t make a million dollars…and even if you do…I don’t want you spending it on silly things.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Any money you make…is going into the college fund!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
College? That’s like a hundred years from now!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What if I don’t wanna go to college?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Fine! I’ll go to college!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
If you don’t straighten up and fly right…the only place you’ll be going…is the time out rock!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Alright, that’s enough!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Toothpaste is not for drawing with!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And the rest of you…you’ve got 60 seconds to be in bed…under the covers…or it will be lights out with no reading!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I forgot to say “I love you”!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Not this again!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Get back in bed!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’m warning you…
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I love him inshminity!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
If you kids don’t get back in bed in 5 seconds I’m gonna play the Ethel Merman disco album and I’m gonna play the whole thing this time!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Why are you still here??
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Why can’t we have one night without…
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Do you want to talk about it?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What if the lady never writes back?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I think she will.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But what if she doesn’t like my book?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
That’s okay!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Everybody doesn’t have to like the same things.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’m never gonna be rich!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Why are you in such a hurry to be rich?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I wanna buy stuff!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I really like stuff!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Okay. But then what?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What happens AFTER you buy everything?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
What’s your purpose?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
How will your money make life better??
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Ummm…I won’t have to work hard!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But you’ll have to work hard to be RICH, right?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
So let me get this straight: you want to work hard…so you don’t have to work hard??
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Does that make sense to you?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Not when you say it like THAT!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
It’s gonna be PUBLISHED!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The publisher still hasn’t written back yet.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I know, But it’s such a GOOD BOOK…I just KNOW it’ll be published.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Underwear is fun to wear!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
and then the joy began!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But very soon, beneath the moon…they came upon a sight!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
For down below, a fashion show…had turned into a fight!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
“I am dressed the very best!” each monster roared and grumbled.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Hand in hand with dear old Gran…they leaped onto the stage.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And gave each foe a brand-NEW show…to end their senseless rage.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just for fun, they shook their buns…their underwear was wiggling.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Before you know, they stole the show…and everyone was giggling!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just poke your nose beneath your’ll see we’re all the same!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
For under there was underwear with polka dots of blue.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Look at these! My B.V.D.s…have baby elephants!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And the end, they danced as friends…the big ones and the small…without a care for underwear…unites us one and all.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And the mummy’s drawers had dinosaurs…to match her pantyhoses.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
“check out mine,” said Frankenstein.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
They’re pink with little roses!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The is no doubt…it’s not about…our clothes or hair or teeth!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The only ounce that really counts…is what is underneath.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And she’s gonna buy us an ice-cream machine!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I said “maybe”!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
We’re still in negotiations.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I love ice cream!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
My favorite flavor is swirl!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
“Swirl” isn’t a flavor!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
So when will it be published?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And how do you even know a publisher?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Beats me!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
She gave us the info.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Hey! That was supposed to be a surprise!!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Are we gonna be on TV?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And I expect you children to be on your best behavior!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
We’re gonna be famous!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Does anyone want my autograph?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
SHe’s gonna be a published author.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Did you really draw this all by yourself?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I didn’t even know you could draw!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I didn’t know I could draw either!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But then…I had a revelation!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I used to think the only some people could draw…and the rest of us were out of luck.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But then I realized…I can write my name!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
So what? We can all do that!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
BUT - Are you writing your names…or are you drawing your names?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Every letter and number you can think of…is just a bunch lines, dots, circles, and curves.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Every drawing is the same, too!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
They’re all just a bunch lines, dots, circles, and curves!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The only reason we can draw our names…is because we practiced!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’ll show ya!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Let’s all draw a werewolf!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But I can’t draw!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Can you draw letters and numbers?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Then draw a big letter “O” like this.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Now, draw a big letter “M” on top.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Add two periods…and a little baby “O” underneath.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Now, make a BOG capital “D”…but make it SIDEWAYS…and put two little upside-down “U”s right here.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Now color in the capital “D”…except for the “U” parts.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The legs arms and legs are easy!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
You just draw a sideways “C”…and then draw another one right next to it.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Hey! We’re DRAWING!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Hey! This is EASY!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But what about hands?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Yeah! Hands are HARD!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
No they’re not!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just draw a baby “C”…then draw one…two…three more!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The feet are even EASIER!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just draw a sideways “J”.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Now, the tail SEEMS hard…but it’s just a curved “V”…with a “W” at the end.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And for fur, just draw a bunch little baby lines.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Hey! My werewolf is NAKED!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Alright, alright…who can tell me the lesson you just learned?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Well, I didn’t think I could draw…but look! I can TOTALLY draw!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I just hadn’t practiced!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’ll bet if I practiced a whole bunch…I’ll be able to do anything!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Makes sense to me!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
You did a VERY GOOD job teaching everyone today!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’ve been trying to teach you kids that lesson ALL YEAR…And you taught it to everyone in just a few minutes!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Maybe you’ve found your PURPOSE!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Maybe you’re going to be a TEACHER!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Do teachers make a lot of money?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
It’s disrespectful!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Your kids! She’s and ADULT!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Y’all got mail
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Okay! Everyone stay in your seats!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’m going to meet her at the camper!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Can we come?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
She’s our friend too, ya know!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Man, this hasn’t even started yet…and I’m already BORED!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
It might be important!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
She wrote back! She wrote back! The publisher lady finally wrote back!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Let me see!
