Socrates and Democracy Flashcards
What is Socrates’ main argument against democracy?
Socrates believed the democratic system relies on unskilled people and lacks time for expertise development
Socrates argued that most citizens are not intelligent or educated enough to make informed voting decisions.
According to Socrates, what was a consequence of politicians in a democracy?
Politicians were forced to follow the whims of the people instead of standing up for hard truths
This reflects Socrates’ view that democracy leads to poor governance.
Who authored the philosophical dialogue titled ‘Republic’?
Plato lived from 427-348 BCE and wrote extensively on philosophy, politics, and ethics.
What alternative governance model does Socrates propose in ‘Republic’?
Philosopher-kings should rule with wisdom and honesty
This model emphasizes the need for educated and virtuous leaders.
What does the analogy of the ship represent in Socrates’ critique of democracy?
The ship-owner represents the democratic state, while the navigator represents the educated ‘philosopher-king’
The crew symbolizes demagogues who prioritize personal desires over the state’s well-being.
In the analogy of the animal trainer, what does the animal represent?
The people
The trainer symbolizes speakers who cater to the desires of the populace rather than promoting the common good.
Fill in the blank: Socrates argues that the crew of the ship behaves _______.
This illustrates the dysfunction and self-interest prevalent in a democratic setting.
True or False: Socrates believed that the desires of the people in a democracy are always aligned with what is good for them.
Socrates contended that the people’s desires are often misguided.
What does Socrates criticize about the relationship between speakers and their audience in the analogy of the animal trainer?
Speakers focus on pleasing the audience rather than suggesting truly good policies
This reflects Socrates’ concern about the manipulation of public opinion.
What do the sophists represent in Socrates’ analogy of the animal trainer?
They are compared to the animal trainer who learns to placate the beast
This suggests that sophists prioritize popularity over truth.