Test 4: 62: plants Flashcards
cicuta douglasii look like
white flowers in umbel
tuberous root
hollow stem
water hemlock- causes acut death
clinical signs of Cicuta douglasii or C maculata exposure
water hemlock
acute death
cicutoxin- all parts of plant- neurotoxin that causes muscle tremors and convulsions
- Hypersalivation, vigorous chewing and teeth grinding, urination, defecation
- Progressing to ataxia, incoordination, seizures, and lateral recumbency → respiratory paralysis and asphyxia in 2-3 hrs
white flowers, tuberous root, hollow stem
if animals do not die right away form Cicuta gouglasii or C. maculata they can develop
myocardial degeneration and skeletal muscle degneration
water hemlock- tuberous, hollow stem, white flowers
treatment of cicuta douglasii and C. maculata ingestion
no antidote
GI decontamination if early
pentobarbital to ↓ seizures
water hemlock: white flowers, tuberous root, hollow stem
conium maculatum
posion hemlock
marshy, moist ground
carrot like root with purple spots
fernlike leaves
white flowers
mouse urine smell
conium maculatum look like
conium maculatum
posion hemlock
marshy, moist ground
carrot like root with purple spots
fernlike leaves
white flowers
mouse urine smell
what kind of toxin for conium maculatum
piperidine alkaloid: coniine and G-coniceine
block spinal cord reflexes: first nicotinic muscle activation then paralysis
acute death
conium maculatum
posion hemlock
marshy, moist ground
carrot like root with purple spots
fernlike leaves
white flowers
mouse urine smell
clinical signs of conium maculatum ingestion
salivation, abdominal pain,
muscle tremors and incoordination Followed by dyspnea, dilated pupils, weak pulse, urination, and defecation
Temporary blindness from prolapsed nictitating membrane
muscle activation → paralysis and respiratory failure and coma: death in 2-3 hrs
small amounts can be teratogenic if cows eat day 40-70 of gestation
conium maculatum
posion hemlock
marshy, moist ground
carrot like root with purple spots
fernlike leaves
white flowers
mouse urine smell
aconitum (monkshood)
sudden death
Restlessness, hypersalivation, muscle weakness, hypotension, dyspnea, and collapse
◦ Ruminants may bloat after becoming laterally recumbent
not required plant
delphinium- larkspur
leaves at base
hollow stems
blue, purple, red flowers: 5 sepals and 4 petals
upper sepal are elongated and form spur
what does delphinium look like
delphinium- larkspur
leaves at base
hollow stems
blue, purple, red flowers: 5 sepals and 4 petals
upper sepal are elongated and form spur
toxin of delphinium
diterpenoid alkaloids
The alkaloids reversibly bind to and
competitively block nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction → muscle weakness and paralysis
similar to nicotine and snake bungarotoxin
delphinium- larkspur
leaves at base
hollow stems
blue, purple, red flowers: 5 sepals and 4 petals
upper sepal are elongated and form spur
what is toxic window of delphinium
cows really like to eat plant when it is growing or after rainstorm when it is most toxic
try not to let cattle graze duing this time
delphinium- larkspur
leaves at base
hollow stems
blue, purple, red flowers: 5 sepals and 4 petals
upper sepal are elongated and form spur
clinical signs of delphinium
sudden death
Initial signs in cattle include increased excitability, muscle weakness with stiffness, staggering, and a base-wide stance
NM blockage prevents burbing → bloat → pneumonia
delphinium- larkspur
leaves at base
hollow stems
blue, purple, red flowers: 5 sepals and 4 petals
upper sepal are elongated and form spur
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) rapidly inactivates — causing —
cellular respiration causing acute death
binds to cytochrome oxidase and inhibits enzymes needed for cellular respiration
cherry red venous blood
prunus- chockcherry, pin cherry
sorghum - johnson grass, indian grass
what needs to happen to cyanogenic glycosides to become toxic
damage to plant cells caused by chewing, crushing, drought, wilting, or freezing
rymen microorganism will turn cyanogenic glycosides into HCN
prunus- chockcherry, pin cherry
sorghum - johnson grass, indian grass
clinical signs of cyanogenic glycoside
Sudden death
Early signs include rapid labored breathing, frothing at the mouth, dilated pupils, ataxia, muscle tremors, convulsions, tachycardia +/- arrhythmias
Ruminants regurgitate rumen contents when they become recumbent and bloat
Mucous membranes: bright red to cyanotic in the terminal stages as tissues become oxygen depleted
prunus- chockcherry, pin cherry
sorghum - johnson grass, indian grass
bitter almonds odor is
cyanogenic glycosides
prunus- chockcherry, pin cherry
sorghum - johnson grass, indian grass
treatment for cyanogenic glycosides
sodium nitrite: converts some hemoglobin to methemoglobin: cyanide will bind to met
sodium thiosulfate: binds to cyanide and form nontoxic product