Let me see!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
We’re not playing!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
This is business!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
That’s not your REAL name!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
OOH! She says your book is humorous!! And “CUTE”!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
However…your intended message might be misunderstood by some readers.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The idea that everyone is the same fails to take into account how people are treated differently in this world.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
‘Global sameness’ fails to recognize that everybody isn’t always given the same opportunities or chances in life.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Furthermore, some lines in the story (i.e. ‘just poke your nose beneath your clothes, you’ll see we’re all the same’), could be seen as making controversial statements about gender that may offend or diminish many readers.”
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just skip to the end!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
No! I’m reading!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
You read too slow!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Give it to me!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Let go!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Give it!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s not broken!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
The screen’s just cracked a little!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
It’s not gonna get published!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
She rejected it!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
She can’t do that!!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
l’ll sue!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
She said it was offensive.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
No it’s not!!! It’s all about EQUILI-ty.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Hey! That was my original art!!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Well…now it’s a puzzle!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Because I QUIT!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Wait. Does this mean we’re not getting our ice-cream machine?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I was supposed to pay for THAT, Too, Apparently!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But I love ice cream!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
It’s all I’ve ever wanted!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Well, I think you’ll be delighted by my kids!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
They’re creative…so mature….and always on their BEST BEHAVIOR!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What on earth is going on??
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
AND we have to go to college!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
No! We CAN”T go to college!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And we can’t go to college!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I told them not to!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I swear, I was just gone for five minutes!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I thought this was just gonna be a cute, little story!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just two minutes of “feel-good” fluff!
Cat Kid Comic Club on Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
This could be…THE STORY OF THE YEAR!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
We’re gonna do some IN-DEPTH REPORTING!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And get ready, kids…because you’re gonna be famous!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Tell me: Has the recent tension affected you?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
It looks like we have important insight from somebody else!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
HOW had it affected you?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
My sister got mad and quit…and now I have to sit all by myself.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Why don’t you just move over?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I can’t sit in HER seat!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Oh, dear! This kid needs some CHEERING UP!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But how can we help him?
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Previously, this happened:
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Look what you did!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Tim’s nuclear power plant
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But Don’t worry, old lady…I can fix this problem!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
problem solved!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Brrr! It’s cold without the sun!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I can fix this problem!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’ll just start a warm fire!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
But I must find a safe place!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Oh look! There’s some nice, safe firewood!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Noooo! You didn’t read the whole sign!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
This is NOT firewood. It’s dynamite!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Aw, great!! Now the world’s on fire!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I fixed it!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Yeah, but now the whole world is flooded!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
All I need is a giant sponge!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Did someone say “giant sponge?”
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Allow me to introduce myself.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
I’m young lady!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
This is my store.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
We have a box of INSTANT giant sponges.
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Just add water!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’ll take it!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Haw Haw I’m not really “young lady”…I’m “old lady” in disguise!!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
And that wasn’t a box of instant sponges…it was…quick drying cement!
Cat Kid Comic Club On Purpose
Oh, no! The world is as hard as a rock! And it’s cracking!
