Test 5 Flashcards
A semiconductor is a material that can exhibit properties of both an insulator and a conductor.
An n-type semiconductor is a semiconductor that has electron voids.
A photoelectrochemically cell uses semiconductors to produce electricity from light.
Short-circuit voltage is the maximum voltage on an I-V curve.
Cells with higher efficiencies require less surface area to produce each watt of power, which saves some costs for raw materials, mounting structures, and other equipment.
Short-circuit current is associated with zero load resistance and open-circuit voltage is associate with infinite load resistance.
Some amount of series resistance in a PV system is unavoidable because all conductors and connectors have some resistance.
For most PV devices, a high operating temperature significantly increases voltage.
The maximum number of modules that may be connected in a series string is limited, in part, by the maximum system voltage rating of the modules and other components.
Breakdown voltage is the minimum reverse-bias voltage that results in a rapid increase in current through an electronic device.
____ is the process of adding small amounts of impurity elements to semiconductors to alter their electrical properties.
A(n) ____ is a unit of electromagnetic radiation.
A ____ is a thin, flat disk or rectangle of base semiconductor material.
A(n) ____ curve is the graphic representation of all possible voltage and current operating points for a PV device at a specific operating condition.
The ____ point is the operating point on an I-V curve where the product of current and voltage is at maximum.
maximum power
____ is the ratio of maximum power to the product of the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current.
Fill factor
The temperature-rise coefficient is the coefficient for estimating the rise in cell temperature above ambient temperature due to ____.
solar irradiance
A(n) ____ is a PV device consisting of a number of individual cells connected electrically, laminated, encapsulated, and packaged into a frame.
____ is the condition of a device operating at negative voltage.
Reverse bias
Standard test conditions (STC) rates module performance at a solar irradiance of ____ W/m².
A(n) _____ cell is a semiconductor device that converts solar radiation into direct current electricity.
photovoltaic or PV
A(n) ____ cell is a cell that maximizes efficiency by using layers of individual cells that each respond to different wavelengths of solar energy.
A(n) ____ wafer is a silicon wafer made by drawing a thin strip from a molten silicon mixture.
Using in-line or clamp-on ____ are two methods of measuring short-circuit current.
____ is the ratio of the power output to power input.
Changes in solar ____ have a small effect on voltage but a significant effect on the current output of PV devices.
PV devices are first connected in series to achieve a desired voltage, forming a ____.
____ is a method of protecting PV cell laminates by sealing them between a rigid backing material and a glass cover.
A(n) ____ box on the back of a module provides a protected location for electrical connections and diodes.
A(n) ____ diode is a diode used to pass current around, rather than through, a group of PV cells.