Test 4 Flashcards
What are the factors of physical development in middle childhood?
- Growth patterns
- Nutrition
- Vision and hearing
- Motor development
- Physical fitness
- Accidents
What are the growth patterns?
- Nutrition and growth
- Overweight
What are the developments in nutrition and growth?
- Teeth development (lose teeth and ortho)
- Slow and steady growth yet body weight doubles and eat more than preschoolers
- Healthy nutrition coninues to be a challenge (too much sugar, salt, fat and oversized portions and less active)
- Sex differences: boys are slightly taller/heavier until 10, then girls start growth spurt)
What are the developments in overweight/obesity?
- Childhood obesity tripled since 1980s
- 30% of children are overweight
- Poor diet and sedentary (screen time)
What are the consequences to being overweight?
Health risks:
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Asthma
Emotional risks:
- Self-esteem
- Rejection
What is the importance of breakfast and lunch (nutrition)?
- Children need to eat breakfast before school or risk increase illnesses, decrease grades, moody, sleepy
- School lunches: No junk in vending or cafeteria, school lunch guidelines
What are the developments in vision and hearing?
- Growth of eustachian tube reduces ear infections
- Myopia (nearsightedness) occurs in approximately 29% of school age children
- Both heredity and environment contribute to myopia
What are the recommended hours for children to be on electronic devices per day?
- 0-2 years: 0 hours
- 3-9 years: 1 hour
- 10-18 years: 2 hours
What are the risks to too much screen time?
- Delayed development:
- physical restriction
- cognitive, attention, memory, literacy decrease
- impulsivity increase, emotion regulation decrease
- Obesity
- Sleep deprivation
- Mental illness:
- depression, anxiety, ADHD, attachment, autism, bipolar, psychosis, behaviour problem
- Aggression
- Addiction
- Radiation
- Unsustainable
What are the gross motor developments?
- Improvement
- Balance, coordination, strength
- Muscles grow
- Myelination of connections between cerebellum and cortex
- Reaction time improves
What are the fine motor developments?
- Improvement of existing skills (dress, wash, eat)
- New skill development: writing, typing, arts and crafts, musical instruments
What are the physical fitness developments?
- Nearly 40% of Canadian youth 5-17 years old meet physical activity target
- 60 minutes moderate-to-vigorous activity per day
- Many elementary schools in Canada do not include physical activity (or not enough) into the daily routine
- Families can encourage fitness by doing activities together
- 2 hours max of screen time per day
- Participating in sports
What are the benefits of participating in sports?
- Sports are good for whole child: physical skill and fitness, cognitive skills (strategies, planning, memory…), social/emotional skills (teamwork…)
- Coaches should be positive and have realistic expectations, parents too
What are the factors that influence participation in sports?
- Gender
- Age
- Household income
- Parental education
- Parental involvement in sports
- Geography
- Immigrant status of parents
What is the role of accidents?
Because children in the middle years are more mobile and more independent, they’re at greater risk for injury than preschool children.
- Common under 20 years: falls (most common), car accidents as passenger or pedestrian, bike accidents, near drownings
- Parents can help: good role models (seat belt, bike helmet), being realistic about child’s abilities, supervision
- Community and school programs
What are the factors of cognitive development in middle childhood?
- Piaget’s Concrete Operational Stage
- Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory
- Attention and memory
- Intellectual development
- Disabilities/differing abilities
- Language and literacy
What is Piaget’s Concrete Operational Stage?
- Logic
- Conservation: children recognize shapes, no more conservation errors
- Transivity: If A is bigger than B and B is bigger than C than A is bigger than C
- Seriation: putting things in order like big to small or dark to light
What are the levels in Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory?
- Preconventional
- Conventional
- Postconventional
What are the stages in the preconventional level?
- Obedience and punishment (obedient to avoid punishment
- Future favours (satisfy their needs or others)
What are the stages in the conventional level?
- Social approval (good to meet others expectations
- Law and order
What are the stages in the postconventional level?
- Legalistic
- Universal ethical principles
What are the developments in attention and memory?
- Selective attention improves as does paying attention to multiple aspects of a situation (leading to less conservation errors)
- Short term memory is similar to adult levels in organization and strategies
- Long term memory improves in organization and knowledge increases in capacity
What are the factors of intellectual development?
- Types
- Measurement
What are the types/theories of intellectual development/intelligence?
- Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence
What is Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?
More than one kind of intelligent and more than academic ability.
- Linguistic intelligence
- Logical-mathematical intelligence
- Spatial intelligence
- Musical intelligence
- Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (dancers, gymnasts)
- Interpersonal intelligence (empathy, relate to others)
- Intrapersonal intelligence (personal knowledge, self insight)
- Naturalistic intelligence
- Existential intelligence
What is Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence?
- Understand and regulate one’s own emotions
- Understand and help others to regulate their emotions
How is intelligence measured?
- Alfred Binet
- Goddard and Terman
- Weschler’s Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III)
What is Alfred Binet’s measuring intelligence?
- Hired by french government
- Normal vs inferior
- Special schools for inferior
- Low IQ indicates a need for more teaching not inability to learn
- Binet didn’t believe it measured intelligence
- Feared of labelling children’s worth