the arm and elbow Flashcards
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
- blood supply
- origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
- insertion: olecranon of ulna
- action: extension of the elbow
- innervation: Radial N. C6-C8
- blood supply: deep brachial artery and vein
what is “nursemaid’s elbow”?
how does it occur?
what does it result in?
-when the forearm is excessively pulled, the ligament holding the radial head slips off causing for the subluxation of the radial head
what is the trajectory of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve?
it peak out along the inferolatereral border of the bicep brachii and continues as a cutaneous brnch in the lateral forearm
what muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve?
- biceps brachii
- coracobrachialis
- brachialis
what is the deep brachial artery a branch of?
where does it travel to?
its a branch of the brachial artery
travels posterior to humerus in radial groove with the radial nerve into triangular interval
how is the triceps brachii divided?
into 3 heads
medial heads
what is Popeyes deformity?
how does it generally occur?
rupture of the proximal bicep tendon, will cause for the bicep to accumulate near the elbow joint (if distal rupture, then bicep accumulated near axilla)
will occur in younger individuals due to weightlifting and throwing sports.
in older people it is a result of wear and tear
what does the deep brachial artery terminate as?
as radial collateral artery and middle collateral artery
how is the trochlear notch formed?
by the coronoid process and the olecranon
how is the innervation of the posterior compartment of the arm?
innervated by the radial nerve.
how is the annular ligament positioned?
it is continuous with the fibrous capsule anteriorly
what compartment is the brachioradialis found in?
part of the anterior compartment of the arm
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
- blood supply
- origin: anterior shaft of humerus
- insertion: ulnar tuberosity
- action: flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint
- innervation: Musculocutaneous N. C5-C7
- blood supply: brachial A and V.
what are some important aspects that make up the radius?
head of radius radial neck shaft of radius radial tuberosity dorsal tubercle styloid process of the radius
the radial and ulnar Arteries result from what artery?
they are the result of the bifurcation of the brachial artery
what are some important aspects that make up the ulna?
- coronoid process
- ulnar tubersoity
- trochlear notch
- olecranon
- radial notch of ulna
- head of ulna
- styloid process of ulna
what is another name to the dorsal tubercule found on the posterior side of the radius?
lister’s tubercle
what are the muscles that compose the posterior compartment?
- tricep brachii
- aconeus
where can the capitulum be observed? what is it?
it is a smooth rounded eminence found on the lateral portion of the distal humerus. can be observed in the anterior view.
what is found in the anterior compartment of the arm?
its considered to be the flexor compartment where muscles permitting flexion about the forearm and elbow occurs
where do the superior and inferior ulnar collateral branches anastamose?
on the medial side of the elbow
at the base of the distal humerus, what can be found on the medial and lateral sides of the bone?
the medial and lateral epicondyle
what type of joint is the elbow joint?
Synovial, Hinge joint
what are the names of the ridges that can be found on the distal humerus
lateral supracondylar ridge
medial supracondylar ridge
what artery bifurcates as it passes through the cubital fossa?
the brachial artery
what protective structure is found in the elbow joint?
olecranon bursa
reduces fricton within the joint and the olecranon
where does the radial groove travel along?
posterior to humerus in the radial groove and anterior to the lateral epicondyle
what muscle of the arm does the musculocutaneous N. pierce?
the coracobrachialis muscle
on what bone of the forearm is the coronoid process found? be careful not to mistake with what?
it is found in the ulna
be careful not to mistake with the coronoid tubercle of the clavicle
what does the brachial artery also give rise to?
superior and inferior ulnar collateral branches
what cutaneous nerve diverges from the musculocutaneous nerve?
lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
how is the placement of the head of the radius and the head of the ulna different?
the head of the radius is proximal where as the head of the ulna is distal (close to styloid process)
what nerve innervated the anterior compartment of the arm?
this compartment is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve
what are the reinforcing ligaments of the elbow joint?
radial collateral ligament
ulnar collateral ligament
annular ligament
what is a particularity of the bicep brachii?
it possessed 2 heads
what is the trochlea? where is it located?
what does it articulate with?
articular surface of the elbow
located on the medial portion (anterior and posterior)
it articulates with the trochlear notch on the ulna
what anastomoses with the Inferior Ulnar collateral A? and where
Anterior ulnar recurrent A.
on the anterior side of the medial epicondyle
what is the olecranon?
where can it be found?
its a large, thick, curved boney eminence on the head of the ulna
what anastomoses with the posterior ulnar recurrent A? and where?
Superior Ulnar collateral Anastamoses posterior to medial epicondyle
what is the arterial transition that occurs inferior to teres major?
the axillary artery transitions into the brachial artery
what are the myotomes that allow for elbow extension?
C7,C8- lay them straight
what muscles are found in the anterior compartment of the arm?
- coracobrachialis
- biceps brachii
- brachialis
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
- blood supply
- origin: coronoid process of the humerus
- insertion: anterior shaft of the humerus
- action: flexion and adduction of the arm about the GH joint
- innervation: musculocutaneous N. (C5-C7)
- blood supply: brachial A and V.
what are the myotomes that allow for elbow flexion?
C5-C6 pick up sticks
what are the articulations that make up the elbow joint?
- capitulum of humerus and head of radius
- trochlea of humerus and the trochlear notch of the ulna
Biceps Brachii
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
- blood supply
Long head: supraglenoid tubercule of the humerus
short head: coracoid process of the scapula
-insertion: radial tubersority and bicipital apneuroses
primary: suppination
flexion of the forearm at elbow
accessory flexor about GH joint
-innervation: musculocutaneous N. (C5-C7)
-blood supply: brachial vein and artery
what are the border of the cubital fossa?
lateral: brachioradialis muscle
medial: pronator teres muscle
superior: imaginary line between the epicondyles
floor: brachialis which is deep to the bicep brachii
roof: bicipital aponeurosis
what is contained within the cubital fossa?
what trick can be used to recall?
in what direction does this trick go to?
Tendon of Biceps brachi
Brachial artery and vein
Median Nerve
they are situated from lateral to medial
what type of movement is permitted by the elbow?
extension and flexion
what anastamoses with the radial collateral A? and where?
Radial recurrent interosseous A.
on the anterior side of the lateral epicondyle
what does the middle collateral artery anastamose with? and where?
with the recurrent interossous artery
posterior to the lateral epicondyle
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
- blood supply
origin: lateral suprcondylar ridge of the humerus
insertion: styloid process of the radius
action: flexion of the forearm at elbow
what type of movement is permitted by the posterior compartment of the arm?
extension about the forearm and elbow
what artery supplies blood to the triangular interval?
deep brachial artery
Triceps brachii
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
- blood supply
Long head: Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
Lateral and medial head: posterior humerus
-insertion: olecranon of ulna
-action: extension of the elbow joint
long head: GH extension and adduction
-innervation: radial nerve C6-C8
-blood supply: deep brachial artery and vein