Test 3 Flashcards
what is the echogenicity of muscles?
moderate echogenicity with echogenic striations seen in long axis view
what can muscles be mistaken with?
ovaries or masses within pelvis
what is a common muscle to be mistaken for an ovary?
is the uterus intra or retro?
when does the uterus descend into the true pelvis
between birth and puberty
what is anterior to the uterus
pubic bone and bladder
what is posterior to the uterus?
what are the 3 major portions that make up the uterus?
- fundus
- body
- cervix
area of body that tubes enter
what is superior to the cornua?
what area is between cervix and cornua?
what is the cervix?
slight narrowing btw body and proximal cervix
what opens into the upper vagina?
what is the canal of the cervix made up o internally?
external and internal os
what is located at the distal end of the cervix space between vagina?
- 2 lateral fornix
- anterior fornix
- posterior fornix
Fibromuscular canal that lies in the midline
where does the vagina run?
cervix to the external genitalia
what does the cervix protrude into?
proximal vagina
what are the 3 layers of the uterus?
- perimetrium
- myometrium
- endometrium
what is the big muscle in the uterus taking up majority of the uterus?
what is the myometrium divided into? (inner to outer)
- subendometrial halo (inner layer)
- intermediate
- outer
what layer of the uterus sloughs off each menses?
superficial functional layer
what part of uterus stays attached during menstration?
deep basal layer
what ligaments are paired?
- broad ligament
- cardinal
- uterosacral
- round
what ligaments are single?
- posterior
- anterior
where do the broad ligaments extend?
lateral aspect of uterus to the lateral pelvic walls
what ligament of the uterus is double folds of parietal peritoneum?
broad ligaments
what ligament is the lower extension of broad ligament?
cardinal ligament
what is the coarse of the round ligaments?
Fibromuscular cords extends from upper outer angles of uterus through inguinal canal and attach labia majora
where are the uterosacral ligaments?
Posterior uterus to sacrum, each side of rectum
what does the anterior ligament form?
-anterior cul de sac
-vesicouterine pouch
where does the anterior ligament coarse?
anterior surface of the uterus to posterior surface of bladder
what does the posterior ligament form?
-Pouch of Douglas (PCDS) OR -posterior cul de sac OR -rectouterine recess
what happens to the uterus when fertilization occurs?
implants into the endometrial lining and develops within UT
what uterus layer contracts at labor?
what happens to the uterus when fertilization does not occur?
- menstruation occurs
- myometrial contractions aide sloughing off endometrium
where does the blood supply run?
within the broad ligament and within the ovary
blood supply read over
female pelvis slide 24
what part of the female reproductive organs are fixed?
cervix is fixed in midline
what part of the female reproductive system is mobile?
body and fundus
what is uterus flexion?
axis of the uterine body relative to the cervix
what is the uterus version?
axis of the cervix relative to the vagina
can the bladder affect position of uterus?
yes bladder being full or empty changes uterus position
what is the normal position of the uterus?
anteverted (or anteflexed)
what normal variants in position can the uterus be?
- retroverted
- retroflexed
Entire uterus is tilted backward (relative to vagina)
Body is tilted posteriorly (relative to cervix)
what is the size and shape of an infantile uterus?
- 2.8 cm in length
- cervix 2/3rds total length
- tubular or inverse pear shape
what is the size and shape of an neonate uterus?
- slightly larger than infantile die to maternal hormone stimulation
- 3.4 cm in length
- inverse pear shape
what is the size and shape of an after age 8 until puberty uterus?
-uterus gradually increases in size
what is the size and shape of an uterus at puberty?
- increase in size, especially the body
- diameter and length of body about double cervical size
- becomes adult size and shape
what is the size and shape of an uterus in an adult?
- 7-8 cm length x 5 cm width x 4 cm AP (max. dimensions before pregnancies)
- pear shaped
what does parity mean?
how much does the uterus grow in a pregnancy?
increases normal size by 1 cm in each dimension
what is the size and shape of a menopausal uterus?
- atrophies 3.5 to 6.5 cm (L) x 1.2 to 1.8 cm (AP)
- pear shaped but small
what is the regular size of an adult uterus on ultrasound?
7-8 cm in length (8 length cm x 5 width cm x 4 AP cm )