Behaviorism Flashcards
about behaviourism
observable, empiricle, behaviour is determined, scientific methods, cause and effect, lots of animal testing
classical conditionig
stimulus(UCS) triggers a natural reflex (UCR)
another stimuli is present (NS) - whixh provokes no responce
(UCS) + (NS) = (UCR)
key aspect of Classical conditioning 1
if NS cant predict the UCS then conditioning does not occur
key aspect of Classical conditioning 2
a weakness of conditional
is if we break the association between the conditioned and th eunconditioned stimuli
e.g. - if the bell repeatedly ranf and there was no food = dog will stop salivating at the sound of bell
key aspect of Classical conditioning 3
Spontaneous Recovery
followinf Extinction if we pair CS and UCS onece again - the link will form quicker
key aspect of Classical conditioning 4
Stimulus Generalisng
once an animal has been conditioned - it will respond to other simmilar conditions
a case of little albert
a case demonstrated how classical conditioning can be responcible for phobias
loud noise (UCS) - fear (UCR)
loud noise + white object (NS) - fear
white object (CS) - fear (CR)
operant conditioning
a produced behaviour has its consequences, they are then reinforced
which influences the likelyhood of the same behaviour to occur later
what reinforcemnt does?
two types of reinforcment
increases the bahviour
+ive: occurs when consequencess are satisfying = adding a pleasent stimuli
-ive: remove something unpleasent
reduces the behaviour, as behaviour is folowed by unpleasent consequences
+ive: adding unpleasent (child swearing=wash dishes)
-ive: removing unpleasent (child swearing=taking away the phone)
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behaviourist theory has a good application to real life, such it led to the development of Systematic disentisiation
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therapy based on Operant conditioning, aims to reduce the link between CS and CR, by that treatin phobias.
removing anxious respond that is associated with the object
and also using OC to replace it with another reaction
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+ double
thereore, it a usefull application, that helps people to improve their lifes, by getting read of phobias using OC
+ double: economy
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research methods
the strength is that all the experiments are highly controlled, they are lab experimnets
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research methods
Skinners box is a good example of the controled experiment, as the IV - the consequences of behaviour were manipulated and therefore a good controled environment was created to observe DV - the rats behaviour.
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this allows to establish causal relationship between variables, reducing all possible extraneous variables increases the accuracy of experiment and increasinf its reliability, therefore making an experimnet scientific and valid
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however it ignores cognitive factors and emotionaal states
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calling humans a profuct of conditioning and ignorimg all the mental procceses - is very reductionistic view.
it minimises the influence of other factors like Cognition or environment.
and overall reducing human behaviour to the process of conditioning
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however, skinner argued that some behaviour should be studied from the reductionistic point of view
Such as interraction with the opposite gender - Skinner says the best way to study such behaviour is to take and examine only one individual firstly (using case study)