Hinduism Flashcards
perhaps the most sacred syllable or utterance (mantra) in Hinduism. It embodies absolute reality and is the sound that encapsulates all sound. it is chanted in meditation and precedes most Vedic prayers
symbol of fecundity and prosperity, venerated by Hindus, who will not kill or eat it. Linked to Krishna
the Cow
Hinduism abounds with images (murti) of deities whose extraordinary appearance immediately conveys their transhuman nature. Multiple arms, wielding weapons or other items symbolizing the deity’s powers, while specific postures and gestures (mudra) coney messages about the deity’s nature, mythological acts, or teachings.
Divine Images
Cylindrical stone effigy of the male reproductive organ and symbol of Shiva
Stone receptacle into which a linga is often placed. Effigy of the female procreative organ and sybol of the Devi, it is regarded as the source from which creation emerges.
An ancient symbol of well being (svasti) and auspiciousness; often used to decorate entrances of homes and temples, and inscribed on sacred objects
Indus River
Primary texts
Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyaka, and Upanshads. Most popular Bhagavad Gita
Main idea
Life cycle
four stages of life student; householder; retired (hermit) and renouncer (wandering)
Major sects
Vishnu Shiva, Devi
four main classes Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vashya, and Shudra,
The priestly class. Retain and closely guard their authority to learn and teach the Vedas
The ruling class kings, warriors, and landlords
the mercantile class, entitled to study the Vedas, not teach. Farmers and traders
The servant class not allowed to study the Vedas
The classless group many of whom prefer to call themselves Dalits
an ancient city located on the river Ganga and renowned as a center of Vedic learning. It contains temples to many deities but is regarded as particularly dedicated to the god Shiva
Varanasi (Banaras)
One of the four pilgrimage sites at a source of the river Ganga, and the location of a temple dedicated to Vishnu
A city on the river Ganga, where millions of Hindu pilgrims gather for a purifying bath during the Kumbha Mela
Prayag (Allahabad)
One of the most influential monastic centers of Hindu orthodoxy, reputedly established by Shankara
Birthplace and capital city of the mythic god-king Rama
One of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus. It lies at the foothills of the Himalays, where the Ganga descends to the plains. About thirty miles upstream lies the Rishikesh, anotherer city popular for its many yoga and meditation retreat centers
meditation retreat centers are called
Great south Indian temple complex dedicated to Vishnu, it is a center of qualified nondualistic Vedanta philosophy
The most revered literature in Hinduism, possessing the status of shruti (divine)
the four sets of Vedic texts
Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas
The last portion of each set of Vedic texts.
The two great epics, the Ramayana and Mahabharata
the Epics
The Ramayana recount
the eploits of Prince Rama, Vishnu’s seventh incarnation
The Mahabaharata recounts
the Pandavas, five heroic brothers
“The Song of the Lord” A portion of the Mahabharata, consisting of conversation about the purpose of existence between Krishna, a human incarnation of Vishnu, and the warrior Arjuna
The Bhagavad Gita
Large often sectarian, pseudohistorical compediums, containing mythological accounts of the creation, favorite post-Vedic deities, royal dynasties, and holy places
The Puranas
A vast assortment of texts, often written as teachings by deity’s
In early theology, identified witht he destructive principle of the cosmos. To devotees he is the supreme deity who reconciles the seeming polarities of creation and destruction worshiped in the form of an erect linga
All pervading and often depicted blue like the sky, through his incarnations preserves righteousness when forces of chaos and unrighteousness threaten the cosmic order. cosmic kind, resting on an endless serpent
The great Godess, also called Durga, the soucrce and summation of all femal deities, and the power of Shakti that animates the entire cosmos
Popular, elephant-headed, potbellied deity; leader of Shiv’s forces
Eighth incarnation of Vishu
The goddess of prosperity and good fortune, often linked w her consort Vishnu; also known as Shri depicted as a beautiful women seated on a lotus
Kark, fierce goddess who symbolizes time and destruction depicted naked, with disheveled hair and a garland of skulls
The monkey god, protector
four goals or aims
dharama, kama, artha, moksha
an understanding of the meaning of duty or righteousness and its application in one’s life
knowledge of love, sexual and sensual pleasure, joy and happiness
the pursuit of wealth power, and attainments through the development of one’s potential
Liberation through self-realization from the bondage to wordly existence and the cycles of reincarnation
South indian renouncer, known for his Vedanta philosophy of radical nondualism. Brahman which has no attributes is regarded as the absolute and only reality
Proponent of Qualified Nondualistic Vendanta, in which Brahman is the only reality but possesses attributes such as compassion and grace
taught a dualistic Vendanta, in which Brahman is different from human souls and the creation
Bengali saint who popularized public dance and chanting as a form of devotion
founder of the Brahmo Samaj, an organization that emphasized rationalism, humanism and social reform, taught against widow burning
Ram Mohan Roy
founder of the Ramakrshna movement; influenced the West’s knowledge of Hinduism
Swami Vivekananda
Proponent of active but nonviolent resistance to oppression, used in the struggle for Indian independence from British rule
Mahatma Gandi
A path of selfless action described in the Bhagavad Gita. Emphasizes detachment from the outcome of all actions, which should be performed in a spirit of sacrifice to the divine
Karma Yoga
A path that centers on the intellect and is regarded as dificult
Jnana Yoga
an approach introduced in the Bhagavad Gita, calling for loving devotion to a deity
Bhakti Yoga
Royal Yoga, which centers on stopping the turnings of thoughts
Raja Yoga
The yoga of the coiled energy, envisioned as a dormant serpent. awakened energy
Kundalini Yoga
four stages of life
student, householder, forest-dweller, renouncer
originally a period of formal Vedic education with a spiritual mentor
married life during which one is expected to conduct the household rituals contributed to society, and raise children
option prescribed for grandparents or the elderly retiring to the forest
highly esteemed option. It requires conducting one’s own death rituals, abandoning spouse and society, and living entirely off the alms given by others
ONe who presides over the performance of religious rituals
One’s teaher, generally used to designate the most important guid and mentor in one’s spiritual development
A person who is wholly committed to the discipline of yoga
A title bestowed on those who have become renouncers
A generic term used to designate any HIndu holy man.
Males of the twice born classes, particularly Brahmins between eight and thirteen are given a sacred utterance to repeat and a loop of
sacred thread
generally arranged by parents
regarded as the final sacrifice in a person’s life
an optional rite of passage prescribed for people in their old age
A festival of lights celebrated on the new moon between mid October and mid November.
a nine night festival beginning on the new moon between mid September and mid October dedicated to Devi
celebrated in feb and march commemorates the defeat of the demoness Holika color festival
celebrated in honor of Shiva
a pilgrimage to a specific part of a sacred river
Kumbha Mela
divinely heard orthodox hindus
remembered, Hindu sacred writings not just shruti includes the epics
numerous Sanskrit terms are used to describe one’s inner spirit or soul
Several Hindu words derive from the Sanskrit veral root brih to expand. allencopassing absolute reality