cat kid comic club on purpose
Did that comic cheer you up?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Thanks a LOT, Supa Fail!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That was terrible!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It was the same thing over and over…and then it just ended!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Where’s the plot and character development?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Yeah! And how come spa fail has superpower?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
He didn’t have them in the FIRST book!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You never explained it!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Are you saying…that we failed?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’ve been trying to fail for three weeks…but we haven’t succeeded until today!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It just goes to show that if you work really hard and never give up anybody can fail miserably!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I don’t think I understand.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Join the club, sister!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Everybody’s been lookin’ for you.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well tell ‘em to leave me alone!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Yeah. He said it was because he didn’t wanna sit all by himself…but we all know it’s ‘cuz he misses you!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Everyone misses you!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well I’m not coming back!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s embarrassing!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
All I did was try to do good…and I ended up offending everybody!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Wait. Who got offended?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That publisher lady said my comic made statements about gender that are offensive!!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
They were just looking for you!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
They were so worried!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I should probably go talk to them.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey! That’s a good idea!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’ll go get ‘em!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You stay out of this!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Oh yeah. We go t an Anonymous tip that you wanted to talk to us.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I wanted to say I’m sorry.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I didn’t mean for it to be hurtful!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What was hurtful about it?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Remember those parts where I said something like “everybody’s the same underneath”?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I wasn’t talking about gender.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I just didn’t want you to take it wrong.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
They’re becoming so thoughtful and kind and caring!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m finally starting to get through to them!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m a good daddy after all!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey, let’s all hide up in the tree tomorrow and when everyone walks by we can spit water on their heads!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Space: a froggy frontier
Cat kid comic club on purpose
These are the voyages of the baby frog squad.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Our mission: to seek out space bullies and send ‘em packin’,
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I have detected…a space bully!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Lemme at ‘em!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re heading to Planet #61.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s another dangerous mission, I’m afraid.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What happened to our space buggies?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I made some improvements while y’all were asleep.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Thanks, Buddy! How can we ever repay you?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
How about a hug?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m not really a hugger.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Me neither. I’m more of a “bower”.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Okay! But before you go I need to tell y’all something!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I see the bully!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’ve got work to do!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey, Bully! Cut it out!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Then you leave me no choice!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I shall stop this ruffian with my new space lasso!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m free!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Now all I have to do is drive around and around again and again and again!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I guess that WRAPS UP our story!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well, Gang, it looks like this is the end!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It was nice knowing you!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Nothing. We’re just flying to our deaths.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well, can I tell y’all something NOW??
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well, remember when we were all back at the ship and I said I made improvements to your little cars??
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well, if y’all even get in a jam…Just press the new “transform” button I made…and it’ll be PARTY TIME!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’ll give that a try!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Who made those colorful robots?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We used salad dressing lids and wire and clay and tape dispensers for their feet!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well I’m very impressed!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well maybe this one will help!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s all about happiness!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She missed her old car very much and everything she did made her feel sadder and sadder.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
When she looked at her photo book she couldn’t smile.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
When she went to old cat’s favorite park…she couldn’t play…and when she sat beneath old cat’s favorite catnap tree…she couldn’t sleep.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Her friends wanted to help.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Here are the rules: For 30 minutes…we must all be happy.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
But what if we can’t be happy?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Then we’ll pretend!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Let’s start now!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You guys look weird!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re winning the game!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
This feels dumb!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
But it felt kind of nice, too.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
This feels strange!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
This feels silly!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
For ten minutes, the three friends pretended to feel happy and sometimes it didn’t feel like pretending at all.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
But then the game changed.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey! These are the pictures that make me sad.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She knew she could be sad again soon…so for now, she tried to find a way…to make her sad photos feel happy.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purposeEven though my old cat is gone and I’ll never see him again I’m happy that he was here for awhile and that I got to be his friend.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
The three friends looked up at the clock.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Only ten more minutes left!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
So they walked to the old cats favorite park.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It was hard to be happy here.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Old cat would be sad if he saw all of this litter.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purposeLet’s pick it all up!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
So they did.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
And soon the park was beautiful.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
So they went to old cat’s favorite cat-nap tree and snuggled together.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey! The Happy Game is over!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We can be sad again if we want to!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
But they were too sleepy to be sad right now…so they slept and slept and slept.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She hopes we can still get a ice cream machine even though she is lactose intolerant because it will be worth it if everybody else can be happy.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Maybe it can make sorbet, too, which is good if you get used to it.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
But not lemon which is gross.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Wow! That was lovely!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Ummm….it did cheer me up…but it also gave me an awesome idea…
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What’s going on, buddy?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Because they are gonna be published!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Will you email them to that published lady for me?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That rejection broke her heart and now she’s quit the club!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Do you really want to go through all of that again??
Cat kid comic club on purpose
No…but…I can’t give up!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You always tell us to keep trying even if things get hard.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You always say “failure is a stepping stone to success!”
