THE BLOOD Flashcards
It is the only fluid tissue in the human body.
True or False. Blood is classified as a connective tissue.
Living cells: Formed elements::Non-living matrix: __________
How many percent is the plasma in the blood? Formed elements?
55%, 45%
A constituent of blood plasma which is a solvent responsible for carrying other substances.
Examples of Plasma proteins
Albumin, Fibrinogen, Globulins
It transports oxygen, and help transport carbon dioxide
Number of Erythrocytes per mm3 of blood
4-6 million
Number of leukocytes per mm3 of blood
Number of platelets per mm3 of blood
What is the color of an oxygen-rich blood
Scarlet Red
What is the color of an oxygen-poor blood
Dull red
pH range of a blood must remain between 7.35-______
True or False. Body temperature is slightly higher than body temperature.
Blood plasma composed of approximately ____ of water.
Blood plasma includes many dissolves substances.
Nutrients, Salts, Respiratory gases, Hormones, Proteins, Waste products
A plasma protein that regulates osmotic pressure.
A plasma protein that help to stem blood loss when a blood vessel is injured.
Clotting proteins
A plasma protein help protect the body from antigens
The Formed elements:
Erythrocytes = red blood cells
Leukocytes = white blood cells
Platelets = cell fragments
Salmon-colored biconcave disks; anucleate; literally, sacs of hemoglobin; most organelles have been ejected
An active phagocyte; number increases rapidly during short-term or acute infections
Red coarse cytoplasmic granules; Kill parasitic worms; Increase during allergy attack
U- or S-shaped nucleus with constrictions, stains dark blue; Granules contain histamine, which is discharged at sites of inflammation
A vasodilator chemical
Cytoplasm pale blue and appears as thin rim around nucleus; spherical dark purple-blue nucleus
This group of lymphocytes produces antibodies
B lymphocytes
A group of lymphocytes involved in graft rejection, fighting tumors and viruses, and activating B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
Active phagocytes that become macrophages in the tissues; long term “clean-up team”; Increase in number during chronic infections such as TB
Different leukocytes under granulocytes
Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils
Different lymphocytes under agranulocytes
Lymphocytes, monocytes
Essentially irregularly shaped cell fragments; Needed for normal blood clotting; Help to control blood loss from broken blood vessels
The main function of Erythrocytes is to carry _________.
Do Erythrocytes contain nucleus?
It is an iron-containing protein that binds strongly, but reversibly, to oxygen.
How many oxygen binding sites does hemoglobin contains?
Each erythrocyte has ________ hemoglobin molecules.
250 million
In contrast to erythrocytes, it is a complete cell with nucleus and oraganelles
The ability of leukocytes to move into and out of the blood vessels
Leukocytes can move by __________
Ameboid motion
Occurs when leukocyte level is above 11,000 leukocytes/mL, which indicates an infection
Occurs when there is an abnormally low leukocyte level, which commonly caused by certain drugs
Type of leukocytes in which their granules in their cytoplasm can be stained
A type of leukocytes that lack visible cytoplasmic granules
Multilobed nucleus with fine granules; Act as phagocytes at active sites of infection
Large brick-red cytoplasmic granules; Found in response to allergies and parasitic worms
Have histamine-containing granules; Initiate inflammation
Nucleus fills most of the cell; Play an important role in the immune response
Largest of the white blood cells; Function as macrophages; Important in fighting chronic infection
Derived from ruptured multinucleate cells (megakaryocytes)
Normal platelet count =
Which means blood cell formation
Where does hematopoiesis occur?
Red bone marrow
All blood cells are derived from a ___________ or ___________
common stem cell, hemocytoblast
During hemocytoblast differentiation, ____________ stem cell produces lymphocytes.
During hemocytoblast differentiation, _________ stem cell produces erythrocytes, thrombocytes, and granulocytes.
Unable to divide, grow, or synthesize proteins
How many days before erythrocytes wear out?
100-120 days
When erythrocytes worn out, they are eliminated by phagocytes in the ______ or _______.
