Text 4 Chapter 11 and 14 Flashcards
William Glasser’s ______ is best categorized as a form of cognitive behavior therapy
reality therapy
Reality therapy states that the underlying problems of most clients is present involvement in an _______, which is often caused by the client’s inability to connect, get close to others, or have a satisfying relationship with at least one of the significant people in their lives
unsatisfying relationship or lack of a relationship
Total Behavior: all behavior is made up of 4 inseparable but distinct components: ________, ______, ______ and ______.
acting, thinking, feeling, and physiology
Glasser thinks of people as angering, depressing, headaching, etc. because it ________.
makes the person take personal responsibility
A underlying characteristic of reality therapy is that is emphasizes choice and responsibility. Clients are responsible for ______.
for what they do; therefore commitment is part of therapy. If a client fails to carry out their plans, the therapist will challenge the client to accept the reasonable consequence of their behavior
Another underlying characteristic of reality therapy is that it keeps the therapy in the present. Therapists will listen to past successes and good relationships so that ________.
these may be repeated in the present
In reality therapy, the therapists function and role is to:
i. Create a good relationship with clients
ii. Assist the client in dealing with the present
iii. Teach clients how to engage in self-evaluation
iv. Be an advocate for the client and conveys the idea that no matter what happens, there is always hope
Describe the process of reality therapy.
The counseling process begins with establishing a working relationship with clients –> the exploring the clients’ want, needs, and perceptions –> then the clients explore total behavior and make own evaluations concerning his or her behavior –> then the therapist makes action plans that will lead to successful experience and change (commitment to plan and are given homework to change behavior) –> finally, the therapist follows up on how well clients are doing and offer further consultation as needed.
The practice of reality therapy rests on the assumption that a ______ allows clients to begin making life changes.
supportive and challenging environment
Therapy begins with counselors creating a ________, and by using a mildly confrontative, skillful questioning of the client will encourage them to look at what they are doing, and the therapists strive to always have a non-criticizing, non-blaming, non-complaining, caring environment that clients learn to create the satisfying environment that leads to successful relationships. i. The basis for therapeutic intervention to work rests on a fair, firm, friendly, and trusting environment
supportive environment
Clients are able to take much more effective control of their lives through _____.
Procedures that lead to change are based on the assumption that human beings are motivated to change (1) when ______ (2) when_______.
1 when they are convinced that their present behavior is not getting them what they want and
2 when they believe that they can choose other behaviors that will get them close to what they want
What does WDEP stand for?
W = wants and Needs D = direction and doing E = self-evaluation P = planning
The ______ describes key procedures that can be used in practicing reality therapy.
WDEP system
The “D” is the WDEP system stresses _______.
current behavior and is concerned with past events only insofar as they influence how clients are behaving now
The “P” in the WDEP system helps clients ________, and the therapist continually urges the clients to be willing to accept the consequences for their own choices and actions.
identify specific ways to fulfill their wants and needs
When considering the multicultural perspective of reality therapy, some clients may feel that __________.
they have no choice over their own circumstances.
Reality therapy is ______ focuses.
Reality therapy deals with ______.
conscious behavioral problems
Reality therapy challenges clients to ________.
determine what is or is not working
Reality therapy views people ________.
With reality therapy, clients get to decide for themselves what they do or do not ________.
want to change
Reality therapy lends itself to ______ settings.
Reality therapy has gained popularity with school counselors, administrators, elementary and secondary school teachers, and _______.
rehabilitation workers
The Family Systems Perspective is based on a “systems” perspective, which means that ______.
each individual is part of the family unit.
The Family Systems Perspective states that the identified client’s problem might be a symptom of how the _______ because problematic behaviors may:
- Serve a function or purpose in the family
- Be unintentionally maintained by family processes
- Be a function of the family’s inability to operate productively
- Be a symptom of dysfunctional patterns handed down across generations
system (family) functions
For the Family Systems Perspective, the key roles of most family therapists are: __________ (4).
teacher, model, coach and consultant
_______ was the first psychologist in modern era to use systematic approach; noticed birth order
Alfred Adler
The techniques of ______ are: family atmosphere, family constellation, mistaken goals, typical day, goal disclosure, natural/logical consequences.
Alderian Therapy
_________ refined Adler’s concept into typology of mistaken goals and created an organized approach to family therapy
Rudolf Dreikurs
_______ was one of the original developers of mainstream family therapy.
Murray Bowen
The techniques of Multi-generational Family Therapy includes genograms, dealing with family-of-origin issues, and ___________.
detriangulation relationships (Bowen would generally maintain a stance of neutrality).
_____ Believed that personal relationship more important than techniques; human validation process model; used techniques such as phenomenological family mapping process, wheel of influence, self-mandala, and “parts party” to gain access to self
Virginia Satir
Virginia Satir believed that ______ casts a new light on a problem and provides a different interpretation for a problematic situation.
The goal of ________ therapy (Carl Whitaker) is to Promote spontaneity, creativity, autonomy, and ability to play
Experiential/Symbolic Family
Salvador Minuchin began developed ________ therapy.
structural-strategic family therapy.
The goals of structural-strategic family therapy are to reduce symptoms of dysfunction and bring about structural change within the system by _______
modifying family’s transactional rules and developing more appropriate boundaries
________ is brief, process-focused, and solution-oriented. Change results when the family follows the therapist’s directions and change transactions. The focus is on solving problems in the present, and the therapist designs strategies for change. Believe that rigid boundaries results in disengagement
Strategic family therapy
_______ therapists use: joining, accommodation, unbalancing, tracking, boundary making, and directives.
Strategic family
Structural family therapists are often more interested in the appropriateness of _________.
hierarchical structure.
A _______ would have a family participate in an enactment of a conflict situation during the therapy session.
structural therapist
- Goals:
a. Restructure family organization
b. Change dysfunctional transactional patterns - Therapists are “friendly uncle”, stage manager, and promoter of change in family structure
- Techniques: Joining and accommodation, unbalancing, tracking, boundary making, and enactments
Structural Family Therapy
Jay Haley impacted strategic family therapy with her beliefs that real problems need real answers, therapists should be ______, and should have some expertise
directive in nature
a. Therapy is brief, process-focused, and solution-oriented
b. Change results when the family follows the therapist’s directions and change transactions
c. The focus is on solving problems in the present
d. The therapist designs strategies for change
Strategic Family Therapy
Techniques of ______ include: reframing, directives and paradoxes, amplifying, asking about attempted solutions to a problem, pretending, and enactments
strategic family therapy