Confirmation Flashcards
What are the sacraments of initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
What does the word “Christ” mean?
Messiah or the anointed one
How are the followers of Christ also anointed ones?
through confirmation
Who was anointed in the old testament?
Kings, priests, and prophets
Why were the apostles frightened?
Afraid the jewish authorities would do to them what they did to Jesus.
How did the apostles change when they received the Holy Spirit?
Went out boldly preaching
What were the apostles empowered to do?
A huge transformation
Why had some of the early Christians not received the Holy Spirit? What did the Apostles do to convey the promised spirit?
They had been baptized in the name of Jesus, but not the Father, Son and Holy spirit.
Why was perfumed oil added to the sacrament?
To better illustrate the anointing by the Holy Spirit
What does the perfumed oil represent?
The name of Jesus
What meaning does the word confirmation convey?
A confirming or completing of the faith begun at baptism
Why do the Eastern Rites of the Catholic church refer to the sacrament of Chrismation?
Because of the sacred chrism used
Why are baptism and confirmation sometimes referred to as a double sacrament?
Because of their close relationship
How is the meaning still preserved in the Eastern Churches celebration of the sacrament?
They are still celebrated together in the Orthodox church.
What is the purpose of Confirmation in the Christian journey begun at baptism?
To give Christians the fullness of the gifts needed to live the Christian life
How does the sacrament help a person in the Christian life?
It gives them the courage to live the Christian life
What is apostolate? How does confirmation help a Christian to do apostolate?
Missionary activity (ex. soup kitchen)
What is the kingly aspect of the Christian mission?
Cooperating with the mission of the church according to your state in life
What does it mean that every Christian participates in the priestly mission of Christ?
Taking every aspect of our lives (prayer, work, family life, relationships, hobbies, relaxation, struggles, temptations and sufferings)
In what way are we called to be prophets for Christ?
Preaching the truth / Word of God in words and actions
What is the matter of confirmation?
Sacred chrism
Where does the matter of confirmation come from?
It’s olive oil with a little balsam that is blessed at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday
What is the form of confirmation?
“Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” which was spoken by the Apostles at Pentecost
Who is the minister for confirmation?
The bishop
Confirmation is usually celebrated by a bishop. When might it be celebrated by a priest in the Latin Rite?
A bishop may delegate a priest, especially when all three sacraments of initiation are given
What are the proper dispositions for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Received baptism, at the age of discretion, intend to receive the sacrament and be in a state of grace
What is the purpose of deferring the sacrament of confirmation in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church until the person has reached the age of reason?
In order to have a grasp of the meaning of the sacrament
What is the role of a confirmation sponsor?
To assist the person in their living the Christian life
What would be good qualities to look for in a confirmation sponsor?
Should be someone that they admire for their living of the Christian faith
What is the origin of a confirmation name?
In the early church, you would change your pagan name and choose a Christian name as you were changing your entire lifestyle.
What is the relevance of the confirmation name today?
One chooses the name of a saint they admire and this represents their new identity as a full member of the church. Studying the lives of the saints can be very inspiring.
What is the goal of preparation for confirmation?
To become more intimate with Christ and more familiar with the Holy Spirit to better live the Christian life.
Why are the renewal of baptismal promises an the profession of faith relevant in confirmation?
For those who were baptized as infants, their parents spoke for them. Now they re making promises themselves.
In what way are those receiving confirmation made like Christ?
Christ is the anointed one and at confirmation they are anointed.
Describe the graces given by the sacrament of confirmation.
Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord
How can a Christian experience the wisdom of God?
We are able to know God in a more intimate way. We understand that true happiness comes from God.
Under what conditions can a person judge wisely?
When they are able to discern what is just not only by human reason, but also in the light of God’s will.
How does a person learn the contents of Divine Revelation?
By reason and intellect, but also by the gift of understanding.
How does the gift of understanding affect the Christian life?
To better understand the events that occur in our lives and judge them according to the life of Christ.
How might a person prepare himself or herself to receive the most benefit from the gift of understanding?
Prayer, especially asking for the Holy Spirit to give us better understanding
What is the purpose of the gift of counsel?
To know what we should do when we have a moral decision to make.
In what way can a Christian be described as a soldier of Christ?
The church has always and will always be attacked. If it’s not, it’s not doing its mission. With confirmation we’re given the fortitude to stand up against attacks.
In what way does the gift of fortitude aid a person in the Christian life?
To stand firm and be heroic followers of Christ
Explain how faith based on divine revelation can lead to greater knowledge than man is capable of by his own efforts.
The gift includes supernatural understanding and we can thus gain more knowledge than we’d normally be able to
What does piety mean?
Reverence towards God
What is the basis for the gift of piety?
Reverence towards God
How does piety affect our relations with God and neighbour?
By seeing the imprint of God on everything, we are able to see God in others and thus it positively effects the way we treat others.
How might Mt 25:40 have inspired Bl. Teresa of Calcutta?
“Whatever you do to the least of these you’ve done to me” enabled her to see everything she did was for Christ
How can fear be a gift / something positive?
They will acknowledge the authority of God and thus fear offending him
Explain how this gift is expressed in the Act of Contrition.
We say that we are sorry for our sins, not only because we fear punishment, but because they offend God whom we love.
What does it mean that love is proactive?
Love seeks out the good of the other.
What are some concrete ways in which we can be proactive in our love for God?
Prayer, reception of the sacraments of the Eucharist and reconciliation and by sharing our faith with others