can give ruminants sodium thiosulfate and vinegar
prunus- chockcherry, pin cherry
sorghum - johnson grass, indian grass
how to reduce cyanogenic glycoside ingestion
dont let animals graze after plants are growing, drought or frost
* test for cyanide
* curing will kill cyanide
* purchase low cyanide plants (some sorghum plants)
prunus- chockcherry, pin cherry
sorghum - johnson grass, indian grass
how do high dose cardiac glycosides work
Cardiac glycosides inhibit cellular membrane sodium-potassium pumps to deplete intracellular
potassium and increase serum potassium → decreased conductivity → arrhythmias and cardiac block, death
low dose cardiac glycosides
Low doses can have the therapeutic effect of increasing
contractility, decreasing heart rate, and increasing cardiac output
high dose: severe arrhythmias and conduction disturbances leading to death
CG inhibit Na/K pump → ↑ potassium = decreased electrical conductivity and arrythmias
clinical signs of cardiac glycosides
acute death from arrythmias
- Early signs include tachypnea, cold extremities, and rapid weak irregular pulses
- Symptoms rarely persist more than 24 hours before death occurs +/- terminal convulsions
Cattle receiving ionophores are more susceptible to cardiac glycosides
Cattle receiving — are more susceptible to cardiac glycosides
how to treat cardiac glycosides
GI decontamination: gastric lavage or vomiting, activated charcoal
treat arrhythmias
check potassium levels
asclepias speciosa
cardiac glycoside
milkweed:; asclepias
thin or thick leaves
umbels of white or red flowers
seed pod has silky hairs
some have milky sap or latex
what does asclepias look like
milkweed:; asclepias
thin or thick leaves
umbels of white or red flowers
seed pod has silky hairs
some have milky sap or latex
cardiac glycoside
asclepias cause —
cardiac glycoside → arrythmia and death
can also effect respiratory, GI, CNS → dyspnea, colic, diarrhea, muscle tremors, seizures, and head pressing
milkweed: asclepias
thin or thick leaves
umbels of white or red flowers
seed pod has silky hairs
some have milky sap or latex
monarch butterflies retain — from — plants
cardenolides: cardiac glycoside
Birds that eat them experience intense emetic effects and avoid eating monarchs in the future
asclepias (milkweed)
milkweed: asclepias
thin or thick leaves
umbels of white or red flowers
seed pod has silky hairs
some have milky sap or latex
clinical signs of asclepias
acute death
cardiac glycoside → arrythmia and death
can also effect respiratory, GI, CNS → dyspnea, colic, diarrhea, muscle tremors, seizures, and head pressing, inability to stand, dilated pupils
recumbent animals: tetany and chewing movements
milkweed: asclepias
thin or thick leaves
umbels of white or red flowers
seed pod has silky hairs
some have milky sap or latex
lily of the valley
seeds have high concentrations of cardenolide cardiac glycosides
skin of fruit and flowers- abdominal pain and diarrhea
not requires
cardiac glycosides are digoxin, digitoxin, and digitonin, found
in all parts of the plant
nerium oleander
white, pink or red flowers with 5 or more petals
cardiac glycoside
what does nerium oleander look like
nerium oleander
white, pink or red flowers with 5 or more petals
25 ft tall
cardiac glycoside
death camas
cardiotoxic- steroidal alkaloids with zygacine and zygadenine
↓BP by dilating arteriols and constricting veins and ↓HR
sheep- salivation, nausea,
vomiting, muscular weakness, and staggering, convulsions, coma and death
not required
taxus: Yew
red to yellow fruits with single seed (fruit not toxic) all other parts are toxic
cardiotoxic: taxine→ arrhythmias
milk and meat withhold times
Taxus toxicity
taxine: inhibits Na/Ca exhange in myocardiac cells →arrhythmias
milk from poisoned animals
should not be used for at least 48 hours and animals be withheld from slaughter for 35 days
taxus: Yew
red to yellow fruits with single seed (fruit not toxic) all other parts are toxic
cardiotoxic: taxine→ arrhythmias
careful of milk and meat
clinical signs of taxus ingestion
cardiogenic → Na/Ca → arrhythmias
sudden muscle tremors, incoordination, nervousness, dyspnea, bradycardia, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and death
Death may occur several days after ingestion, however sudden death may sometimes be the only observed sign
taxus: Yew
red to yellow fruits with single seed (fruit not toxic) all other parts are toxic
cardiotoxic: taxine→ arrhythmias
milk and meat withhold times
persea- avocado
cardiogenic- myocardium and tissue of lactating mammary gland
- horses: edematous swelling of the lips, mouth, eyelids, head, and neck, leading to upper respiratory distress
- Some horses colic
- pulmonary edema due to cardiomyopathy and heart failure
senecio toxicity
pyrrolizidine alkaloid
liver disease → secondary photosensitization
senecio longilobus
pyrrolizidine alkaloid
liver disease → secondary photosensitization