The Cognitive approach Flashcards
whatr is cognitive approach
it studies information processing and internal mental processes
e.g. memory, attention, perception, emotions
cognitive approach has to be studied through
inference (assumption)
because you cant see the internal mental, therefore you have to assume how it happens based on the evidence that you have
the role of schemas in cognitive approach
they help us to organise and interpret information, to predict future events,
it is based on the existing expectations,
and works as a shortcut when our brain needs to fill in the info we dont know
the downside of schemas in cognitive approach
it can support stereotypes
it focuses only on the things that confirm our pre-existing belives and supports the stereotypes
it excludes info that is not on the schema
may cause inaccurate recall (eye whitness testimony)
what is Disequilibrium
an unpleasant state we entter when an existing schema doesnt allow us to make sense of something new
to get rid of disequilibrium
we are motivted to learn
what`s assimilation
putting info into exsiting schemas, even if it shouldn’t be in exectly that schema
what is accommodation
changing our schemas based on the experience and new info
theoretical and computer models
e.g. MSM
usually oversimplify, incoplete, informal and keep changing
to understand the bahaviour the reseracher have to …
conduct and experiment
construct a model
analogy with a computer
input - external stimuli and any input of info into our brain
RAM -processing info like MSM, WMM
hard drive - storing info, with potentially unlimited duration
output - process responsible for preparing appropriate response to a stimuli
the cognitive neuoroscinece
two methods
most advanced way of studying the brain using PET and fMRI
examples of PET
both episodic and semantic memories light up the Prefrontal cortex
but episodic - in the right hem
and semantic - in the left hem
examples of PET and OCD
investigation the causes of OCD -
high levels of dopamine and low levels of serotonin
high activity in the orbital frontal cortex - associated with impulse control, thought process which explains the compulsive hand washing
Characteristics of fMRI
-safer than PET, non invasive
-spatual resolution = good
-temporal resolution = bad (how quickly the scanner can show)
-measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow