The Body's Systems I U3 Flashcards
Integration and Control organ systems
Nervous system, Endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, immune system
Exchange and Transport organ systems
Respiration, circulatory, digestive, excretory systems
Perpetuation organ systems
Bacteria and organ systems
take in nutrients, water etc. excrete wastes compare to humans they have more surface area to volume ratio so they don’t need organ systems but we do
All organisms must accomplish two basic functions to survive
exchange and transport
- The larger the cells the more time it takes for ions/nutrients/ signals, inefficient
- Organ systems arose because of necessity and constraint
Maintaining equilibrium throughout the entire body
-Temp, fluid and blood pressure
our bodies ability to maintain temp, controlled by nervous system
animals that rely on environment for source of heat
Ex-reptiles, fish, invertebrates
Generate their own heat through metabolism
Ex-mammals and birds
Pros and Cons of Ectothermy
Pros- less energy spent regulating body temp, less water needed
Costs- can only be active when environment permits,
limited energy, bursts of energy
Body temperature importance
affects physiological processes, denaturing of proteins, enzymes are critical, enzyme/substrate affinity is temp dependent
Narrow temp range
individualized cells can range in temp but the overall temp needs to stay relatively constant
Dealing with cold
Insulation such as: fat, hair, clothing,
- Vasomotor response- adjust blood flow according to temperature
- cool blood when hot and warm skin when cold by sending blood to the very surface
Piloerection (fur/hair)
Goosebumps, traps air and increases insulation
Increasing the work of muscle cells=increasing heat
Non-shivering thermogenesis
Metabolism in brown fat, large amount of mitochondria, babies have more brown fat, as the brown fat is metabolized it produces heat, activated when cold, (BAT-brown adipose tissue)
Dealing with heat
problems with combating overheating is loss of water
- Insulation-fat, hair, clothing
- panting- advantage over sweating, no salts are lost, air forced to lungs to cool
- Behavior- seek shade
fluid evaporates and gets rid of excess wastes and cools
Thermoregulation overview, three steps
1-Body temp changes
2-Body responds with an action
3- reaction results in bringing temp back to normal
process of maintaining ion and water balance across membranes
concentration of ex:ion in a fluid in the body
Body fluids
Humans are 60% water, critical
- Inorganic ions
- Water
Inorganic ions
affect molecular conformation of enzymes and proteins
influence PH of fluid
maintain electrical gradient
important in nerve-impulse transmission and muscle excitation
ions are dissolved in water
amount dictates concentration
affects volume of cells and tissues
movement affect hydrostatic pressure in body
Interstitial fluids
extracellular fluid
Blood plasma
good representation of interstitial fluids not necessarily intracellular fluids because cells have individual pumps
Blood plasma
good representation of interstitial fluids not necessarily intracellular fluids because cells have individual pumps
Eating and drinking
Intake of salty food, osmoregulation requires frequent urination to flush out additional ions
Osmoregulatory systems
Urinary, respiratory, and excretory
tiny units in kidneys that filter blood and create urea
especially common in females, bacteria getting pushed into opening
Kidney stones
very high mineral concentration passing through kidneys, pass through ureter which hurts like crazy, prevention includes drinking lots of water