Test 2 Bones upper limb Flashcards
Shoulder to elbow
pectoral region
scapular region
supraclavicular region
pectoral girdle
Elbow to wrist
distal to forearm
bones section
bones section
clavicle -sternal end joint
articulates with manubrium of sternum
Sternoclavicular(SC) Joint
scap. supraspinous fossa
posterior fossa above spine
scap. infraspinous fossa
posterior fossa below spine
scap. subscapular fossa
anterior fossa
Head of scapula
glenoid cavit is located
neck of scapula
just inferior to head
suprascapular notch
superior border devides medial 2/3 form lateral1/3
acromion process
- lateral continuation of spine
- subcutaneous point of shoulder
- articulates with acrominal head of clavicle
coracoid process
- superior to glenoid cavity projects anterolaterally
- beak like projection of scap
clavicleacrominal end -joint
articulates with acromion of scapula
Acromoclavicular (AC) joint
glenoid cavity
- glenohumoral joint
- aka glenoid socket
- hallow concave fossa
arm bone
head of humerus
- articulates with glenoid cavity
- superior/proxmal to anatomical neck of the humerus
surgical neck of humerous
narrow , distal to tubercles
DELTOID TUBEROSITY ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
intertubercular sulcus
- separates lesser and greater tubercles
- aka bicipital groove
Radial groove
on humerus posteriorly for nerve/artery
supra-epicondylar ridges
distally end for medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle
condyle of humerus
- two heads capitulum and trochlea
- composed of Trochlea,capitulum, olecranon,coronoid, radial fossae
- lateral articulation surface
- articulates with radius
- medial articulation
- articulates with ulna
coronoid fossa
- superior to trochlea
- recieves coronoid process of ulna during full flexion of elbow
olecranon fossa
- posteriorly
- accomidates olecranon of ulna during extension
radial fossa
- superior to anterior to capitulum
- accomidate head of radius when elbow is fully flexed
- medial bone of the forearm
- longer bone
-prominent process on the proximal end of ulna
posteriorly forms wall of trochlea notch
trochlear notch
articulates with trochlea of humerus
INTEROSSEOUS CREST ???????????????????????????????
Ulnar tuberosity
lump inferior to coronoid
coronoid process
- proximal projection of ulna
- anteriorly forms wall of trochlear notch
supinator fossa
-concavity distal to coronoid process