The body and problem of prosthetic limbs Flashcards
the cutting off of a part of the body
relating to an artificial body part, such as an arm, foot, or tooth, that replaces a missing part (plural)
prosthetic or prosthesis (prostheses)
an arm or leg of a person or animal
a person who has had an arm or leg cut off
traditional and ordinary
a part of the body into which another part fits
a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun
a light frame made from two long poles with a cover of soft material stretched between them, used for carrying people who are ill, injured, or dead
to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough
pain that you get in your stomach when you have eaten food that is difficult to digest
a place in your body where two bones are connected (sklep)
a bone between your shoulder and neck on each side of your body (klucnica)
the line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body and protects the spinal cord (hrbtenica)
spine (backbone)
one of the small bones that form the spine (plural) (vretenca)
vertebra (vertebrae)
the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body (srce)
one of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body (arterija) (plural)
artery (arteries)
a large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile, or this organ from an animal used as meat (jetra)
a long tube through which food travels while it is being digested after leaving the stomach (crevesje)
bones that curve round from your back to your chest (rebra)
the bones that form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the top of the legs, and to which the leg bones and spine are joined (medenica)
a small tube-shaped part that is joined to the intestines on the right side of the body and has no use in humans (slepic)
either of the two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe (pljuca)
a tube that carries blood to the heart from the other parts of the body (zila) (2 similar words)
vein or blood vessel
either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine (ledvica)
an organ like a bag inside the body of a person or animal, where urine is stored before it leaves the body (mehur)
a small organ in the body, connected to the liver, that stores bile (= a bitter liquid that helps to digest food) (zolcnik)
gall bladder
the set of nerves inside the spine that connect the brain to other nerves in the body (hrbtenjaca)
spinal cord
the large, soft piece of flesh in the mouth that you can move, and is used for tasting, speaking, etc.: (jezik)
either of the two pieces of skin that can close over each eye (veka)
hair that a man grows above his upper lip (brki)
the natural appearance of the skin on a person’s face, especially its colour or quality (polt)
either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breathe (nosna votlina)
the forehead (= part of the face above the eyes) (celo)
the hair that some men allow to grow on the lower part of their face (brada)
either of the two areas of firm pink flesh inside the mouth that cover the bones into which the teeth are fixed (dlesni)
the soft round part at the bottom of the ear (usesna mecica)
the flat area on each side of your head in front of the top of your ear (sence)
the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go (grlo)
the bones of the head that surround the brain and give the head its shape (lobanja)
a small line in the skin caused by old age (guba)
a small, hard lump (= a raised area) that grows on the skin, often on the face and hands (bradavica)
a small, dark mark on a woman’s face that is considered to make her look more attractive (lepotno znamenje)
beauty spot
a small, pale brown spot on the skin, usually on the face, especially of a person with pale skin (pega)
a small, dark spot or lump (= raised area) on a person’s (materino znamenje)
mole (birthmark)
a painful, red swelling, especially on the lips or nose, that is caused by a virus (herpes)
cold sore
a small, sore swelling on the edge of an eyelid (jecmen)
a small raised spot on the skin that is temporary (mozolj)
spot, pimple
a small hollow place, especially one that appears on a person’s face when they smile (jamica)
a painful swelling on the skin that is filled with pus (= thick, yellow liquid) (tur)
a mark left on part of the body after an injury, such as a cut, has healed (brazgotina)
the solid waste that is released from the bowels of a person or animal
excrement (human waste)
an infectious disease that produces small, red spots all over the body (ospice)
an infectious illness that causes a sore throat, a high body temperature, and red spots on the skin (skrlatinka)
scarlet fever
an infectious disease spread by dirty water and food, causing a high body temperature, red spots on the upper body, severe pains in the bowels, and sometimes death (tifus)
an extremely infectious disease that causes a fever, spots on the skin, and often death (koze)
a serious infection of the bowels caused by drinking infected water or eating infected food, causing diarrhoea, vomiting, and often death
an infectious disease that causes a slight fever and red spots on the skin (norice)
a serious disease of the liver
a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant
to outbreak
to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound (kaselj)
A _________disease can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or by touching an infected object, or by an infected person coughing, sneezing, etc. near you
(of a disease) able to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another
an unpleasant fog that smells bad
an illness in which the body’s solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often