Grammar 2. test 3.B Flashcards
a person with no home or job who travels from place to place, usually asking people in the street for food or money
in a way that shows you have strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation
a person who works in the civil service
civil servant
a regional or national organisation that has very different functions from one country to another. The functions range from flood control and water resources management at the regional or local level
water board
a person whose job involves designing and building engines, machines, roads, bridges, etc.
remaining constant in your support of somebody/something
the head of the government of a town or city, etc., elected by the public
a list of people employed by a company showing the amount of money to be paid to each of them
having retired from work
a person who is in charge of running a business, a shop or a similar organization or part of one
more than two but not very many
the place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged
the fact of somebody being away from a place where they are usually expected to be; the occasion or period of time when somebody is away
used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have happened to prevent it
the study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life
an angry argument or disagreement between people, often about a personal matter
to complain about somebody/something, especially something that is not really very serious
a person who plays a lot of sport, especially as a professional
advertising material that is sent or emailed to people who have not asked for it
junk mail
a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that usually follows it
a flat piece of metal, usually like a coin in shape, that is given to the winner of a competition or to somebody who has been brave, for example in war
the hours in a day that a shop or company is open
business hours
to frighten or hurt a weaker person; to use your strength or power to make somebody do something
bully (bullied)