The Cold War Flashcards
What is communism
a system based on the theories of Marx and Engels which emphasises common ownership of the means of production and distribution. Each member of the country should work for the common benefit according to their own capacity and would receive according to their own specific needs. Private ownership would thus be abolished
What is capitalism
An economic system in which trade and industry are owned and controlled by private individuals or groups, operating best within a democratic political system
Who first used the term ‘cold war’
Bernard Baruch
What are some of the speculated origins of the Cold War
East-west suspicion had existed since the Communist Revolution in Russia
Communist expansion had seemed to make little headway and thus the grand alliance was able to be formed to stop hitler invading the USSR
USSR was left to defeat Germany without help from other allies
Originated from the disintegration of the grand alliance when wwii drew to an end
What were the three conferences and why were they held
Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam. They were held to discuss how Germany was going to be death with
Where was the Tehran conference held
In the soviet embassy in Iran
What was another name for the Yalta conference
The Crimea conference
Where was the Potsdam conference held and what was it
In Germany. It was a continuation of the Yalta conference
Why did the USA and the ussr set aside their differences
Because Nazis invaded the Soviet Union
Who formed the grand alliance
The USA, Britain and the USSR
Why was the grand alliance formed
It was a marriage of convenience formed because of their mutual desire to defeat nazi Germany (their common enemy)
What did the USA do in the grand alliance
Through the Lend-Lease system, they provided Britain and the USSR with weapons and supplies
When did tension start rising
Before the end of the war
What was the difference between what was happening in public and behind the scenes between the allies
Tributes were made to the war efforts of their allies. Behind the facade there was constant fighting between the USSR and her two western allies
Why did tensions develop
USSR was left to fight nazi Germany alone. The USA delayed the opening of a second front.
USA ended the Lend-Lease programme
USA kept its atomic bomb a secret from the USSR until after the defeat of nazi Germany
What happened at the Tehran conference
Big three decided there was going to be no Anglo-American invasion of Germany through the Balkans
What happened as a result of there being no Anglo-American invasion of Germany
It left the soviet troops and those living in the Balkans to clear Eastern Europe of nazi forces.
What happened by recognising soviet supremacy in Eastern Europe
It limited the west’s participation in the post-war political affairs in this area. It encouraged Stalin to believe that he had a fee hand in Eastern Europe as a result of his negotiations with Churchill
What else did the negotiation between Churchill and Stalin convince Stalin of
That the west would accept soviet control in these areas
What was the purpose of the post-war situation
To cause mistrust and tension between the West and the Soviet Union
Who were the leaders of Britain, the USA and the USSR at the Yalta conference
Britain- Churchill
USA- Roosevelt
USSR- Stalin
Why did the three leaders meat at Yalta
To plan post-war settlement
What happened as a result of the tension behind the official cordiality
The agreements reached ended up being only temporary compromises that did not settle the bigger issues.
What decisions were made at the Yalta conference
Germany and Berlin were to be divided into 4 zones of occupation
Stalin promised free democratic elections in the satellite states
USSR agreed to join the United Nations
USSR agreed to join war against japan
Big three agreed that Eastern Europe was to be a soviet sphere of influence (buffer zone)
What did the big three disagree on at the Yalta conference
Scale of the german payments and reparations.
Stalin wanted the. Border of the Soviet Union to move into Poland and Poland’s border to move into Germany
Who was to administer the 4 zones in Germany and Berlin
Where was Berlin situated
In the middle of the soviet zone
As a result of the war, what place did the USSR ocupy
what was the ’Allied Declaration on Liberated Europe’
It formally committed the USSR to pursue a policy of democracy in the satellite states.
