Test 5 Flashcards
“Renaissance” means
invented the movable-type printing press around 1440
great task completed in 1611
the completion of the King James version of the Bible
Hugh Capet’s coronation as king marked the birth of which nation
Luther believed these three things
justification by faith
the authority of the Bible
the priesthood of all believers
Scandinavia includes which countries?
the first great king of England
English monarch who broke from the Catholic church and made himself head of the Church of England
Henry VIII
those who opposed the king in the English Civil War
William the Silent defended the Protestant cause in this country
the Netherlands
Sir Francis Drake was a famous English
the famous scholar of the Northern Renaissance
Desiderius Erasmus
the man most responsible for sparking the Protestant Reformation
Why was the defeat of the Spanish Armada vital to the cause of freedom in England?
It ensured, once and for all, England’s independence from the Roman church.
Why was the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 so important?
It established precedents of freedom by clearly defining the rights and privileges of the people.
the “people’s priest” of Zurich
Ulrich Zwingli
Morning Star of the Reformation who had the Bible translated into English
John Wycliffe
French reformer who did a great work in Geneva
John Calvin
founder of the Jesuits
John Calvin
reformer from Bohemia burned at the stake for his beliefs
John Huss
one of the most beloved monarchs of the English people
Elizabeth I
Did France win or lost the Hundred Years’ War against England?
William and Mary became king and queen of which country as a result of the Glorious Revolution?
instituted to judge suspected heretics and punish them if found guilty
Gustavus Adolphus was a great leader during the Thirty Years’ War. What religion was he?
the most hated king in English history
the “maid of Orleans” that rallied the French during the Hundred Years’ WAr
Joan of Arc
the year the Protestant Reformation began
William the Conqueror defeated Harold’s army at which battle, bringing William to the throne of England.
Battle of Hastings
What is another name for the Society of Jesus?
the nickname Mary Tudor received for her persecution of English Protestants
Bloody Mary
the country John Knox worked to reform
the greatest English author of all time
the name given to baptized members of the Roman church who disagreed with Roman teaching
The Battle of Bosworth Field ended England’s WArs of the ??? and made Henry VII king of England.
Roman attempt to stop Catholics from becoming Protestant
William the Conqueror’s census record for taxation purposes
Domesday Book
ended the Thirty Years’ WAr
Peace of Westphalia
declared Luther a heretic and ordered his works burned
Edict of Worms
series of statements by Luther, denouncing certain Catholic teachings
Ninety-five Theses
Explain at least three reforms Martin Luther brought to the church. How did the Roman church respond to these reforms?
Luther translated the New Testament into German and promoted popular education for all people. Luther changed the church service–church services would no longer be dominated by a priest, services were no longer in Latin, preachers no longer wore elaborate clothes, the Lord’s Supper was available to all, sermons were given preeminence, and church music was emphasized. The Roman church responded by declaring Luther a heretic and ordering his books burned and excommunicating Luther from the church.
Know where these things are located on a map.
England Scotland Northern Ireland Ireland London Dublin English Channel Irish Sea Wales Thames River