Thalamus Flashcards
Anterior nucleus
Afferent: Mammillary body
Efferent: Cingulate gyrus
Ventral anterior and ventral lateralis
Afferent: Dentate nucleus, pallidum, substansia nigra, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, reticular formation
Efferent: Precentral gyrus
Ventral posterolateralis nucleus
Afferent: Spinal cord
Efferent: Postcentral gyrus
Ventralis posteriomedialis nucleus
Afferent: Spinal and main trigeminal nuclei (from solitary nucleus)
Efferent: Postcentral nucleus
Dorsomedial nucleus
Medial magnocellular part, lateral parvocellular part
Afferent: Globus pallidus, basal nucleus of Meynert, magnocellular- amygdala, hypothalamus
Efferent: Frontal lobe (premotor cortex, polar cortex, orbital cortex)
Centromedian, parafascicular nuclei
Ventrocaudal parvocellular part + dorso-oral magnocellular part
Afferet: Emboliform nucleus, reticular formation, Globus pallidus
Efferent: parvocellular - putamen, magnocellular - caudate nucleus
Nucleus lateralis posterior, pulvinar thalami
Afferent: Cerebral cortex
Efferent: Cerebral cortex
Reticular thalamic nucleus
Afferent: Thalamus
Efferent: Thalamus
Medial geniculate body
Afferent: Inferior colliculus
Efferent: Superior temporal gyrus
Lateral geniculate body
Afferent: Retina
Efferent: Striate cortex (occipital lobe)
Medial and lateral geniculate bodies
Location: habenula and epiphysis cerebri + connections Parts: -Habenula -stria medullaris thalami -epiphysis cerebri -posterior commissure Function: -part of limbic system -habenula= realy olfactory information to VM nuclei of brain stem -epiphysis= biorythm
Neurons in thalamus
Thalamocortical relay neurons
- medium sized
- 4-6 main dendrites, 6-8 straight secondary branches, dendrites have spines and protrusions
-axons to cerebral cortex forming thalamic peduncle
- axons terminate in 5th layer
Golgi type 2 local interneurons
-smaller, 3-4 long dendrites
Location: continuation of mesencephalic tegmentum beneath the thalamus, posterolaterally from hypothalamus
Function: part of extrapyramidal system
1. Field H1 of Forel: white matter, thalamic fasciculus
2. Field H2 of Forel: white matter, lenticular fasciculus
3. Zona incerta: grey matter, reticular formation
4. Subthalamic nucleus: subthalamic fasciculus, fibers to pallidum
Connections of habenula
Afferent (stria meddulares thalami):
- septal nuclei
- substansia perforata anterior
- preoptic region
- amygdaloid complex
- habenulotectal tract - superior colliculus
- habenulotegemntal tract - dorsal tegmental nucleus
- habenulointerpeduncular tract - interpeduncular nuclei in reticular formation
Fibers crossing epithalamic commissure
Habenulotectal fibers
Fibers from Cajals nucleus + Darshevichs nucleus
Vestibular fibers