What was the aim of the United Nations
To keep peace after the war
Why was the soviet determined to make a large buffer zone against any future german aggression
Because the USSR had suffered terrible losses
Why were no agreements made on the reparations of Germany
Stalin wanted a fixed sum which the western allies thought was too high
What changed at the Potsdam conference
Stalin was even more uncompromising. Britain and the USA had new leaders
Who were the new leaders of Britain and the USA during the Potsdam conference
Britain- Atlee
USA- Truman
What main decisions were made at the Potsdam conference
Details of the 4 zones were finalised
Each power was to collect reparations: soviet received additional reparations
Polands western border was to be along a line created by two rivers
Germans living in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary had to return to Germany
Why did the USSR receive additional reparations
Because its german zone was mainly rural
Which two rivers was the polish border moved to
The Oder and Neisse
What did the powers not agree on during the Potsdam conference
Stalin wanted to cripple Germany, Truman didn’t agree
Couldn’t agree on the issue of reparations
Although it was already agreed upon; Truman was opposed to pro-soviet governments being set up in eastern-Europe
Why did Truman not want to cripple Germany
He did not want a repetition of the treaty of Versailles
Why could the powers not agree on reparations
Because Stalin felt that he should be compensated for the deaths of 20 million Russian. Truman did not want to make the same mistakes that were made at the end of WWI
What do many historians believe to be two of the causes of the Cold War
Stalin’s refusal to give up wartime gains in eastern-Europe and refusal to consider german re-unification
What other place was divided into 4 zones
What were some of the satellite states
Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland
Which state was communist but refused to be ruled by Stalin
Yugoslavia ruled by Tito
What were some of the Baltic states
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
What was one of the terms of the non-aggression pact
The Soviet Union was allowed to occupy a large part of eastern Poland
What was different about the way Europe and the Soviet Union approached the end of the war
Europe tried to rehabilitate the devastated countries while the USSR made significant territorial advances into eastern-Europe
What happened to the Red army and the satellite states after the war was over
The red army stayed in Europe and communists governments were set up in the satellite states
Despite victory over Germany and emergence of Stalin as world statesman, why did the USSR feel vulnerable to the west
Because he believed the west could still be a threat to the USSR and the USA had an atomic bomb
What did Stalin do to protect the USSR from the west
He protected it behind a defensive barrier provided by wartime acquisitions of various Eastern European states
Why was stalin so adamant that he would collect reparations from Germany
Because, despite advances made by Stalin, the war had exhausted their economy
What did Germany become for the USSR
A new front line and defence system
Why was Stalin so unco-operative at Yalta and Potsdam
Because he considered every suggestion for settlement as a wedge being driven into soviet security
Why was there tension between the west and the Soviet Union
Western allies interpreted the soviets defence moves as the desire to expand. They thought this because of the way communists took control in Eastern Europe
How did the western allies see communist talking over the eastern states
Initially coalition government (including non-communists) were established in Eastern Europe. Non-communists then began being persecuted and communists took control. They began to assert Russian dominance which was followed by the elimination of non-communists.
Why was Stalin interested in Eastern Europe
He wanted it to act as a buffer zone between Germany an the Soviet Union so as to prevent another invasion
He saw it as vital to the development of the soviet economy
Some saw it as part of a pattern of conquest
Others think Stalin would have allowed collation governments to stay had it not been for the hostility of the west.
Why did stalin see having Eastern Europe vital to the soviet economy
They would be a source of cheep goods and raw materials. They would also be force to trade with the Soviet Union
How did the west see stalin
As a dictator who had eliminated its opponents.
What prompted winston Churchill to make his speech
The type of power and control in Eastern Europe
Where had the iron curtain decided
From Stettin in the Baltic to truest in the Adriatic
What did churchill mean when he said “iron curtain”
That Europe was divided into two by soviet policy. The west was democratic and the east, behind the curtain, was communist ruled by the USSR
What did Churchill calls he western allies to do
To combat communist expansion
What did stalin accuse churchill of when he heard the speech
Of trying to stir up war against the Soviet Union
What did effect did Churchill’s speech have on the relationship between the west and the USSR
It widened the gap between them, but did little to combat the communist expansion
What caused the USA to take actin against communist and why
Events in Greece, turkey and Iran because they feared that Eastern Mediterranean would also fall to communism.
What was USA policy with regards to communism
A policy of containment
What happened when the Nazis left Greece just before the end of wwii
The communists and monarchists vied for power
What happened as a result of communists and monarchists vying for power
It plunged Greece into a state of civil war
Why were the british, who had liberated Greece from the Nazis, not able to contain the Greek communists
Because Greece had the support of neighbouring communist states: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania
Why did Greece appeal to the US for their assistance
Because they could not afford a long civil war.
Why did Truman step in to try and stop the spread of communism in Greece
He believed that if one country fell to communism, there would be a domino effect and surrounding countries would also start becoming communist.
