The blood & heart Flashcards
What are Platelets?
Fragments of calles with no nuclues, they help to form blood clots at the wound
What is Plasma?
The Plasma carrys blood cells, carbom dioxide, urea, souluble food molecues, hormones and proteins
What are white blood cells?
White blood cells destory bacteria and virus, it protects us from infection
What are red blood cells?
Red blood cells crry oxygen around the body, they have a biconcave shape, they also contain a red protein pigment called hemoglobin
What is a capillary?
A capillary has thin walls (1 cell thick) which allows diffusion on subst into and out the blood. Out of the blood is oxygen and glucose and it inequals carbon dioxide
What is a vein?
A vein is when the blood is under low pressure so the walls are thinner, veins contain vovius to prevent backflow
function: carrys blood from organs back towards the heart, contains deoxygenates blood. Has a wide lumen and a thin muscle wall
What is an artery?
An artery is where the blood is under high pressure therefore the arterys have thick walls, arterys contian elastic tissue so they can stretch
function: carry out blood away from the heart, carry oxygenated blood. They have a thick muscle wall and lumen
What is the Aorta?
Carries blood to the body
What does the Pulmonary Arterys do?
It carries blood to the lungs
What do the pulmonary viens do?
They carry blood from the lungs
What does the superior vena cava do?
Carries blood to the heart (top of the heart)
What does the inferior vena cava do?
Carries blood to the heart (bottom of the heart)
What is the journey of the blood around the heart?
- Blood returns to the right atrium through the vena cava
- Blood flows down into the right ventical
- Blood is pumped out of the right ventical through the pulmanary artery to the lungs to collect the oxygen.
- Oxygenated blood returns to the left artium through the pulmanary vein
- Bloody flows down to the left ventical
- The left ventrical contracts to force the blood out of the Aorta to the body
What is coronary heart disease?
The arteries that supply blood to the herat become narrowed with a build up of plaque/fat, therefore less blood can get to the heart which means less respiration
How can coronary heart disease be treated with Statins?
Statins reduce blood cholestreol levels and this slows down the rate at which fatty material is deposited in the coronary arteries
How can coronary heart disease be treated with Stents?
The balloon placed in the artery, whilst the fatty deposites narows artery, the balloon is inflated to open the blood vessel and stent and it holds the artery open
How can coronary heart disease be treated with Bypass?
Takes surgery, replacing thenarrow or blocked coronary arteries, this helps when stents arent nessary. It is expensive and there are risks like infection
What is cow tissue heart value?
It is used for valve replacment, been used since 2011 and is made from artery tissue, attached to a stent and insurted inside the valvue
What is a living human heart valvue?
Used for valvue replacment, has been used for more than 12 year, can take a long time to find a suitable human donor, in the opperation the chest is opened and the old valvue is removed
What is the function of the pacemaker?
A pacemakers job is to regulate the heartrate, it is found in the right atrium. It sends electrical impulses to make sure the heart beats in a regular rythm.
What is the equation for respiration?
oxygen + glucose –> carbon dioxide + water