Rubin Report Interviews Bishop Robert Baron Flashcards
What lesson in school caused “bells to go off” for Bishop Barron?
the lesson on Aquinas’ argument from causality
What is Aquinas’ argument form causality?
things exist, but they do not have to exist ; things exist because other things exist
T/F : Most atheist don’t understand what is meant by “God”.
In what way has the Catholic church embraced the physical sciences?
Gregor Mendel; we have always wondered and wanted to find the truth
Why does Bishop Barron feel that the atheist is actually narrower in thought than the Christian?
they do not seek to answer questions; they just say “that’s how it is”
What does Bishop Barron mean when he says our society is “buffered” from the transcendental?
the more you experience the more you know ;we should open ourselves to the transcendent
“ I live as if all there is is what I can see”
What line of Leonard Cohen does Barron recommend against being buffered form the transcendental?
“cracks in your skull open the light”
Why do our best times and best moments leave us desiring more?
you can feel wonderment in those moments, but you ask if that is all there is
How does Bishop Barron explain his answer when asked if a person can seek and find truth without any real belief or allegiance in God?
- the philosophical is open to anyone
- faith is trusting God
- you can use rational means but it ultimately comes down to trust and faith
What is the Catholic Church’s stance on faith and reason?
we like faith and reason
What were the two extremes to which Barron did not subscribe when you have two parties with very different theological beliefs?
violent imposition or indifferent toleration
Who are the “nones”?
the secularists ( no religion )
Why does Barron say the Catholic Church is now one of the safest places for a child?
because every employee in a church must have a background check and much more ( there is safe guards )
What will always happen to societies with no agreed upon moral values?
the society will become deeply unstable and corrupted
What did Bishop Barron see as the most important Judeo-Christian moral principle?
the dignity of the individual
Should every moral belief be legislated?
no; legislating could cause more problems than not legislating
Why is the issue of abortion so fundamental that legislation is necessary?
it deals with life
How is science on the side of the church in determining the question on when human life begins?
human DNA is present in the moment of conception
What lessons are we being taught when Jesus spoke about the Real Presence, and everyone walked away except his disciples?
not a numbers game ; bringing more people to the church by changing its teachings is not good
Why is the Catholic Church not going to “dial down” fundamental teachings that have been passed down through the church?
because we are not going to dial them down if someone finds them hard ; the church called people to be a radical society
Why does Bishop Barron say that going into WWII was acceptable, but the later conduct was not?
it was necessary to go to war, but dropping bombs was not just
The church wants _____ not the mediocre.
The church is extreme in demand and extreme in ______.
What should we first say about anyone regardless of their belief or lifestyle?
“you are a beloved child of God”
Fully expressed sexuality is seen by the Church as being both intimate and procreative. Is this expression always realized in marriage between man and woman?
no; it’s trying to keep the bar high ( not every sexual act is for procreation )
What institution does Barron say is a building block for society?
The Church does not say to any sinner, “ you’re great ; now off you go.” On the other hand, the Church must first of all reach out ___________________.
in love with the offer of divine life
What are some of the problems that medical science has found with porn?
the brain is affected the same way it is by addictive substances
The church must be seen as not opposing but _______.
What two famous speeches did Barron cite in the discussion of religion being allowed a voice in the public square?
- Lincoln’s second inaugural speech
2. King’s speech in ‘63
Why did Bishop Barron say that the Christian faith can handle mockery so well?
because Jesus was mocked ( you can mock us but we take it for our Messiah )
What was Bishop Barron’s comments about governmental systems that offer a type of Utopia?
problems will only come of it
While Bishop Barron is a fan of The Simpsons, what stereotype has emerged in other shows and what effect has it had?
- the stereotype that men are dumb and women pull all the strings
- it has had the effect that men are suppressed