How did Truman plan to stop the spread of communism in Greece
He said that any free person resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures would be supported.
Hw did America support the “free people” in Greece
By providing them with mass arms supplies and other necessities
What happened as a result of Truman’s plan in Greece
The communists were defeated
What was the situation with communism in turkey
A similar situation as Greece. Stalin demanded the return of certain provinces which the Turks had gained from the Russians at the end of WWI
Who did the trucks appeal to for help
What did the US make very clear to the Turks
That they would not tolerate soviet aggression
How much had been given to turkey ad Greece to fend off communist revolutions
More that $400 million
What was the situation in Iran
During the war Britain and the USSR had troops in Iran, but 6 months after the war ended, Britain withdrew its troops, but the USSR did not
When did soviet troops withdraw from Iran
After protests from the Iranian government
What happened even after soviet troops withdrew from Iran
Some soviet troops remained
What did the remaining soviet troops in Iran do
They helped pro-communist guerrillas fight for independence
Where did some of the soviet troops in Iran stay
What finally forced Stalin to withdraw all troops from Iran
Firm pressure from Britain and America.
What was America’s policy of containment
It said that they would support any nation in danger if a communist takeover and that the USSR would not be allowed to spread its influence beyond its territories
What type of support would the policy of containment offer
Economic and military aid
What did the policy of containment become known as
The Truman Doctrine of containment
What were the consequences of the Truman Doctrine
Communists in Greece and turkey were defeated
Soviet troops withdrew from Iran
Hostility between USA and USSR increased
USA committed to a policy of containment
Cominform was set up
What does Cominform stand from
Communist information bureau
What was the aim of cominform
To link communist parties round the world in strict obedience to the Soviet Union and to ensure they received to aid from the west.
What was created to ensure the following through of the Truman doctrine
The Marshall Plan
What did Truman believe about communism
That it thrived in countries where people were poverty-stricken
What did Truman fear about all the Western European countries
That they would all fall to communism because of their poor economic situation
Who announced the plan to preven the spread of communism
US Secretary of State, general george Marshall
What was the Marshall plan
It was the USA’s response to Europe’s economic needs
What did the USA offer through the Marshall plan
Money, equipment and good
Who did the USA offer things through the Marshall plan to
Free people trying to preserve independence
What did Marshall say the plan was directed against
He said it was not directed against any country, but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.
What did the nations who received aid from the Marshall plan have to do
They had to agree to remove trade barriers and co-operate economically with each other.
What were the consequences of the Marshall plan
16 European countries had applied for Marshall aid and set up OEEC
US congress approved spending $12 billion to help rebuild Europe
Ended up providing $17 billion
Was a success
Malnutrition disappeared
Industrial output increased
Communist parties weakened
Tension between east and west increased and thus intensive the Cold War
Which 16 countries applied for Marshall aid
Britain France Belgium Luxembourg Italy Netherlands Denmark Sweden West Germany Portugal Austria Switzerland Greece Turkey Iceland Norway
What does OEEC stand for
Organisation for European economic co-operation
What was the OEEC
It put the Marshall plan into action
How wa the Marshall plan successful
Economically and politically
What did Stalin see the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan as
Threats to denounce them as part of an imperialist plot by the USA to dominate Europe
about what were the soviets concerned about the Marshall plan
The impact i would have on its eastern satellite states
What did the USSR accuse the USA of
Dollar diplomacy/ imperialism
What did dollar diplomacy/ imperialism mean
That the US’s plan was for selfish monetary interests: extending support base by making countries financially dependant on them.
What did the Soviet Union do to protect their satellite states
They forbade the satellite states from participating in the plan
What did stalin set up to act as a counter measure to the Marshall plan
Cominform and the Molotov plan
Who was the Molotov plan named after
The Russian foreign minister
What was the Molotov plan
It was similar to the Truman doctrine. It created Comecon to assist the satellite states economically
What did Comecon stand for
Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
What was another major issue with Germany
German reunification.
Who agreed and who disagreed with german reunification
The west: Britain, France and the USA agreed that reunifying Germany would create a more stable Europe. The USSR wanted Germany to remain weak and divided.
