Test 3 Flashcards
Founder of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha Gautama lived from
563-483 BC
What does Buddha mean
enlightened one
Head of the sakya clan
Tathagata means what
thus gone one
Where was Siddhartha Gautama born
Lumbini, Nepal
What cast was Siddhartha Gautama
Kshatriya cast
Where was Siddhartha Gautama raised
sheltered environment in Benares India (holy place for Buddhists)
Siddhartha’s four sights
decrepit old man,
sick person (leper),
monk (begging for food)
Who was the mother of Siddhartha Gautama
Maya (died seven days after his birth)
Who was the prophet that told the King he would grow up to either a king or a wandering ascetic
The four sights caused Siddartha to leave at what age
What was Siddartah looking for?
dukkha (solution for suffering)
what is the solution for suffering
How long did Siddhartha lead the life of an extreme ascetic
seven years
What did Siddhartha Gautama find?
the “Middle Path”
what was Siddhartha Gautama sitting under when he found the middle path
bo (fig) tree
(the tempter) attacked Siddhartha Gautama while looking for enlightenment
What was Mara’s last ditch effort?
Sent his three daughters Discontent, Delight, and Thirst to seduce him.
Stages of enlightenment
- saw past 550 lives
- saw hole world at once and learned karma affects your rebirth
- passed through 8 stages of meditation
- reached complete spiritual insight
What happened at the moment of enlightenment
earth shook, breezes blew, flowers fell from heaven
Where did Siddhartha preach his first sermon.
community of Buddhist monks
Buddhist word for teaching
What happened when the Buddha died
where did the Buddha enter parinirvana
Kushingara, India
what age did the Buddha enter parinirvana
The three jewls of Buddha
Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
what does dharma mean
the teaching
what does sangha mean
the community
List the four noble truths
- there is suffering
- Cravings produce suffering
- Get rid of cravings will end suffering
- All pain can be stopped by following the eight-fold path
List the eight fold path
- right views (4 noble truths)
- right resolve (to extinguish cravings)
- right speech (don’t lie, slander, dont’ say more than necessary etc.)
- right behavior (don’t kill, cheat, steal and don’t do more than necessary)
- right occupation (be a monk; otherwise, do a job that harms no one)
- right effort (to attain good qualities)
- right mindfulness (observant, alter, contemplative, stoic)
- right meditation (learn to empty your mind)
ultimate goal of Buddhism
what does nervana mean
nothingness (lit. blown out)
The first Buddhist scriptures were what
remembered and recited at the first council
when was the first Buddhist council
what does Tripitaka mean
“The Three Baskets” written on leaves and placed in three baskets
what makes up the Tripitaka
Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka
Vinaya Pitaka means
rules for monks
Sutta Pitaka means
Buddha’s discourses
Abhidhamma Pitaka
commentaries on discourses
Name another version considered to be Buddha’s true teaching by those whose follow them.
Lotus Sutra
B/H Who has the “way of works”
B/H who did not believe the Vedas to be authoritative
who had the caste system
Who had Brahman-Atman (ultimate reality)
Who believes in Atman
non-reality, the world is not an illusion; it is real
B where are we?
in a rational (not illusory) world, filled w pain which we produce ourselves by bad karma.
B Who are we?
we are rational beings who are destined to be reborn endlessly as long as we want to exist
B What’s the problem?
We listen to our cravings
B What’s the solution?
Extinguish all desire by acknowledging the 4 noble truths, and follow the eight-fold path, esp meditation
B How do we know?
enlightenment granted first to the Buddha and now to us through meditation
What is considered the original version of Buddhism
Theravada “orthodox”
The version of Buddhisms mainly for monks who can devote full attention to achieve Nirvana
place for non-monks that support monks
Theravada Buddhism is also called?
