Social Learning Theory Flashcards
observing the behaviour and learning from it
4 processes
- modelling
- mediational processes
- identification
- vicarious reinforcment
what is modelling
for of learning where one person is a model and it performs the bahaviour and the other is an observer
-live model = parent
-symbolic model= smn on TV
Mediational process
and the 4 steps process
observer form mental representation of the bahviour and its probable consequences
1. attention
2. retention - memorise the behaviour and transfer into ltm
3. production -ability to perform observed behaviour
4. motivation - imagined reward overweights the cost
extend to which an observer can identify themselves with the model
the higher the identification the higher the chance of repeating behaviour
- Shutts said: we are more likely to identifu ourselves with hte same sex model
Vicarious Reinforcement
when an obeserver sees the +ive reinforcment given to the model for the behaviour = they are more likely to repeat that beahviour, assuming they will be +ively reinforced as well
Procedure of the Bobo doll experiment by Bandura
- children
- room with toys, but they cant touch them
- group 1 = watch an adult behaving violently towards the bobo doll e.g. physical violence, verbal aggresion
- group 2 = non-violent behaviour towards the doll
- AIM: to test imitative learning in the absence of a model
findings of the Bobo doll experiment by Bandura
- group 1 = 1/3 agression
- group 2 = no agression
- seeing rewarded agressive beahviour increases the likelyhood of agressive bahviour and it can become even more agressive
eval 1 top
knowledge from SLT can be used in studyng behaviour of criminals
eval 1 point
likelyhood of smn to perform a criminal bahviour increases if they have seen a model
thy then follow a Mediational process
then aidentifying themselves with the model
and therefore repeating the bahviour
eval 1 tail
However, it has been found that those teens who have a low self-control are looking for peers with similar behaviour, suggesting that they dont just copy, they deliberatly choose smn to copy
eval 2 top
this approach is far less deterministic, as it is not only we are being influenced by environment but also we can choose how to act
eval 2 point
SLT supports the idea that we have some free will, as in the experiment it was still only 1/3 who showed violence, therefore it must have been something influencing for example - free will
we can choose to perform or not - the showed bahviour
less deterministic than Behaviourist
eval 2 tail
allowing to assume there is an elemnet of free will leads to a more positive view on human nature.
Therefore allowing humans to be more responcible for their behaviour
and for creiminal actions to be judged rather then not being able to judge because of determinism
biological approach
eval 3 top
it understimates the influence of biological approach
biological approach
eval 3 point
in the experiment, the groups were mixed gender - so an imidaite strength is a reduced gender bias
however, it doesnt include an important factor that biologicaly men have SRY gene, which promotes agression on the biological level, while girls dont
therefore it could led to boys behaving more aggresively not because they were exposed to model, but due to biologcal factor
biological approach
eval 3 tail
this is an extraneous variable that isnt controlled and therefore influencing the findings of research
doesnt say how
eval 4 top
weakness: it can explain complex behaviours, but it still cant explain how we develop a range of behaviour such as thought, and feelings
doesnt say how
eval 4 point
we have a lot of cognitive control when deciding on the behaviour
so experiencing violence dowsnt mean we willreproduce that beahviour
therefroe tthe theory was modified and called Social Cognitive theory, as it better describes some behaviour formation, rather than all of it, specifically the one we receive form social experience
doesnt say how
eval 4 tail
the theory is reductionust towards such processes like cognition and feelings, therefore its not a full explanation of all behaviours
however it does explain formation of some