test 2 cards 7 Flashcards
what are R strategists?
a species in which they make more and take less care of their offspring
what are K strategists?
they have few offspring from internal fertilization but take better care of them.
animals with external fertilization produce eggs with what to provide nutrients?
internal fertilization and moving on to land required changes to the egg, what are the new membranes made in this time?
Aminon, allantois, and chorion
what is an amnion membrane?
allows the egg to develop in a watery environment
what is an allantois membrane?
it encloses the space to colect wastes
what does a chorion do?
surrounds all in some species is also a hard shell.
what isan oviparous animal?
it lays eggs outside the mother’s body
what is a viviparous animal?
the embryo develops insid ethe mother and nutrients are ob tained directly in her.
in placental animals (most mammals) chorion and allantois fuse to form a what?
the sperm head contains the nucleus and the what?
the acrosome doe swhat?
holds the enzymes that allow the sperm to penetrate the egg.
sperm develop in what?
the seminiferous tubules
the sperm are storedee in what?
the epididymis
the sperm travels out in what?
vas defenres
a muscular tube connecting what?
the ejaculatory duct
glands produce accessory fluid, what does the prostate gland produce?
alkaline fluid to increase sperm motility
a seminal vesicle produces what?
protien and sugar rich fluid (60% of fluid)
what does hte bulbouretheral gland produce?
sperm are only what percent of semen?
Oocytes which mature to the ova are produced in the paired what?
during ovulation an egg is expelled from where?
the ovary
the egg then enters the what?
oviduct or fallopian tube
the oviduct is where what happens?
where fertilization may take place
fertilized eggs then move to where?
the uturus
the opening of the uterus is the what?
the uterus is continuous with what?
the vagina or birth canal
the exteranl femal genitalia is collectivley called the what?
what is the menstrual cycle?
a reproductive cycle in which oocytes mature and are released from the ovaries under hormonal control.