The Brezhnev Era, 1972–1985: the USA and SE Asia - Paris Peace Talks Flashcards
What methods did Nixon use to try to bring the Cold War to an end
Diplomacy with USSR, China, North Vietnam
Bombings in Cambodia and Laos
Bombing and linkage
Outline main events of Paris peace talks
• Prior to 1972
- Kissinger wanted to use ‘China Card’ to bring North Vietnam to negotiating table
• By 1972
- US and North Vietnamese realise their aims couldn’t be achieved through military means
• April 1972
- Kissinger secretly visits Moscow for support during negotiations
• July 1972
- Paris peace talks begin and South Vietnam is excluded
• September 1972
- Progress made after US suggests support for Thieu isn’t fixed
• October 1972
- Paris Peace Agreement made
• November 1972
- Presidential elections
• December 1972
- Bombing of North Vietnam
• January 1973
- Paris Peace Agreement finalised
- Nixon announces Paris Peace Agreement
Who was the president of South Vietnam?
- President Nguyen Van Thieu
Why did Nixon suggest there should be secret Hanoi-Washington negotiations in 1969
As the Paris talks had stalled
Shows Nixon’s desperation
When did secret Hanoi-Washington negotiations occur
May 1969
What terms did the US offer in the Hanoi-Washington 1969 talks and why did the North reject them?
-insisted Thieu stay in power
-but dropped LBJ’s insistence that US troops only withdraw 6 months after NVA (shows more desperate)
Hanoi reject; didn’t see point of withdrawing if US were going to anyway, which it seemed like they wanted to
NV said they were willing to sit in Paris’until the chairs rot’
What is an example of the US’s failing policy of diplomacy to withdraw in 1969
Kissinger set a Nov 1st 1969 deadline for the NV to withdraw
Hanoi responded saying they had no troops in the South
(a lie, but US can’t do anything about it)
How did Nixon attempt to use diplomacy with the USSR to end the Vietnam war?
Oct 1969, US promised detente w/ Soviets for their help in ending the war, to pressure them
Didn’t work
When did Kissinger visit China
July 1971
Why did Kissinger meet with China
To reestablish harmonious relations with China amid the Sino-Soviet split
To mediate between the Vietnamese parties
What did Nixon announce his plans were with China
his plans to visit China for a summit in March 1972
What did the US’s visit to the March 1972 China summit achieve?
The Shanghai Communique, about Taiwan mainly, shows improving relations
How did the Soviets react to Nixon’s plans to visit China
Invited him to a summit for May 1972
Prior to continuation of Paris peace talks
- Kissinger’s aims
- Prior to 1972 meetings, Kissinger looked for ways to bring North Vietnamese to negotiating table
- Kissinger used ‘China Card’, which took advantage of Sino-Soviet split
- China’s stance
- China not willing to use influence over North Vietnam to help US, as North Vietnam was solely in its sphere of influence and not USSR’s, who they were vying for influence against in NV
- North Vietnam told China to negotiate with US in Paris
- USSR’s stance
- In April 1972, USSR showed similar enthusiasm as China to support US
- USSR saw value in North Vietnamese victory and wouldn’t encourage North to compromise
Why did Nixon want to be out of the war by Nov 1972
The election was in Nov 1972
What were Nixon’s goals to achieve in withdrawl before the electoins
All prisoners of war release by Hanoi
Leave behind pro-US govs in Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam
What did Kissinger intend to use to bring the North Vietnamese to the negotiating table?
- ‘China Card’
When did Kissinger secretly visit Moscow to try get the USSR’s support prior to Paris peace talks?
- April 1972
Why did the US and North Vietnamese want peace talks? What stance did South Vietnam take?
- By 1972, clear to US and North Vietnam that their aims couldn’t be achieved through military means
- In South Vietnam, President Nguyen Van Thieu was determined to keep US military in country and to only accept peace proposals guaranteeing a long-term non-communist South Vietnam
By what year did the US and North Vietnamese realise their aims couldn’t be achieved through military means?
- By 1972
What did Nixon increase in 1972
Bombings - to pressure North in negotiations
When was the Spring offensive
March 1972
What was the Spring offensive
A big offensive from the NVA against the South
Caused ARVN to crumble
Was because the NVA wasn’t willing to settle for a US-supported ARVN and Thieu at their border
When was Operation LInebacker
May - Oct 1972
What was Operation Linebacker
US launched to help counter the Spring Offensive
150,000 tonnes of bombs dropped on NV, inc. in depots on Hanoi
How did the US use linkage to pressure the North
Drove Hanoi and Moscow apart by threatening the latter w/ cancellation of a planned summit (which the Soviets wanted during the Sino-Soviet split)
So the USSR pressured the North to settle
What was an example of US and USSR linkage working
When the US bombed 4 soviet merchant tanks in April 1972 that the Soviets reacted with only mild protest
What factors drove the North to settle
Pressure from allies
Bombing from US
US willing to have concessions
Paris peace talks
- Talks began in July 1972
- South Vietnam excluded from talks
- Progress made by September 1972 when US suggested support for Thieu wasn’t fixed (showing reducing leverage and increasing desperation)
- North willing to consider coalition government with NLF representatives
What were the Oct 1972 Paris Peace Agreement terms
NVA allowed to stay in SV
Hanoi let Thieu stay in power
US wouldn’t insist a ceasefire in Laos and Cambodia
Committee of reconciliation set up to oversee elections
POWs to be exchanged
Nixon secretly promised billions in reconstruction aid to Hanoi
Ceasefire in Vietnam starting in Jan 1973
(both US and North made some compromise)
What did Kissinger announce in Oct 1972
Kissinger announced that ‘Peace is at hand’, however Thieu refused to sign.
What happens in Nov 1972
Nixon wins a landslide victory
Paris Peace Agreement
• Dates
- In October 1972, agreement was reached
- In January 1973, Nixon announced the Paris Peace Agreement to public
• Agreement
- In January 1973, ceasefire would begin
- Each side’s forces would keep areas they controlled at time of ceasefire
- Within 60 days, US would withdraw its forces and POWs would be exchanged
- A commission would be set up to consider introduction of free elections in post-war South Vietnam
- Free elections would consider the possibility of the eventual reunification of Vietnam
When was the Paris Peace Agreement made? When would the ceasefire begin? When was it announced to the US public?
- Paris Peace Agreement made in October 1972
- Ceasefire would begin in January 1973
- Nixon announced agreement to public in January 1973
How did South Vietnam react to Paris Peace Agreement?
- South Vietnam appalled at agreement and their exclusion from discussions
-Nixon had to pressure Thieu to sign
What action did Nixon take following the Paris Peace Agreement?
• Thieu and elections
- Nixon insisted ‘peace with honour’ but waited after November 1972 presidential elections to take action
- After landslide victory, Nixon renewed military efforts to reassure Thieu and to warn North Vietnamese it wouldn’t abandon Thieu
• Bombing
- In December 1972, Nixon ordered bombing of Hanoi and all other important northern cities
- Heaviest bombing of entire Vietnam War
- Led to international condemnation and Nixon’s approval rating fell to 32% in US
When did Nixon bomb all important northern cities? What was the significance of these bombings?
- December 1972
- Heaviest bombing of entire Vietnam War
- Led to international condemnation
- Nixon’s approval rating fell to 32% in US
When was the Paris Peace agreement ratified
Jan 27th, 1973
When were US military forces out by
March 1973
Who succeeded Nixon after the Watergate scandal
Gerald Ford