Spleen, Liver
Lost erythrocytes are replaced by __________
division of hemocytoblasts
The rate of erythrocyte production is controlled by the hormone _________
__________ produce most erythropoietin as a response to reduced oxygen levels in the blood
True or False. Homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback from blood oxygen levels
Stoppage of blood flow; Result of a break in a blood vessel
Hemostasis involves three phases:
Platelet plug formation
Vascular spasms
Stages of Platelet plug formation
Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a blood vessel
Platelets become “sticky” and cling to fibers
Anchored platelets release chemicals to attract more platelets
Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug
During the vascular spasms, what do platelets release that caused blood vessel muscles to spasm.
During vascular spasms, do spasms narrow the blood vessel to decrease blood loss?
During coagulation, what do injured tissues release?
_________________ interacts with thromboplastin, blood protein clotting factors, and calcium ions to trigger a clotting cascade
PF3 (a phospholipid)
What converts prothrombin to thrombin (an enzyme)
Prothrombin activator
What does thrombin join with to form hair-like fibrin, which forms meshwork?
Fibrinogen proteins
It is the basis for a clot
How long does blood clotting usually occur?
3 to 6 minutes
A clot in an unbroken blood vessel; Can be deadly in areas like the heart
A thrombus that breaks away and floats freely in the bloodstream; Can later clog vessels in critical areas such as the brain
A bleeding disorder that leads to platelet deficiency.
During thrombocytopenia, Even normal movements can cause bleeding from small blood vessels that require platelets for clotting
A hereditary bleeding disorder in which normal clotting factors are missing.
Loss of 15 to 30 percent of blood causes ___________
Loss of over ________ causes shock, which can be fatal
30 percent
True or False. Transfused blood must be of the same blood group.
Why would a foreign protein (antigen) be attack by the immune system?
Because it recognizes as “not self”
A process in which antibodies is used to identify the type of a blood as it causes blood to clump with the antigen (protein), which determines now the type of blood.
There are over ____ common red blood cell antigens
The most vigorous transfusion reactions are caused by ______ and _____ blood group antigens
Based on the presence or absence of two antigens: Type A and Type B
ABO blood groups
The lack of type A and type B antigens is called
type O
The presence of both A and B is called
type AB
The presence of either A or B is called types A and B
Named because of the presence or absence of one of eight Rh antigens (agglutinogen D)
Rh blood groups
Most __________ are Rh+
Problems can occur in mixing Rh+ blood into a body with Rh– blood. Why?
Because Rh- does not have Rh antigen, that is if exposed to a Rh+, the immune system of Rh- may attack the Rh+ blood.
Danger is only when the mother is Rh–and the father is Rh+, and the child inherits the Rh+ factor. Why?
If an Rh- mother is carrying an Rh+ baby, her antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the baby’s Rh+ red blood cells
Why does an Rh- mother usually not face problems during her first pregnancy with an Rh+ baby?
In the first pregnancy, the Rh- mother’s immune system is not yet sensitized to the Rh+ blood.
What happens during a second pregnancy if an Rh- mother carries another Rh+ baby?
After the first pregnancy, the mother’s immune system has been sensitized to the Rh antigen. During a second pregnancy with an Rh+ baby, her body recognizes the Rh+ cells as foreign and produces antibodies against them. These antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the baby’s red blood cells, leading to hemolytic disease.
How can mixing blood samples with anti-A and anti-B serum help determine a person’s blood type?
When a blood sample is mixed with anti-A and anti-B serum, the presence or absence of coagulation (clumping) shows which antigens are on the red blood cells. If the blood clumps with anti-A serum, it means the blood has A antigens (Type A or AB). If it clumps with anti-B serum, the blood has B antigens (Type B or AB). No clumping with either serum indicates Type O blood. This test can quickly determine a person’s ABO blood type.
testing for agglutination of donor RBCs by the recipient’s serum, and vice versa
Cross matching
What are the early sites of blood cell formation in the fetus?
Fetal liver and Spleen
When does the bone marrow take over hematopoiesis in fetal development?
Seventh month
How does fetal hemoglobin differ from hemoglobin produced after birth?
Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen, allowing more efficient oxygen transfer from the placenta to the fetus.