The Abdomen Flashcards
Largest body cavity
The abdominopelvic
The roof of the abdominopelvic cavity is the
What muscle is the pelvic diaphragm composed of
the levator ani muscle
The upper part of the abdominopelvic cavity is called the
The lower part of the abdominopelvic cavity is called the
The abdominal wall
protects the abdomen and had a muscular covering
The abdominopelvic cavity contains
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Glands associated with the GI tract
- Urinary system
- Deep reproductive glands and ducts
- Sleen
- Blood vessels and nerves
List the layers of the abdominal wall from superficial to deep
- Skin
- Subcataneous fat (Camper’s fascia)
- Deep fascia (Scarpa’s fascia)
- 1st muscle layer
- 2nd muscle layer
- 3rd muscle layer
- Transversalis fascia
- Extraperitoneal fat
- Parietal pertitoneal
Subcutaneous fat (Camper’s fascia)
Deep fascia (Scarpa’s fascia)
Transversalis fascia
Extraperitoneal fat
Parietal peritoneal
Abdominal muscles
- External obliques
- Internal obliques
- Transverse abdominis
- Rectus abdominis (longtinudinal)
- Iliopsoas
- Quadratus laborum
Which abdominal muscle is longitudinal
rectus abdominus
Which abdominal muscle is posterior
Which abdominal muscle is posterior
quadratus laborum
Quadratus Laborum
Erector spinae
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transverse abdominis
Rectus abdominis
GI tract
External oblique fibers run in what direction
down and medially
The internal obliques fibers run in what direction
- the upper fibers run at right angles to those of the external muscles
- the middle fibers are horizontal to the external obliques
- the lower fibers run parallel to the external obliques
Where do the externals originate
the lower ribs
Where do the external fibers insert
- The upper half insert as part of the rectus sheath
- The lower fibers insert into the iliac crest and also help form the inguinal ligament
Where do the internals originate?
the iliac crest
Where do the internal fibers insert?
- posterior fibers inserting onto lower four ribs
- middle fibers insert onto the rectus sheath
- lower fibers insert onto the inguinal ligament
Some of the lower internal fibers form the:
cremaster muscle, a part of the spermatic cord
Where does the iliopsoas insert
the lower limb
Where does the quadratus lumborum originates
from the lower part of the twelfth rib and the transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae
Where does the quadratus lumborum insert
on the posterior iliac crest
Quadratus lumborum is innervated by
Where does the transverse abdominis originate
from the iliac crest, the lower 6 costal cartilages, and the lumbar vertebrae via the lumbar fascia, through its aponeurosis
Where does the transversus abdominis insert
rectus sheath
Linea alba
Separates the rectus abdominis from each other
Where is the linea alba attached
Attached above to the costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 and below to the sympysis pubis and the pubic crest
Linea semilunaris
lateral margin of rectus abdominis
Tendinous intersections
divides each rectus abdominis into four segments, giving the “washboard stomach” appearance
Rectus sheath
The two recti are enclosed by the aponeurosis of the other abdominal muscles in a structure called the rectus sheath
The aponeuroses fuse in the midline to form the
linea alba
The abdominal muscles are innervated by
the lower thoracic nerves and spinal nerve L1
The level of the umbilicus is always at
The abdominals function by
flexing the rectus abdominis and rotating and abducting/adducting the lateral muscles
Transverse abdominus
Internal oblique
Internal oblique
External oblique
Linea alba
Anterior rectus sheath
Posterior rectus sheath
Where is the inguinal ligament
found running between the anterior superior iliac spine (the ASIS) and the public tubercle
The inguinal ligament is made up of:
connective tissue fibers derived from the external oblique muscles
What is the inguinal canal
a tube-like structure connecting the abdominal cavity with the scrotum
The tissue used to form the inguinal canal is derived from
lateral abdominal muscles
Indirect inguinal hernia
abdominal contents enter the scrotum
Two openings of the inguinal canal
- The deep abdominal one is called the deep inguinal ring
- The scrotal opening is the superficial inguinal ring
Where is the superfiical ring located
just above the pubic tubercle and is easily felt
The superficial ring is a hiatus in the:
external oblique fascia
The deep ring is a hiatus in the:
transverse abdominis fascia
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transverse abdominus
External oblique
Cremaster muscle
Superficial inguinal ring
Inguinal ligament
Deep inguinal ring
Anterior superior iliac spine
What structures pass through the inguinal canal in males
- Spermatic cord
- Vas deferens
- Testicular vasculature
What structures pass through the inguinal canal in females
- Round ligament of the uterus
Structures passing through the inguinal canal in both males and females
Muscular fibers derived from the internal obliques forming the cremaster muscle, which only fully develops in males
The nerves to the superior body wall come from
spinal nerves T7-L1
Which area of the abdominal and pelvic walls T10 and T12 supply
the area around the umbilicus and the pubic symphysis, respectively
The lumbar plexus supplies:
nerves to the inferior abdominal wall, the inguinal region and the lower limbs
The roots of the plexus are:
T12 and L1-5
T12 and L1 fibers join together to form the
Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves supply:
the inferior abdominal wall
The geniotofemoral nerves are sensory to the
inside of the thigh
The geniotofemoral nerves are motor to the
cremaster muscle
The forgut (what part of the tract? includes what?)
