Our Principles
Hospitality Respect Honestly Reasonableness Quality Fun Balance
Our Promises to You
Clear Direction
Superb Preparation
Unwavering Support
Your 3 promises to us
Own the Experience
Promises to our Guests
Simply nGreat Food + Drink
Guest Indulgence
(THE BONEFISH WAY) Seven principles guide how we take care of Our People -
. HOSPITALITY Is being warmly welcoming. Inclusive, kind and seeing to the comfort and welt-being of people.
RESPECT Is listening and showIng high regard for the dignity of people.
. HONESTY is being forthrIght, truthful, and tellIng the and open to off differences of opinion.
REASONABLENESS is being just understanding and open to differences of opinion
‘ QUALITY is continually improving and upholding our standards, adherence to procedures, and reverence for our rituals.
. FUN Is being n source of energy. showing a sense of humor.and celebrating Our People and theIr achievements.
‘BALANCE Is achIevIng the goals we have set for each of Our People without compromIse to any other.