John 6 Flashcards
What impressed the large crowd that was following Jesus?
The signs he was performing on the sick
Why did Jesus ask Phillip “where can we buy bread for these people?”
To test him
What food did they find and who had it?
A young boy had five barley loaves and two fish
How many were in attendance ?
5,000 men
After the multiplication of the fish and loaves, what did the people think about Jesus and what were they going to do with him?
They though Jesus was truly the prophet and were going to come and carry him off to be king
When Jesus appeared to the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, what did he say to them?
” It is I. Do not be afraid.”
What reason did Jesus say was the reason that the people were looking for him?
Because they ate the loaves and were filled
What kind of food did Jesus say to work for and what kind not to work for?
Work for food that endures eternal life, not food that perishes
When the people ask Jesus what they should do that God wants, what does he tell them to do?
Believe in the one he sent, Jesus
What did God give their fathers to eat in the desert?
Who does Jesus say he will raise up on the last day?
Everyone who sees the son and believes in him
Where does Jesus say the true bread will come from?
Heaven, Jesus is the living bread
What does Jesus promise he will not do to anyone who comes to him?
He will not turn them away
What did Jesus say that upset some of the Jews who were present?
Jesus said he was the bread that came down from heaven but people thought he was Joseph’s son
How is the only way that one can come to Jesus?
Drink and eat the flesh of the son of man ; Be drawn by the father
What will happen to anyone who eats the bread that comes down for heaven?
Have eternal life
What did some of the Jews present begin arguing about?
The statement Jesus said and it being hard to believe ( sounded like canibalism )
What does Jesus say a person must do to have life within them?
Eat his flesh and drink his blood
Where did Jesus give this teaching?
Synagogue in Capernaum
After hearing this teaching of Jesus, what did many of his followers say and do?
Many of his disciples no longer followed him since what he said was hard to accept
What does Jesus then ask the twelve and what is their response?
Jesus asked “ do you want to leave”, and they said they had nowhere to go since Jesus had the words of eternal life