Socrates Flashcards
Who are the primary sources of our portrait of Socrates?
Plato and Xenophon
Both were followers of Socrates and met him in their teens.
What was Socrates accused of corrupting?
Young men
This accusation stemmed from his interactions with the youth of Athens.
In which year was Socrates born?
c. 470 BC
The exact date is not known, but this is the commonly accepted estimate.
What profession did Socrates work as before his philosophical pursuits?
He was at least moderately wealthy and could afford armor to serve as a hoplite.
At which battles did Socrates serve as a hoplite?
Potidea, Delium, Amphipolis
He fought at Potidea in 432, Delium in 424, and Amphipolis in 422.
What civic duty did Socrates fulfill in 407/6?
Member of the council
He participated in civic responsibilities in Athens.
What did Socrates do during the last twenty years of his life?
Wandered the streets of Athens, engaging in debate
He claimed to be poor and likely lived on friends’ charity.
What was the primary area of interest for Socrates?
Human ethics
He focused on how a person should live a good life.
What is the method of inquiry used by Socrates known as?
Elenchus or Socratic method
This method is also referred to as dialectic.
How did Socrates compare his method of inquiry to a profession?
He likened his role in helping others discover wisdom to that of a midwife.
What analogy did Socrates use to describe his relationship with Athens?
A gadfly stinging a horse
This analogy reflects his role in challenging citizens on morality and justice.
What were the consequences of Socrates challenging significant figures in Athens?
Public humiliation of those figures
This led to strong feelings towards him, both positive and negative.