Final study guide Flashcards
what is a mechanistic behavior?
a mechanistic view or a view of how some factor in the current lifespan caused a behavior
what is evolutionary behavior?
behavior based on how the organism has evolved over time
what is innate behavior?
innate behavior is a behavior that an animal has at birth
what is a learned behavior?
a behavior that an animal has aquired due to a specific event or other repeated stimuli
what are the two main types of biological clocks?
the circadian and lunar rhythms
what is the circadian rhythm?
the internal clocck of an organism to innately know the time of day it is. This is influenced by the organisms surroundings
what is a lunar rythm?
the way the changing of the tides or position of the moon is sensed by an organism
what are the main types of communication within animals?
visual, auditory, mechanical, chemical, and electrical.
what is visual communication?
communication between animals utilizing specific movements or signs
what is auditory communication?
the conveying of information based on auditory sounds
what is chemical communication?
communication between organisms through a sharing or emiting of specific chemicals
what is electrical communication?
the communication between animals utilizing electric signals shared between the two organisms
what is mechanical communication?
communication between two organisms based on mechannical changes in their structure
what is a fixed action pattern?
an action that once started cannot be stopped
what are non-associative events?
events that do not link to a behavior
what are associative events?
events that link to a specific result in a behavior
is classical conditioning an associative or non associative behavior?
is sensualization an associative or non associative behavior?
an associative behavior
is habituation an associative behavior?
is operant conditioning an associative or non associative behavior?
what is altruism?
the sacrifice of something for the well-being of another
what is reciprocal altruism?
the sacrifice of something for another with the expectation of getting something in return
what is kin selection?
the helping of another organism due to relation by kin
what is ecology?
the study of the interaction of animals and their environment
what are the three levels of ecology?
population, community, and global
populations are characterized by what five factors?
size, range, density, distribution, and growth
what are the two population growth types?
exponential and log
what is exponential population growth?
the growth of a population being ever increasing with no end
what is log growth of a population?
the growth of a population towards a population cap
what are some examples of biotic factors?
predation, disease, species interactions.
what are some abiotic factors?
natural disasters, PH
what are densitiy indipendant foctors?
any factors that do not change with density
what are density dependant factors?
factors that change with the density of organsims
what is a random geographic pattern?
there is no pattern to the spread of the structure/organism
what is a clumped geographic pattern?
a geographic pattern where the organsims or structures are clumped into clusters
what are uniform geographic patterns?
patterns of the spread of organsims or structures that spread out as far as possible from one another
what is a Type 1 survivorship curve?
not survivable in the start and get better with age
what is a type 2 survivorship curve?
eh, live about the same at each age
what is a type 3 survivorship curve?
live now, you get worse as you age
what is an R strategist?
an organsim that utlizises a high reproductive rate to reproduce wih little to no nurturing or caring for young
what is a K strategist?
an organsim that utilizes more energy nurtering their young.
what is a metapopulation?
population in patches connected by migration paths
what is a niche?
a unique diet or location of an animal in it’s environment
what is a realized niche?
a niche accounting for the interaction of others in the niche
what is a fundimental niche?
a niche that does not account for the interaction of other organisms within it
what are the three types of +/- specific interactions?
predation, herbivory, parasitism
what is a -/- specific interaction called?
what is a +/+ specific interaction called?
what is a / specific interaction called?
what is competative exclusion?
the exlcusion of one species in the local environment or the exclusion of a competitor
what is resource partitioning?
the re-distribution of resources due to a shared niche
what is succession?
the species replacement over time in an area, this can be either primary or secondary sucession
what is primary succession?
succession is the replacement of species in an area after an event that wipes out all biotic life
what is secondary succession?
replacement of species in an area when an event wipes out a lare portion of life in the area
what is the anthropocene extinction?
the extinction being caused by us
what do humans do to harm the environment?
burn fossil fuels, deforest our forests, create large amounts of trash, eat unsustainable amounts of the wrong foods and much much more