The changing economic workd Flashcards
What is development?
The idea of what the 21st century life should consist of
Economic indicators of development?
GNI per capita, poverty line
Social indicators of development?
Life expectancy, literacy rate, infant mortality rate
Environmental indicators of development?
Pollution levels, area of green space
What does the human development index take into account?
Income and inequality between highest and lowest earners, education levels, life expectancy
What are the top and bottom countries in the HDI?
Norway 0.953, Burundi 0.417
What is the demographic transition model?
Shows how population will change, birth rate and death rate
What are the 4 stages of the demographic transition model?
- Small population, high death rate, development so health isn’t invested into
- Death rate decreases, gvnt invests in hospitals, families can afford essentials
- People become safer, have children, reduced infant mortality.
4.Country develops, families earn more, birth and death rates vary but remain low
What is colonialism?
Direct control over a country by another, for power, money and to take resources.
What is neocolonialism?
What a country is controlled indirectly
Social causes of inequality?
Education, health, historical disadvantage.
Environmental causes of inequality?
Political causes of inequality?
Governance, international relations,
Consequences of uneven development.
health and wealth, international migration,
Schemes to improve development?
Investment development, Non Government Organisations
Investment development projects.
HS2, eden project, Three Gorges dam China
Benefits of investment development?
Large scale, Job opportunities, tourism,
Negatives of investment development?
Locals have little voice, expensive, concrete produces CO2, seasonal tourism,
AID development projects.
Wtaer aid, debt relief, fair trade
Advantages of AID?
Help poorest families, relatively cheap
Disadvantages of aid?
NGO s rely on voluntary donations, lack of proper training/ planning