the proximal part of the intestinal tract and includes the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the duodenum
The midgut begins at the:
begins at the second half of the duodenum
The midgut encompasses
the jejunum, ileum, and colon (large intestine) as far as two thirds of the way along the transverse colon
Where is the hindgut
the remaining distal end of the GI tract
The sympathetic innervation of the abdominal viscera is provided by
preganglionic fibers from the thoracic splanchnic nerves (consisting of the greater, lesser, least splanchnic nerves), and also from the lumbar splanchnic nerves
The greater splanchnic nerve originates from
T5-9 via the celiac ganglion and supplies the forgut and it derivatives
The lesser splanchnic nerve comes from
The lesser splanchnic nerve synapse in the
superior mesenteric ganglia
The lesser splanchnic nerve supplies the
The lumbar splanchnic nerves supply the
hindgut via the inferior mesenteric ganglion
The least splanchnic nerves service the:
The sympathetic innervation to the pelvis generally comes from
Sympathetic innervation to the pelvis travels to the pelvis via the
lesser, least, and lumbar splanchnics, to the preaortic plexuses to reach the inferior hypogastric plexus
The parasympathetic innervation to the foregut and midgut is by the:
vagus nerve (CN 10)
Innervation of the hindgut is by the:
pelvic splanchnic nerve (S2-4)
The pelvic splanchnic nerve passes through the
inferior hypogastric plexus then up the hypogastric nerves to the superior hypogastric plexus to be distributed with the branches of the inferior mesenteric artery to the hindgut
The enteric (intrmural) plexus
a network of autonomic axons and small ganglia (parasympathetic) in the wall of the digestive tract
The enteric plexuses control
Two major networks of the enteric plexuses
- myenteric (auerbach’s) plexus
- submucosal (meissner’s) plexus
Myenteric (Auerbach’s) Plexus location
between the two muscle layers of the gut
Submucosal (Meissner’s) Plexus Location
In the submucosa
The myenteric plexus services the:
muscular outer layers of the gut wall, promoting peristalsis
Submucosal plexus supplies the
glands in the epithelium
The sympathetic innervation of the enteric plexuses inhibits _____ and stimulates ________
- peristalsis
- sphincter contraction
The parasympathetic innervation of the enteric plexuses inhibits _____ and stimulates ________
- spincter contraction
- peristalsis
In the head and neck the carotid plexuses are found along the
carotid arteries
Plexuses in the thorax include
cardiac, pulmonary and esophageal plexuses
The cardiac and pulmonary plexuses are found near the
bifurcation of the trachea and esophageal plexuses
The scrotum contains
- testes
- epididymis
- spermatic cord
smooth muscle contained in the superficial fascia of the scrotum
Which muscle is responsible for the rugose nature of the sac
the dartos
The deep or spermatic fascia of the scrotum is derived from the:
abdominal muscles
Tunica vaginalis
Enclosing the testes is a closed serous sac, pinched off from the abdominal peritoneum
Pampiniform plexus
veins draining the testes which form a complex network
Prostate gland
What plexuses are in the thorax
cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal
Where are the carotid plexuses found in the head and neck
along the carotid arteries
What plexuses are in the pelvis
superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses
The superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses are united by the:
hypogastric nerves
The greater splanchnic nerve arises from:
The greater splanchnic nerve synpases at:
celiac plexus and ganglia
The greater splanchnic nerve innervates the:
The lesser splanchnic nerve arises from:
The lesser splanchnic nerve synpases at:
Superior mesenteric plexus and ganglia
The lesser splanchnic nerve innervates the:
The least splanchnic nerve arises from:
The least splanchnic nerve synpases at:
Renal plexus and ganglia
The lumbar splanchnic nerve arises from:
The lumbar splanchnic nerve synpases at:
inferior mesenteric plexus and ganglia
The lumbar splanchnic nerve innervates the:
The pelvic splanchnic nerve arises from:
The pelvic splanchnic nerve synpases at:
Hypogastric plexus and ganglia
Which nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system
Vagus (CN 10)
Lobule with semineferous tubule
Tunica albuginea
Rete testis
Efferent tubules
Vas deferens
Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis
Dartos muscle
Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
thick capsule within the testes
Tunica vaginalis
covers the tunica albuginea
Semeniferous tubules
produce sperm cells
Efferent ducts
secrete sperm cells into the epididymis
a coiled duct which is located on the posterior aspect of the testis
The vas deferens connects:
the tail of the epididymis with the ejaculatory duct in the prostate gland
Where is the vas deferens?
it ascends in the spermatic cord, passes through the inguinal canal, crosses the pelvic brim and runs medially to find the prostate
The peritoneum (covers what? connects what?)
thin serous membrane that covers the intestines and liver, connects the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall by the mesentery
The peritoneum has two compartments:
the greater and lesser peritoneal sacs
Layers of the peritoneum
Perietal and visceral layers
Parietal peritoneum (line the, covers the, connects to the)
- lines the abdominal and pelvic wall
- covers the underside of the diagram
- connects to the visceral layer via the mesentery
The visceral peritoneum covers the:
surface of the GI tract, the liver and the spleen
The Mesentery
the double layer of the periotoneum that joins the parietal layers
The mesentary suspends the:
GI tract from the posterior abdominal wall
The mesentery contains:
the blood and nerve supply to the GI tract
The greater omentum hangs from the:
greater curvature of the stomach
The greater omentum covers the
abdominal contents (from the front)
what part of the colon is the omentum attached to
The greater omentum is made up of:
several layers of peritoneum
The lesser omentum connects:
the liver to the lesser cervature of the stomach
The main cavity of the abdomen is called the:
Greater sac
Lesser sac
The space behind the the lesser omentum and stomach
Parietal peritoneum
Visceral peritoneum
GI tract
Kidneys (Retroperitoneal)
Greater sac
Bare area of liver
Ascending colon