The issue of reparations was not settled at Yalta or Potsdam, but what was
Each occupying power could remove property and reparations from their zone but not in a way that they would sabotage Germany’s economic stability
What reparations was the USSR to receive
25% of all dismantled industrial from western zones. The USSR would exchange industrial equipment for food supplies
Why did the USSR trading industrial equipment for food supplies cause tension between them and the west
Because they couldn’t agree on the relative value of industrial equipment and food
Why did the USSR trading industrial equipment for food supplies cause tension between them and the west
Because they couldn’t agree on the relative value of industrial equipment and food
Why did the western allies decide to join their three zones
Because of severe food shortages and economic chaos
What did the western allies change when they joined their zones
The currency changed from the Reich to the Deutsh
Did the joining of west Germany help
Yes, along with help from the Marshall plan
How did the Soviet respond to the Eastern allies joining their zones
They felt the western allies had gone against the terms of the Yalta conference. Soviets responded by cutting off all surface traffic into West Berlin
Why did the Soviet’s put up a blockade
In an attempt to take control of Berlin and force the western powers to reconsider their agreement.
What did the soviets blockade
Canal links
What was the aim of the blockade
To prevent import of provisions, food and fuel supplies
What can the blockade be seen as in terms of the Cold War
As the first “hot point”
What three options did the western powers have with the blockade
Ignore it and drive trough
Pull out of Berlin
Airlift supplies into Berlin
How many people lived in West Berlin
Approximately 2.1 million
How many supples did West Berliners have during the blockade
Enough food for days and coal for 45.
What did the west think the proble, might be with an airlift
That the soviets would hoot the planes down
Why did the west proceed with the airlift
Because they calculated that soviets would not risk shooting the planes down because then the war would become ‘hot’
How long did the blockade last
About 32 days/ 11 months
How many planes flew from west too east Berlin during the blockade
277 000
How much did the west airlift during the blockade
2.5 million tons on supplies
How often were supplies dropped by airlift and how
Daily by parachute
What kinds of things were airlifted during the blockade
Food, fuel, medicine and Christmas presents
Why did the soviets give in and pull down the blockade
Because,despite food shortages and hardships, West Berliners resisted soviet pressure to become part of one city under communist control.
What weer the consequences of the blockade
Western powers saw the lifting of the blockade as a victory
Showed determination
East-wets relations further strained
Within days western allies announced that their zones would be joined
East Germany was renamed by the soviets
Led to the militarisation of West Berlin
What was the new name of combines west Germany
The Federal German Republic/ west Germany
What was the capital of West Berlin
What did the USSR rename the east zone
German Democratic Republic/ east Germany
Why did Berlin continue to be the focal point of the Cold War
It highlight different living and working conditions of those living under soviet control, and those living in the west
What was evident about the people living under soviet control
They were more unhappy than those living in the west
What did east Berliners do following stalins death
They started demonstrating
What did the east Berliners start demonstrating for (After Stalin’s death)
Greater economic and political freedom, union with West Berlin and the end of communism and withdrawal of soviet troops
Where did the east Berliners protests spread to
East Germany, who also wanted union with west Germany
How did the Soviet Union respond to the protests
It was harshly suppressed. They executed over 600 demonstrators
What did the Soviet Union not stop the east form doing
Fleeing to the west in hope of a better life.
Who became the new soviet leader after stalin
Nikita Khrushchev
What did Khrushchev demand from the west
That they hand over West Berlin
How did the west respond to Khrushchev’s demand
They refused and Khrushchev didn’t enforce it
Although this Berlin crisis was small, what did it indicate
That because of Berlin’s positioning and the differences in the way it was controlled, it would continue to be a source of conflict between east and west
Who became the new American president
What was wrong with Kennedy
He was inexperienced which gave Khrushchev the opportunity for a foreign policy success
Where did Khrushchev and Kennedy meet and why
In Vienna to demand a settlement of the Berlin problem
What was clear before the Berlin Wall was put up
West Berlin was much wealthier and happier than soviet ruled east Berlin
What had east-Berliners started doing a a result of the poor conditions
They had started escaping to the west.
At what rate were the people escaping from east to west
500 per day
How did Khrushchev feel about his west Berliners escaping to the east
He was embarrassed
What did Khrushchev see West Berlin
A capitalist infestation
How did Khrushchev decide to fix the problem of people escaping from east Berlin
He got his troops to start building a wall between east and west
What was the Berlin Wall
It was a high, fortified wall made of concrete that was manned 24 hours a day by machine-guns and searchlights.
