Testing the integrity Flashcards
MCL tears, elbow
patient sitting upright. Abduct shoulder to 90 degrees, maximally flex the elbow. Apply a valgus torque to the elbow. Maintaining the valgus torque, quickly extend elbow to around 30 degrees. Positive test= sudden medial elbow pain and pain is maximal from 120 to 70 degrees.
LCL tears, elbow
patient sitting upright. Fixate humerus, put it in external rotation. Palpate the radial collateral ligament. Flx elbow to 20 degrees and apply a varus force. Positive test= pain or soft end feel.
Iliopsoas tightness
Thomas test. patient supine. Check for lumbar lordosis. Ask patient to bring their knee as far to their chest as possible and hold it. Positive test= the extended leg is lifting off the table. If the extended leg is abducting, indicates a tight iliotibial band
MCL, knee
patient supine with legs fully extended. Use one hand to grab lower leg just proximal to ankle joint, use other hand to fixate femur. Slightly externally rotate the tibia and perform passive abduction to put stress on the MCL. Look for pain and excessive gapping on the medial side.
LCL, knee
patient supine with legs fully extended. Half sit on the plinth with the patients leg over you. Use one hand to grab the lower leg just proximal to the ankle joint and fixate the femur with the other hand on the medial side. Apply lateral rotation with the first hand, perform passive adduction of the knee to put stress on the LCL. Do the same test again but with the knee is 20 to 30 degrees of flexion. Look for excessive gapping on the lateral side of the knee and pain
Anterior drawer test
patient supine. Hip in 45 degrees and kne in 90 degrees of flexion. Fixate position by sitting on foot of patient. Palpate joint line with thumbs and wrap hands around the calf. Pull the tibia anteriorly in an expolsive movement. Positive test= tibia translates anteriorly without an abrupt stop or the end feel is soft and mushy.
Posterior drawer test
patient supine. Hip in 45 degrees and knee in 90 degrees of flexion. Fixate position by sitting on foot of patient. Palpate the joint line and push the tibia posteriorly by more than 6mm or the end feel is soft and mushy.
Patella tap test
patient supine with legs fully extended. Stroke distally until you find the suprapatella pouch and press downwards. With the other hand, stop just below the apex of the patella. While applying downward pressure, use finger from the more proximal hand and see if the patella is floating
Achilles tendon rupture
Thompson test. patient prone with feet hanging off the edge of the plinth. Squeeze the calf twice and observe plantarflexion. If this is absent, this indicates a rupture to the tendon
Talar tilt test
patient sitting with knee hanging off the edge of the plinth. To test the anterior talo-fibular, bring foot into plantaflexion and perform inversion. To test calcaneo-fibular, bring foot into anatomical position, then into inversion and eversion. To test posterior talo-fibular, bring foot into max dorsiflexion, then into inversion and everison. Look for pain
Annular ligament
P/a glide. patient seated, arm on plinth. Fixate humerus with one hand and palpate joint line with thumb. Try to find radius with other hand. Give pressure into direction of patients chest
Hip Flexion
Rectus femoris, iliacus, psoas major and sartorius.
supine. Bring hip into 60 degrees of flexion, support the lower leg and give resistance into extension
Hip Extension
Gluteus maximus and hamstrings.
supine. Bring hip into 30 degrees of flexion and give resistance into flexion.
Hip Adduction
Adductor longus, brevis, magnus and gracilis.
Put one hand distal to knee and one hand proximal to the knee, and ask patient to bring the legs together while giving resistance
Hip Abduction
Gluteus medius and minimus.
Put one hand distal to the knee and one hand proximal to the knee. Ask patient to move leg outwards while resisting.
Hip Internal rotation
Tensor fascia latae, gluteus medius and minimus, adductor longus, magnus and brevis, pectineus.
Flex hip to 90, ask patient to move ankle outwards while giving resistance
Hip External rotation
Piriformis, gluteus maximus, medius and minimus
Flex hip to 90, ask patient to move ankle inwards while giving resistance.
Knee flexion
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, sartorius, gracilis.
Put one hand proximal to the ankle joint, flex hip to 30 degrees, ask patient to bring heel to bum.
Knee extension
Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius, gastrocnemius, plantaris
Put one hand proximal to the ankle joint, place other hand under the leg and rest it on the other leg. Ask patient to extend the leg.
Tibialis anterior.
Knee flexed to 90. fixate the lower leg. Apply downward pressure on dorsum of the foot and ask patient to resist.
gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, fibularis longus and brevis. Knee flexed to 90. fixate lower leg. Ask patient to bring foot towards the plinth, resist at the sole of the foot
Tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior. Fixate tibia. Ask patient to turn foot inwards, resist with hand wrapped around the sole of the foot.
Fibularis longus, brevis and tertius. Fixate tibia on the dorsal side (posterior) ask patient to turn foot outwards, resist this.
Biceps Brachii
Forearm pronated and elbow extended. Resist supination and then resist flexion of the elbow, then ask patient to bring their hand towards their mouth to resist the shoulder flexion component
Flex elbow to 90. Forearm pronated. Give resistance into extension.
Flex elbow to 90. Forearm in neutral. Give resistance into extension
Triceps Brachii
Flex elbow to 90. Forearm in neutral. Give resistance into flexion.
Pronator teres
Flex elbow to 90. Forearm in neutral. Resist into supination
Flex elbow to 90. Forearm in neutral. Resist into pronation
Wrist flexion
Flex elbow to 90. One hand on distal forearm, other hand across palmar aspect of hand. Give resistance into extension
Wrist extension
Flex elbow to 90. One hand on distal forearm, one hand across dorsal aspect of hand. Give resistance into flexion
Shoulder flexion
sitting upright. Give resistance into extension
Shoulder extension
sitting upright. Give resistance into flexion
Shoulder abduction
sitting upright. Put pressure at upper arm into adduction.
Shoulder adduction
Sitting upright. Put pressure at upper arm into abduction
Shoulder external rotation
Sitting upright, elbow flexed to 90. Put pressure at distal forearm/hand towards the body
Shoulder internal rotation
Sitting upright, elbow flexed to 90. Put pressure at distal forearm/hand away from the body.
Place hands on both acromions, ask patient to shrug shoulders and resist this.
Ask patient to shrug shoulders slightly with arms crossed. Put hands below their elbows and resist the depression
Put hands on humerus, just below humeral head, bring shoulders back and ask patient to resist.
Put hands on humerus, just below humeral head, push into protraction and ask patient to resist