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Yeah. I do say that a lot.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Great! Then it’s all settled!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
me know when that publisher lady writes back, okay?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Welcome back to a new day of thrills and drama!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
When we last saw our heroes…they were being terribly tormented…but the not very nice club!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Your daddy has training wheels on his tricycle!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Yeah! And I’ll bet he’s really SMART, too!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That’s not an insult!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That’s a compliment!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re the NOT very nice club, remember?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purposeShall we fight them?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Nah. Let’s go get sushi!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Smell ya later!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Bye bye, buddies!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hmmm…our malevolent taunting didn’t unnerve them!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I know! And our mean insults didn’t bother them, either!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What we need is some muscle!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Let’s turn this van around!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I know JUST the guy who can help us!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What do YOU want?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I invite you to JOIN US!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well he said your gym shorts and dress shoes look silly together.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
oh, he DID, did he?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Mmm! This sushi is good!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Are you gonna eat you uni?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You mean like spider-man?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
He shoots webs from WHERE?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
From his wrists!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That doesnt make sense!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Spiders don’t shoot webs from their wrists!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
They shoot ‘em from their BUTTS!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Dude, he can’t go around shooting webs out of his BUTT!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Spider-man is for KIDS!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
No parent is going to buy their kid a spider-man T-shirt….if he’s shooting a bunch webs…out of his butt!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That’s disgusting!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That’s fake science!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
T-This Tuna Tataki has t-t-too much…p-p-pepper!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Come out and play-yay!!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Gee, I wonder where he could be?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Stop the van!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You just knocked my head off!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’ll just back up!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You ran over my head!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purposeI can’t go around looking like this!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Go buy me a new head!!!…and make sure it’s a scary one!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Here I go!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Dum-dee-dum-dee dumm…This must be the place!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
La-dee-da-duhhh….what took you so long???
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What the heck is this?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I told you to buy me a scary head!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m terrified of babies!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Will our heroes ever appear on officially licensed T-shirts?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Are you kidding?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s all about Butts!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Nobody is ever gonna buy a book with BUTT JOKES in it!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Besides…that publisher lady takes forever to write back!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She probably won’t write back until nest year!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Y’all got mail
Cat kid comic club on purpose
gimme gimme gimme
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You don’t just grab things!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well? What did she say?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She rejected it!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She doesn’t like all the ghosts and skeletons and stuff.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She said it’s disturbing!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey! Maybe you can change it!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Like how?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You know, …just make everyone NORMAL!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Umm - no thanks.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
why not?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I don’t want to be NORMAL!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I want to be ME!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m sorry if that’s…disturbing!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I quit the club!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Wow! Two quitters in the one week!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re dropping’ like flies!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It just means she didn’t like your story.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She didn’t like mine, either!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
But a very wise person once said…everybody doesnt have to like the same things.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
And I’m GLAD they don’t!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Do you want to live in a world…where everybody is the same?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
okay, I won’t!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
See ya later!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Are you ready to rejoin the club?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Those were very wise words.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You’re good at COMFORTING people!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Maybe you’ve found your purpose!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Maybe you’re going to be a COUNSELOR someday!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Do counselors make a lot of money?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Guess what? I’m BACK!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Are you going to change your comic?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m just gonna be me!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Hey, everyone!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Look who ELSE is back!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
What are YOU smiling about?
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I don’t want to read it!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s about baby frog squad!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s probably offensive to astronauts!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
She liked it!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Baby frog squad is going to be published!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
yes way!!! she’s sending us a contract!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s gonna be a real book!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
All you have to do is make TWO HUNDRED MORE PAGES, And -
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It has to be 224 pages!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
That’s way too many pages!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s — It’s impossible
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m all stressed out!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I can’t do it!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s too much!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I need to lie down!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I need to quit!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Me too!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Me Three!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Me Four!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re all going to work on this…together!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
One page at a time!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Everyone is going to help!…And I…I am going to direct!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re not just going to make a book…we are going to make….the best…book…ever!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You kids get back in bed!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m serious!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m directing!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Get back in bed now!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Go on, get in there!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
It’s the perfect job for me!!!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
I’m good at storytelling…I’m good at bossing people around…I’m smart…I’m talented…I’m an influencer.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
You’re humble…
Cat kid comic club on purpose
We’re getting an ice cream machine!
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Well, folks, we’ve come to the end of a dramatic day!
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Will everyone be able to work together?
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Find out in our next thrilling adventure!!!
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The cover artwork for this book was made from cardboard, wire, crumpled-up construction paper, putty, acrylic paints, glue, and a small sheet of fake grass.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
The planet that looks like a melon is a close-up photo of the plastic lid of a fruit cup.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
The Darwin’s bark spider can “shoot” a web up to 82 feet (25 meters) long.
Cat kid comic club on purpose
Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping-stones to success.
Cat kid comic club on purpose