Southern Buddhism
where is southern Buddhism most popular
Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Kampuchea, Laos and Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Buddhism that means “Big Raft”
Sect that emphasizes veneration of bodhisattvas
people who have achieved Nirvana, but delay it to help others
What is the revision that Mahayana hope to accomplish
reach Nirvana and help others reach it
Mahayana is also called what?
northern Buddhism
Mahayana spawned sects that flourished where
China, Japan, Tibet, Vietnam, Mongolia and Nepal
Sect that flourished in China with a combination of Confucius
Which sect claims to unite all variations of Buddhism into one
Most popular form of Buddhism in Japan
Pure Land
Sect based on legendary Buddha named Amida who attained enlightenment in heaven
pure lands
another name for Amida
Dhyani Budda
Who introduced Japan to Pure Land
How does Pure Land Buddhism prepare for Pure Land
pure thought, prepare for paradise
what do pure Land Buddhism call Nirvana
Pure Land
How is pure thought achieved?
constant repetition of nembustsu
what is nebutsu
namu amida butsu
Who advocated the True Pure Land is based on the number of times Nembutsu was said.
Honen’s disciple, Shinran
movement who believe in the Lotus Sutra
Soka Gakkai
who begun the Soka Gakkai
Soka Gakkai emphasize what phrase
what does daimoku mean
nam myoho renge kyo “I bow down to worship the beautiful teachings of the Lotus Sutra”
A branch of Mahayana influenced by Taoism of China
founder of zen
Buddhist teacher Bodhidharma
What branch of enlightenment focuses on intuition based on the legend that Buddha held flowers without saying anything to make a point.
Which sect has something to do w flowers
which sect revers no scriptures
which sect is especially liked in the West
Which sect focuses on meditation which focuses the mind on a specific problem
what does Koans or kwans mean
verbal puzzle that develops mental concentration
What sect blended traditional animism with Buddhism to product Lamaism
Tibetan (Vajrayana)
Tibetan sect is also called
what does Lamaism mean
Buddhas teachings of scripture is divided into two sects and written in two books
Kanjur and Tanjur
Which sect has had a Dalai Lama since the 15th century
When is the Dalai Lama reincarnated
exactly 49 days after he has died
current dalai lama is
tenzen gyatso
where does dalai lama live
exile in India
which sect used chants (mantras), hand positions (mundras and mandalas as keys to meditation
Tebetan (Vajrayana)
mantras mean
mundras means
Jainisms founder
what is the literal translation of Mahavira
“great man”
Where was Mahavira born
Nataputta Vardhamana, in Northeast India
when was Mahavira born
Mahavira was born to what cast
What religion follows the do no harm policy
how many years of aestheticism did Mahavira engage in
what did mahavira call enlightenment
what was attained in kaivalya
after he attained kaivalya he was given the title
what does jina mean
what does Jains mean
followers of the conqueror
Mahavera died of what at what age
starvation at age 70
Mahavira is one of what
24 Tirthankaras
literal translation of tirthankaras
ford finders
Tirthankara that preceded Mahavira
Parsva died when
84,000 years before Mahavira
Who was named the first Tirthankara
how old was Rishaba
70 trillion years old
how tall was Rishaba
3,000 feet tall
Does Jainism believe in a creator God
Does Jainism believe in dieties beside the creator god?
yes but they ignore the deities
Through meditation humans can achieve what
liberation and surpass the gods
distinction between jiva and ajiva
life (gods, humans, plants) and non-life (rocks, dirt etc.)
what kind of life does jiva include
gods, humans, plants
what does ajiva include
rocks, dirt, etc.
