test 3 part 6 Flashcards
what is the second step of the specieation process?
the populations of species begin to differentiate.
can population differentiation take place without genetic differences?
the speciation process is completed when what has happened?
gene flow has stoppped and there is no more interbreeding among populations
what is a pre-zygotic barrier?
a berrier that prevents a zygote from forming
what is a post-zygotic berrier?
a barrier that prevents the zygote from being fertile or to not survive
what is geographical isolation?
isolation caused by a geographic barrier
even though species are seperated geographically does that automatically correlate to genetic isolation?
what is mechanical isolation?
the morphological aspects of an animal do not fit, wrong key to wrong lock
another kind of isolation is calle dtemporal isolation, what is the importance of this?
the isolation based on the time of day
behavioral isolation is based on what?
the courtship behaviours of individuals.
post zygotic barrieres are what 2 forms?
hybrid inviability and hybrid sterility
inviablitiy means what?
the organsim does not survive to maturity
sterility means what?
the organism cannot reproduce
what is allopatric speciation?
populations seperated by geographical berriers
what is sympatric speciation?
populations seperated by reproductive berriers
what is vicarious allopatric speciation?
the population remains in place and the landscape changes