test 4 anterior thigh Flashcards
Pectineus origin
Superior ramus of pubis
Pectineus insertion
Pectineal line of femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter
Pectineus innervation
Femoral nerve (L2, L3); may receive branch from obturator nerve
Pectineus action
Adducts and flexes thigh; assists with medial rotation of thigh
Sartorius origin
Anterior superior iliac spine and superior part of notch inferior to it
Sartorius insertion
Superior part of medial surface of tibia
Femoral nerve (L2, L3
Sartorius action
Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Iliopsoas is made….
psoas (major) and iliacus
Quadriceps femoris is made…..
- rectus femoris
- vastus lateralis
- vastus medialis
- vastus intermedius
Rectus femorisorigin
Anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium superior to acetabulum
Rectus femoris insertion
Via common tendinous (quadriceps tendon) and independent attachments to base of patella; indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
Rectus femoris innervation
Femoral nerve (L2, L3, L4)
Rectus femorisaction
Extends leg at knee joint; rectus femoris also steadies hip joint and helps iliopsoas flex thigh
Vastus lateralis origin
Greater trochanter and lateral lip of linea aspera