Greenland, Tristan de Cunha, Zanzibar Flashcards
area with no dominant vegetation cover
bare land
beautiful, but in a sad way and often in a way that cannot be forgotten
A ________ place is empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant in it
a dead body, usually of a person
someone or something that represents a quality or an idea exactly
an area of land that is permanently frozen below the surface
money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen
to pay part of the cost of something
to subsidise
exposed to or characterized by strong winds and rain.
storm tossed
to take possession of an area of land or a country, usually by force or without permission
to annex
an offensive word for someone with one black parent and one white parent
a small house, usually in the countryside, with a roof that is made from straw (= dried stems of crops) or reeds
thatched cottage
an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree
to comprise
the state of not being known to many people
a time in the past (like yesterday)