The achievements of civil protest Flashcards
What were some achievements of the civil rights movement to do with education?
- Sweatt Vs Painter (1950)
- Brown Vs Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
- Brown II (1955)
- Cooper Vs Aaron (1958)
What were the achievements of Sweatt Vs Painter?
it established that black and white people were entitled to equal education
What were the achievements of Brown Vs Board?
It established that a segregated education could never be an equal education
What were the achievements of Brown II and Cooper Vs Aaron?
attempted to speed up integration
By 1957 how many school districts in the south had desegregated?
750 out of 6300
By 1957, what percentage of black students in southern school districts remained in segregated schools?
By 1968, what percentage of black students in southern schools remained in segregated schools?
How did the higher education act of 1965 affect the number of black students attending college?
It increased the number of black students attending college hugely during the late 60’s and early 70’s
What were the achievements of the civil rights movement regarding transport?
- Morgan Vs Virginia (1946)
- Freedom Ride’s (1961)
- Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956)
- Browder Vs Gayle (1956)
- Civil Rights Act (19640
What were the achievements of Morgan Vs Virginia?
It had successfully established that the segregation of interstate transport was illegal.
What were the achievements of the Freedom Rides?
It forced the government to implement the desegregation of interstate transport.
What were the achievements of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the later court case of Browder Vs Gayle?
led to the desegregation of transport in Montgomery. Browder Vs Gayle also established that the desegregation of transport was illegal.
What were the achievements of the 1964 civil rights act in regards to transport?
It was necessary to enforce desegregation of transport in the south by giving the federal government power to enforce desegregation.
What were the achievements of the Civil Rights Movement in regard to public places?
- Sit-ins like Greensboro (1960)
- Civil Rights Act (1964)
What were the achievements of the Greensboro sit-ins and similar sit-ins up to 1963?
It probed to be an effective method to force local governments to desegregate public places
By the end of 1963, in how many cities had sit-ins occured? And how many had desegregated restaurants and canteens?
- Sit-ins had occurred in 200 cities.
- 161 had desegregated restaurants and canteens.
What did the authorities in Albany do in order to avoid sit-ins?
Closed public parks and even removed chairs from libraries
How many more cities did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 force to desegregate?
By 1965, how many southern cities had desegregated?
How successful were Eisenhower’s Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960?
They were largely ineffective?
By 1963 how many black southerners were registered to vote?
800,000 out of 20 million
What were the achievements of the 1965 voting rights act?
- It increased black voter registration slightly in the south
- It increased black voter registration hugely in the north
- It increased the number of black people to be elected to governmental positions.
Between 1965 and 1966 how many more black southerners were registered to vote?
By 1966 how many of the southern states still had less than 50% of their black citizens registered to vote?
In the North between 1960 and 1965 how had the number of black voters increased?
it increased from 4million to 6million
Who was the first African Amercian to be elected mayor of an American City?
Robert C. Henry was elected mayor of Springfield, Ohio in 1966
By 1968, how many of the 31 states with the highest proportion of black people, had introduced Fair Employment Practice Laws?
What was the rate of black unemployment like compared to the national average during the 1950’s and early 1960’s?
approximately twice the national average
What were the achievements of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in regards to Employment and Income?
it explicitly outlawed racial discrimination in the job market.
In 1965 what was the rate of black income compared to the national average?
The rate of income of black workers was 53% of the national average
By 1968 what was the percentage of black unemployment compared to white unemployment?
Black unemployment was 7 %. White unemployment was 5%.
By 1968 what was the rate of black income compared to the income of white workers?
it was 61% of the income of white workers
In 1960 what percentage of America’s black population were living in ‘unsound accomodation’?
In 1960 what percentage of America’s black population lived in urban areas where housing stock was old and where the amount of suitable housing was decreasing?
In 1960, what percentage of America’s black population lived in inner-city areas in the USA’s ten largest cities?
By 1967, how many states had some sort of fair housing law?
22 states and 8 cities
By 1967, which two states had comprehensive enforcement agencies dedicated to challenging discrimination in the housing market?
New York State and Massachusetts
What percentage of America’s housing market did the 1968 Fair Housing Act prohibit discrimination in?
What negative impact did congress have on the 1968 Fair Housing Act?
It refused to set up an enforcement agency for discrimination in the housing market.
According to the 1968 fair housing act what was the maximum fine for discrimination in the housing market?
In 1954, what percentage of those surveyed supported the Supreme Court’s decision to make segregation in education illegal?
By 1964 what percentage of the public supported desegregation of education?
In 1963 what percentage of people supported equal rights in terms of employment and voting?
In 1963 what percentage of people supported equal rights in terms of housing?