The Bible Project Flashcards
What is the theme of Genesis 1-11?
God and the world
What is the theme of Genesis 12-50?
God and Abraham’s family
What does God do the disorder and darkness?
he makes order, goodness and beauty of it
The humans God created were to be __________.
images of God
What was the purpose of the garden?
the beginning of the world that would hopefully reflect God
What does “Adam” mean in Hebrew?
What is the choice God gives Adam and Eve?
to take his word on good and evil or find out for themselves
Why is turning away from God synonymous with death?
God is the giver of life
The snake is a creature in rebellion from God that wants to lead the humans to __________.
rebel against God
What is ironic about the snake telling Adam and Eve they will become like God if they choose good and evil for themselves?
they are already like God
What does the mysterious poem foreshadow?
Jesus coming to save us
How are the stories of Noah and Adam similar?
they are both naked and ashamed
What new technology allowed the Babylonians to build bigger cities quickly?
the brick
What famous tower was built?
Tower of Babel
What happened as a consequence of their desire to become like God?
God scattered them ; divided and confused
What connects chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-50?
Abraham’s genealogy
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, ___ sons.
Which son was Jacob’s favourite?
What happened to Jacob’s favourite son?
sold into slavery by his brothers
Why did Jacob’s favourite son go to Egypt and accidentally meet their brother?
went to go get food ; there was a famine in Cane
Humans keep chasing evil. What does God do with evil?
he makes good out of evil