The Brezhnev Era, 1972-1985: Developments in Africa and the Americas - the Impact of Cuban Intervention in Angola Flashcards
Angola was a former colony of which country?
- Portugal
When did the Portuguese start fighting against Angolan nationalists?
- Since early 1960s
When does Portugal grant Angola independence?
- April 1974
Which factions were part of the interim Angolan government?
- MPLA (Marxist)
- UNITA (Maoist)
- FNLA (Pro-US)
Which countries supported each faction?
- Cuba
- China
- China
- US
- South Africa
- US
- China
Was the interim government successful?
- Three factions aimed for independence but alliances broke down after Portuguese withdrawal
- Spring of 1975 - civil war starts
When did the civil war start?
- Spring of 1975
How did Cuba aid the MPLA during the civil war?
• October 1975
- Cuban forces protect Luanda from FNLA and South African forces
• November 1975
- Cubans won against South Africans in Luanda and create People’s Republic of Angola (PRA)
• By late January 1976
- 12,000 Cuban troops supporting MPLA
• March 1976
- MPLA reaches final victory
When did Cuba protect Luanda from FNLA and South Africa?
- October 1975
When did MPLA win against the South Africans and the FNLA in Luanda? What did the MPLA form following the victory?
- November 1975
- Cuba created the People’s Republic of Angola (PRA)
- Neto becomes leader of PRA
How many Cuban troops were supporting the MPLA by late January 1976?
- 12,000
When did the MPLA achieve their final victory?
- March 1976
What aid did Cuba provide the PRA with following the civil war?
• Early 1977
- Cuba began removing troops but promised PRA military aid from external threats (South Africa)
• 1988
- High of 52,000 Cuban troops in Angola
- Provided 1000s of experts in infrastructure development, healthcare and education
- Provided scholarships for Angolans to study in Cuba
What Cuba promise PRA in early 1977?
- Cuba began removing troops
- Promised PRA military aid from external threats (South Africa)
What aid had Cuba provided the PRA by 1988?
- Peak of 52,000 troops in PRA
- Provided 1000s of experts in fields of infrastructure development, healthcare and education
- Provided scholarships for Angolans to study in Cuba
What did the US think of Cuba’s actions in Angola?
- Believed Cuba was acting on behalf of USSR as a ‘Soviet surrogate’ in Kissinger’s words
Was Castro really acting as a ‘Soviet surrogate’?
- Castro sent support to Cuba on his own, not part of monolithic communism
- Castro was at an ‘ideological high’ in Kissinger’s words, eager to spread communism