The Brezhnev Era, 1972–1985: the Extent of Détente up to 1979 - the SALT Talks, SALT I Flashcards
What agreements had iniaited process of limiting arms
Test ban Treaty and Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty
What does SALT stand for?
- Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
When did the first SALT occur?
- 26 May 1972
What were the names of the treaties and agreements made at SALT I?
- The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
- The Interim Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
What agreements were made under the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty?
- Limited USSR and US to 2 fields of ABMs, each with a limit of 100 missiles
- 1 field could be set up around a capital city and 1 other to protect Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) sites
What was the significance of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty?
- Reduced strategic value of ABMs so no competition to develop ABM defence technology
- Regarded as a fundamental contribution to preventing nuclear war and mutually destructive conflict
What agreements were made under the Interim Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms?
- Established freeze on strategic missiles: ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers
- Agreement valid for five years (until 1977)
- No limits on newly developing technology e.g MIRVs
- No limits on cruise missile systems
How many ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers were the US and USSR allowed under the Interim Agreement on Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT I)?
- Around 1000 ICBMs for US and 1600 for USSR
- Around 650 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs) for US and 740 for USSR
- 450 strategic bombers for US and 140 for USSR
What was the significance of the SALT I talks?
- Opened way for era of negotiation and détente rather than confrontation
- US nuclear dominance ended and both of equal status
Which summit were the SALT agreements finalised at?
Moscow Summit
What event preceded SALT and was a sign of improving relations
The ‘Spirit of Glassboro’ meeting
When was The ‘Spirit of Glassboro’ meeting
June 1967
What was The ‘Spirit of Glassboro’ meeting
in Glassboro, New Jersey
Meeting between Kosygin (USSR premier) and LBJ to discuss relations
Occurred in aftermath of six-day Arab-Israeli war
Diplomatic contact and cooperation increased leading to some hope for an improvement in relations
Nothing specific agreed upon
General spirit of friendliness, gave it the name
When was the Moscow Summit
May 1972
What was agreed at the Moscow Summit
“Basic Principles” of relations between US and USSR
Acted as a code of behaviour in terms of relations the two powers had
How many principles were agreed upon? What were the first and second ones?
1st: to conduct relations based on peaceful coexistence
2nd: To avoid situations that could jeopardise PC, like military confrontation
How did the powers view the “Basic Principles”
US viewed them more as aspirations than a solid base for detente- they had no legal backing
USSR viewed them as foundation for detente