what piles layers of ajiva on the soul and affects status in the next life
bad karma
what do Jains believe nirvana is
a continued isolated and changeless existence at the top of the cosmos where people will remain motionless, omniscient and blissful
Sacred texts of Jainism
Agamas or Siddhanta
what does Agamas mean
what does Siddhanta mean
vows of Jainism are similar to what
eight fold path of Buddhism
what are Jains best known for
what does ahimsa mean
not killing anything
what famous person popularized ahimsa
other vows of Jains
truth telling, no stealing, no sex, detachment
truth telling makes Jainism using what
syadvada (maybe)
syadvada means what
detachment means
monks are expected to starve themselves while meditating until death takes you
what produces bad Karma in Jainism
all activity complete inactivity is idea
two divisions in Jainism
which Jain clan wears cloths
which Jain clan doesn’t wear cloths
can lay people achieve enlightenment in jainism
what is the main act of worship for Jainism
washing and decorating images of Tirthankaras
what are Tirthankaras
nude statues that have vines growing over them
what does a raised hand mean
founder of sikhism
when was Nanak born
where was Nanak born
northwest India (now Pakistan)
Nanak was a member of what movement
when did Nanak have a vision
age 30 spent three days in the forest
what was Nanak’s response to his vision
Japji prayer
Sikhism is a merging of
Hinduism and Islam
what is Nanak’s famous slogan
“There is no Muslim and there is no Hindu”
Siks dress in a combination of what style
hindu and islamic style
Hymns Nanak wrote were made into a book called
Adi Granth
The original copy of the Adi Granth is housed where
Golden Temple in Amrisar
what does Adi Grath mean
first book (treatise/Punjabi)
Revered Siks called
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
what does Sri Guru Granth Sahib translate to
reverend teacher Granth
who wrote the Dasam Granth
Guru Gobind Rai
Guru Gobind Rai received the widest acceptance in what
Punjab, region Northwest of India
Jainism Gurus are determined by what
character and not descendants of Nanak
all who write for Adi Granth
The 10th Guru four sons were murdered and declared what the next Guru
Adi Granth
What kind of Gods to Siks believe in
one God that goes by different names
Siks do not believe God has what attributes
what does Sat Nam mean
true name
one om the lord
Karma and reincarnation can be escaped in Sikhism how
remembering God
At death what happens to ones soul
merge with pure light of God
Sikhs practice what
Japji prayers every morning
when do Sikhs worship
sundays at temple
temple (guru’s door)
what is the main feature in a temple
Adi Granth
what do Sikhs do after the service
langar (Potluck)
what is Langar
center of Sikhism
Golden Temple of Amritsar
what was initiated by the 5th Guru
miltaristic traditions in response to persecution
5th Guru’s name
Guru Arjan
who formed the Singhs
Guru Gobind Rai
Singhs stands for
very dedicated Siks do what
kes, kangha, kirpan, kacha, and kara
uncut hair
small comb
small daggar
knee-length underpants
steel bracelet
list the things that dedicated sikhs do what
uncut hair, comb, dagger, knee length underpants, and steel bracelets
The dedicated fellowship of the Sikhs
The Khalsa
The pure
Punjab is part in what two countries
Pakistan and India
what would an independent Sikh state be callled
What Sikh became the two term Prime Minister of India
Mammohan Singh
Mammohan Singh was in power when
Two founders of Baha’I
Ali Muhammad, Mirza Husein Ali
John the Baptist of Bahai
Ali Muhammad
where was Ali Muhammad born
Shiraz persia
In 1844 Ali Muslim did what
declared himself the mouthpiece of the hidden imam (12th and last Shi’a imam)
another name for the mouthpiece of the hidden imam
advocated reforms within Islam for education, moral purity and raising status of women
The one greater than the Bab
followers of the gate
how was Ali Muhammad killed
executed for heresy in Persia in 1850
Who attempted to assassinate the Shah of Persia
Mirza Husein Ali (Baha’ullah)
during his persecution he assumed what name
glory of God
followers are called
Baha’ullah spent 30 years where
Acre prison
how did Baha’ullah spread his doctrine
Most important book of Baha’I
KitabiAydas means
Most Holy Book
Where did Mirza Husein Ali die, in
Acre 1892
Baha’I head quarters
Universal house of Justice
where is the Bahi Universal house of Justice
Mt Carmel
where is Mt. Carmel
Haifa Israel
Baha’I believes that God has relieved himself to how many religious figures
name the nine
abraham, krishna, moses, zoroaster, buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Bab, and Baha’ullah
Oneness of God, portrayed how
depending on what was most needed at the time each Bab appeared
What will advance Bahai’s and the insight of Baha’ullah
oneness of humanity
Are Baha’I prejudice?
no strongly against prejudice
Are men and women equal in Baha’I
what did Baha’I write about equality
man and woman were two wings of one bird (humanity) birds cannot fly w/ both wings
Is Baha’I progressive?
always competitive with science
Summation of all religions as Baha’I states
live a good productive life
As more people live good and productive lives what will happen
there will be peace and unity in the future
what is more important than ritual in Baha’I
Personal piety but social action is stressed more
Baha’i meet for a meal when
every 19 day
who was appointed successor by the Baha’ullah
abbas effendi his son
who succeeded abbas effendi
his grandson shoghi effendi
when shoghi effendi died what happened
representative model
9 members of the BahaI form what
local spiritual assembly n
one leader from each of the nine local spiritual Assembly are sent to what
world parliment