The Changing Nature of Leadership Flashcards
What does the Mytilene Debate illustrate about Athenian leadership after Pericles?
The quality of leadership in Athens declined dramatically after Pericles’ death in 429.
How does Thucydides describe Pericles’ leadership?
He describes it as wise and effective, stating Athens was at its greatest under Pericles.
According to Thucydides, who truly held power in Athens during Pericles’ time?
Power was really in the hands of the first citizen, Pericles himself.
What is Thucydides’ view on democracy?
He suggests democracy can work if led by an extraordinarily gifted man.
What did Pericles’ successors do differently than he did?
They adopted methods of demagogy that led to losing control over affairs.
What does Thucydides imply about the motivations of Pericles’ successors?
They were driven by private ambition and profit, leading to poor policies.
Why did Thucydides have a hostile view of democracy?
He had been exiled by the democratic system in 423.
What is the significance of Aristophanes’ play ‘Knights’?
It provides a comical critique of politicians like Cleon and their manipulation of power.
What is the plot summary of Aristophanes’ ‘Knights’?
It’s an allegory where Athens is a household run by ‘Demos’, tricked by a slave representing Cleon.
Who rose to prominence in Athens after Cleon’s death?
Alcibiades became the favorite of the common people.
Who was Alcibiades’ guardian after his father’s death?
Pericles became Alcibiades’ guardian.
What does Plutarch say about Alcibiades’ influence?
He illustrates various ways Alcibiades succeeded in winning over the Athenian people.
What is the nature of the relationship between Alcibiades and Nicias?
Plutarch records a bitter hatred between Alcibiades and Nicias.
How do historians view Cleon?
He is portrayed as violent and incompetent by Thucydides, Aristotle, Aristophanes, and Plutarch.
What is a key characteristic of Aristophanes’ portrayal of Cleon in ‘Knights’?
It serves as a brutal satire of Cleon’s immoral behavior in politics.
Fill in the blank: Thucydides suggests that after Pericles, Athenian leadership was characterized by _______.
True or False: Aristophanes’ ‘Knights’ is the first play entirely dedicated to attacking a single politician.
What does the source suggest about leadership in Athens after Pericles based on Aristophanes’ portrayal?
It suggests that Cleon was incompetent and that leadership deteriorated under demagogues.
How reliable is Aristophanes’ portrayal of Cleon?
It is likely less objective due to exaggeration for comedic effect.