What was the Berlin Wall symbolic of
It was a physical manifestation of the iron curtain. It divided communist east Berlin from democratic West Berlin
What did the west think the USSR were going to do when they put up the Berlin Wall
They though the soviets were planning to seize West Berlin by force. Kennedy made it clear that they would fight to protect West Berlin
Ultimately what did the building of the wall do
It solved Khrushchev’s problem of east Berliners going west, but destroyed his policy of peaceful co-existence with the west
What were the consequences of the Berlin Wall
Physically divided east and West Berlin
Stopped flow of east Berliners to the wes
Tension between east and west increased
Kennedy visited West Berlin to show America’s commitment to it
What happened to people who tried to cross the Berlin Wall
They were killed
Why’d id Kennedy not want his troops to pull down the wall
He did not wan to risk war.
What led to the formation of a western defensive military alliance
Soviet takeover in Czechoslovakia ad the Berlin blockade
What was the western defensiv military alliance that was formed called
What does NATO stand for
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
What had Truman realised by 1948
That it would be necessary to keep a large number of American troops in Western Europe to counteract what he saw as a soviet threat
Which nations did NATO include initially
Britain, France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg
What Nations did NATO later extend to
USA, Canada, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Norway and Denmark
What did the member states agree to (NATO)
Military co-operation
Fight only if attacked
Attack on a member states would be considered an attack on ask member states
All members would contribute to the military complement of NATO troops
Military force used to defend the interests and sovereignty of member states in the North Atlantic region
Joint NATO command organisation set up.
Who was appointed the commander in choice of the joint NATO command organisation
General Dwight Eisenhower of the US
What was NATO to the USSR
It was a further step in the spread of American militarism and imperialism
What were the effects of NATO
It worsened relations between east and west
How did the USSR respond to NATO
They created their own military alliance in the Eastern bloc
What was the eastern bloc’s military alliance called
The Warsaw Pact
What did the Warsaw Pact do
It proved that Stalin’s decision to develop the Soviet Union’s own atomic bomb was a wise one.
What did member states of the Warsaw Pact agree to do
Support each other if attacked
To allow the Soviet Union to station troops in member countries
Which nations were a part of the Warsaw Pact
Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Albania, and east Germany
What did the Soviet Union’s ability to station troops in a ny nations that were part of the areas pact do
It strengthened their hold on the satellite states and it became an effective way of suppressing revolts in Eastern Europe
What were the consequences of NATO and the Warsaw Pact
Had hardened divisions in Europe
Each bloc was armed and politically hostile
Europe centre-stage of Cold War between USA and the USSR
What did NATO represent and wh was it led by
Democracy and capitalism and was lead by the USA
What did the Warsaw Pact represent and who was it run by
Communist and was led by the USSR
How was Khrushchev different from stalin
He took a softer approach opting for peaceful coexistence with the west.
What was planned as a step forward in improving east-west relations
They planned a Paris summit
What resulted in the Paris summit being abandoned and increased rivalry between east and west
The U-2 spy plane
Who was flying the U-2 spy plane
Gary powers
Which side did the u-2 plane belong to
What happened to the u-2 spy plane
I was shot down by a soviet missiles
Where was the u-2 shot doen
Over the Ural Mountains
What did the US do when the soviets announced the shooting down of the plane
They denied it was spying
What happened to Gary powers
It was announced that he would be put on trial for spying and was forced to admit the plane was spying
What did the u-2 spy plane incident result in
Khrushchev refused to attend the Paris summit unless all u-2 flights were cancelled and Eisenhower apologised
What were the two front of the arms race
Nuclear weaponry and conventional military weapons
What did the dropping fo America’s two atomic bombs do
Although it brought war in the east to an end, it changed the way wars would be fought in the future.
When did the Soviet Union develop their own atomic bomb
The same year that the Berlin blockade was lifted.
What had the USA been sure of since wwii
The belief that they held an edge agaisnt the ussr in technology
What was the name of the soviets first satellite
What prompted the space race
The launch of Sputnik
What did the launch of Sputnik mean
It meant that the soviets could spy on the USA